Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 932: Don't be shy, brother painter (10)

For the next three days, apart from having dinner with Tao Yanxi, Yu Hongwen stayed at home every day and drew pictures of people over and over again.

He revised it over and over again, but became increasingly dissatisfied.

He looked at the bewildered girl painted on the computer and pursed his lips.

No, it doesn't feel right.

Yu Hongwen lowered his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

There were four days left until the first draft was due, and he didn't want to be rejected again.

Moreover, his current state of painting is getting worse and worse.

Yu Hongwen stood up and walked out of the door.


There was a knock on the door, and Tao Yanxi, who was applying a mask, clapped her hands and looked at the door strangely.

It's so late, who could it be?

Tao Yanxi opened the door and saw Yu Hongwen standing outside.

"Huh?" Tao Yanxi quickly took off the mask and looked at him in surprise.

This is the first time he took the initiative to find himself!

"Good evening." Yu Hongwen looked at Tao Yanxi and smiled, "Is there any fruit? I suddenly want to eat some fruit."

"There are some." Tao Yanxi said quickly, she turned sideways, "You come first."

Yu Hongwen nodded and walked in.

Tao Yanxi threw the mask away and hurriedly went to cut fruit for him.

There are some pineapples and small tomatoes at home. She washed the small tomatoes and cut some pineapples and put them on the plate.

"Eat it." Tao Yanxi said.

Yu Hong warmly thanked him and ate slowly.

"Can I take it home to eat?" Yu Hongwen asked suddenly after taking two bites.

Tao Yanxi was taken aback for a moment, and she didn't ask Yu Hongwen why she wanted to take it back, she just nodded and said, "Of course."

Tao Yanxi guessed that Yu Hongwen wanted to slowly enjoy the delicious fruit alone?

Anyway, when she eats, she doesn't like others to rob her, except for her brother!

Yu Hongwen held the plate with the fruit, thanked him again, and turned to leave.

Returning to the room, Yu Hongwen looked at the plate that he had placed next to the computer, and the color of his eyes gradually darkened.

The room was dark, only the light from the computer reflected on Yu Hongwen's face, casting a shadow.

The next day, Tao Yanxi went to Yu Hongwen for breakfast early in the morning.

She knocked on the door for a while, but no one responded.

Tao Yanxi called out a few more times, but still no one answered.

At noon, she went to Yu Hongwen again, but still no one responded.

At six o'clock in the evening, Tao Yanxi heard some noise outside the door.

She hurriedly opened the door and happened to see Yu Hongwen who was opening the door with a bag.

"You went out today?" Tao Yanxi asked.

Yu Hongwen's figure froze, and replied with a low "um".

"I said I called you today and you didn't respond. It turned out that I was going out, which made me worry for a day." Tao Yanxi patted her chest and said.

Yu Hongwen opened the door and didn't look at Tao Yanxi, but said in a low voice, "Well, I have something to do today."

After speaking, Yu Hongwen walked into the room and closed the door.

Across the door, he said "good night".

Tao Yanxi scratched her head, always feeling that Yu Hongwen was a little weird.

But she couldn't tell where she was to blame, but Yu Hongwen actually took the initiative to go out shopping today, which was a big improvement.

Tao Yanxi sighed and closed the door.

At night, Yu Hongwen's room was dark, and even the computer was blacked out.

The curtains were drawn tightly, and the moonlight could not see through.

The night is still very long...

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