Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 920: Peach demon sister VS prince brother (18)

Li Zhiyan struggled for a while, and found that he couldn't even struggle.

He knew that if he didn't swear today, he would really not be able to leave.

Li Zhiyan bit his lip, "Okay! I swear!"

Tao Yanxi looked at Li Zhiyan with her arms around her chest, waiting for his oath.

"I, Li Zhiyan, will never assassinate the current emperor again in the future, otherwise the sky will be struck by five thunders, and I will not die."

Tao Yanxi's eyes narrowed slightly, only to see the golden light flashing on Li Zhiyan's body, this was his oath recognized by the Tao of Heaven.

Tao Yanxi nodded with satisfaction, this time, you don't have to worry about Li Zhiyan again assassinating her brother.

As for the last assassination...

Tao Yanxi's fingers moved slightly, and a white light flicked into Li Zhiyan's eyebrows.

Hmm... let's just let his martial arts improve a little bit not so fast.

Tao Yanxi let go of Li Zhiyan, "You can go."

Li Zhiyan gave Tao Yanxi a deep look and left soon.

Tao Yanxi looked at Li Zhiyan who had disappeared, and sighed, if it weren't for the restriction of heaven, how could she let him go so easily.

But fortunately, at least it can be guaranteed that Li Zhiyan will not assassinate Qin Jingfeng again in the future.

Qin Jingfeng currently has dragon energy to protect his body, but those psychedelic drugs can't cause him any harm.

Moreover, Qin Jingfeng was determined and quickly came out of the bewildered scene.

He never made a sound, just to listen to Tao Yanxi and Li Zhiyan's conversation.

After Tao Yanxi sent Li Zhiyan away, as soon as she turned around, she saw Qin Jingfeng who was staring straight at him.

The eyes are clear and clear, and it should not be affected by hallucinogens.

"Who is he?" Qin Jingfeng asked suddenly.

Tao Yanxi touched her nose and pretended she didn't know anything, "Cough, I don't know."

Do you want her to say that Li Zhiyan came through? Tsk, isn't that leaking the secret? Heaven had to hack her.

Qin Jingfeng lowered his eyes, hiding the emotions in his eyes.

"He's the Chosen One, isn't he?"

Tao Yanxi was surprised, "Where did you hear this?"

"National teacher." Qin Jingfeng said.

Three years ago, the day he ascended the throne, he heard with his own ears that the national teacher said that his throne could not be kept for ten years.

Soon, the Son of Heaven will take his place.

In fact, he didn't care much about the throne, but the words "Son of Heaven's Chosen" were deeply imprinted in his mind.

Qin Jingfeng strode to Tao Yanxi and hugged her.

"Don't leave me." There was a hint of desire in his voice.

If that person just now was really the chosen son, does that mean that Taotao will also be confused by the chosen son?

Does it mean that she might abandon him?

Tao Yanxi patted Qin Jingfeng on the back and said, "I won't leave you, I've always been on your side."

"Yeah." Qin Jingfeng replied in a muffled voice.

"Don't worry, the Son of Heaven will not hurt you." Tao Yanxi comforted Qin Jingfeng and said.

Qin Jingfeng responded in a low voice without explaining anything.

In fact, the Chosen One had already done him harm.

When he was assassinated in the garden that day, he could have avoided it.

But at that time, he clearly felt that there was a force suppressing him.

Although it was only for such a short moment, he really felt it.

At that moment, he seemed to have glimpsed a power that did not belong to this world.

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