Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 950: Brother spy, do you want a shot? (9)

Xiao Dongdong, Xiao Changdong, aren't they all alone?

She wanted to know when Xiao Dongdong would admit that she was Xiao Changdong.

"What about others?" Xiao Dongdong asked quickly, only feeling a little hot on his cheeks.

This shouldn't be his normal reaction.

Obviously he is already an old driver!

However, I don't know why, when Tao Yanxi said these words, he was shy for no reason.

In the end, he was just an eighteen-year-old young man.

"Gone." Tao Yanxi's eyes were lonely, "I don't know where he went."

Xiao Dongdong actually wanted to tell her that he was here.

But reason told him that if he confessed to Tao Yanxi, Tao Yanxi would definitely hate him.

Because the first purpose of his contact with Tao Yanxi was not simple.

Whether it is to seduce her, fake identity or use hacking technology to intercept other job applicants' resumes to approach her, these purposes are not simple.

Not simply approaching is doomed to be fruitless.

A trace of loss flashed in Xiao Dongdong's eyes, but he quickly calmed down.

As a spy, one cannot have personal emotions!

Xiao Dongdong told himself that it was all fruitless, fruitless!

He meditated in his mind several times before cutting off the reverie that had just sprouted.

"Mr. Tao, the coffee is going to be cold." Xiao Dongdong reminded Tao Yanxi.

Tao Yanxi responded with an "um" and took a sip of coffee.

The coffee Xiao Dongdong brews is more bitter, probably because he likes bitterness, so he thinks she likes bitterness too.

"Go back and be your own." Tao Yanxi said lightly.

Xiao Dongdong nodded, turned around and returned to his position.

Tao Yan suddenly saw that Xiao Dongdong was busy with her own business, so she opened the cabinet and took out a small box.

She opened the box and there were some sugar cubes in it.

Tao Yanxi threw two sugar cubes into the coffee, stirred it again, and took a sip.

The sweetness spread in her mouth, Tao Yanxi's brows stretched out, this was the coffee she wanted to drink.

She prefers sweet things to bitter ones.

Sweet, probably can really heal people.


After get off work, Xiao Dongdong followed Tao Yanxi back home.

Tao Yanxi personally cooked a meal, and the two enjoyed it very much.

After dinner, Tao Yanxi went to the study to deal with some documents.

And Xiao Dongdong also returned to his bedroom and contacted the organization.

In the study, Tao Yanxi was deleting one by one research institutes or pharmaceutical companies that could cooperate.

The first goal is naturally to find it in mainland China, but unfortunately, there are very few people who meet her conditions.

Tao Yanxiao selected two research institutes and one company. She decided to meet the bosses of these three organizational units to see if there was any possibility of cooperation.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Tao Yanxi came to Xiao Dongdong's door.


The knock on the door sounded, Xiao Dongdong was startled, quickly picked up the glasses next to him and put them on, then wrapped the bathrobe tightly around him before going to open the door.

"Now book a ticket to City B tomorrow, and you will follow me to City B tomorrow." Tao Yan said immediately when the door opened.

When her eyes fell on Xiao Dongdong's face, she realized that his face was flushed, as if he had performed some kind of discordant movement.

Tao Yanxi raised her brows, "What are you doing in the room?"

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