Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 931: Don't be shy, brother painter (9)

"You look good." Yu Hongwen said in a low voice.

He lowered his head slightly, and some long hair covered his eyes, making Tao Yanxi unable to see the look in those eyes.

But this sentence alone made Tao Yanxi happy.

"I also think I'm good-looking." Tao Yanxi responded with a smile.

Of course, my brother is also good-looking, hee hee~

Yu Hongwen was startled, as if he did not expect Tao Yanxi to answer such a shameless sentence.

After being stunned, Yu Hongwen couldn't help but raised his head, looked at Tao Yanxi, and laughed.

Yu Hongwen himself is feminine in appearance. In addition, because he has not seen the sun all the year round, his skin is very pale, and he is thin and has no flesh on his face. This smile did not surprise Tao Yanxi, but Feeling a little... um... creepy?

Tao Yanxi tilted her head and touched her arm, but fortunately, she didn't get goosebumps.

"I'm sorry to trouble you these days."

Yu Hongwen's voice was still very low, and he didn't know whether it was because his original tone was always low, or he deliberately lowered his voice.

Yu Hongwen's voice, if you don't listen carefully, you might really miss it.

So every time I chat with Yu Hongwen, Tao Yanxi is really in high spirits, and he must not miss every word his brother said!

"It's okay, it's okay, no trouble." Tao Yanxi waved his hand and said.

"Yeah." Yu Hongwen replied in a low voice.

He stood up, "I should go back."

"Okay, I'll take you to the door." Tao Yanxi also stood up and said.

Yu Hongwen didn't stop Tao Yanxi, he took the lead and walked towards the door.

Tao Yanxi looked at Yu Hongwen's back, thoughtful.

I don't know why, but I always feel that today's Yu Hongwen is a little weird.

Tao Yanxi sent Yu Hongwen to the door, and then closed the door after watching him enter the house.

After Yu Hongwen returned to his room, he turned on the computer, looked at the message sent by Xing Can, and remained silent.

[The girl next door of the heroine is very good and great! The response is super good, hahaha! 】

[The follow-up is that the heroine started to grow up after encountering a murder incident. You have already read the main story, can you grasp it later? 】

【Shen, you have to be strong! Otherwise, I'll have to hire another artist. 】

Yu Hongwen looked at the shining screen, silent, and kept silent.

After an unknown amount of time, Yu Hongwen sat up straight and typed a word on the keyboard.

【Okay. 】

The other side quickly replied: [OK, is it okay to submit the first draft in a week? 】

【Um. 】 Yu Hongwen replied again.

This matter is settled.

Yu Hongwen closed his eyes, but he was thinking of Tao Yanxi.

Yu Hongwen knew that he still didn't understand what emotion was. He just drew the image of Tao Yanxi in his mind, that's all.

However, Xing Can was very satisfied with the peach words in his mind. He said that those people's designs are full of emotions in the superb skills, which is rare and valuable.

But what are emotions?

Yu Hongwen didn't know, he was just drawing Tao Yanxi.

Now, the first stage of the character design has ended, he could have refused to agree to the subsequent character design, that is not what he is good at.

However, he agreed.

Because he wanted to know what the "emotion" in Xing Can's mouth was...

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