Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 951: Brother spy, do you want a shot? (10)

"Just... just finished taking a shower." Xiao Dongdong said in a low voice.

I don't know why, when he came into contact with Tao Yanxi's eyes, he always felt as if he had done something incredible?

But he really just took a shower!

Tao Yanqi looked at it and saw that Xiao Dongdong's hair was indeed a little wet, so he didn't bother about this anymore.

"You remember to book your ticket." After Tao Yanxi finished speaking, she turned and left.

Xiao Dongdong looked at Tao Yanxi's back and scratched his head.

Came to his room at night just to get him to book a flight?

Obviously it can be said by WeChat, right?

A woman's heart, a needle at the bottom of the sea, I don't understand.

Xiao Dongdong lay on the bed, booked the air ticket, booked the hotel, and played the game for a while before falling asleep.

The next day, Tao Yanxi and Xiao Dongdong flew to City B.

After arriving at the hotel where Xiao Dongdong placed the order, they were told that there was a problem with the hotel's room today, and currently they can only provide them with a queen room.

It was their hotel's fault and they were willing to give a full refund.

Seeing that it was getting late, Tao Yan didn't want to toss anymore, so she turned her head and asked Xiao Dongdong, "A room, do you mind?"

Xiao Dongdong shook his head subconsciously. In his consciousness, he was still thinking about stealing the formula. Of course, a room is a lot more convenient.

"If you don't go back, just have a room." Tao Yanxi said to the person at the front desk.

The people at the front desk quickly checked in for them. After Tao Yanxi got the room card, she went upstairs with Xiao Dongdong.

Their room was on the ninth floor, and it was a quick ride by elevator.

Because of the rush to come out, Tao Yanxi only brought two sets of clothes and the necessary computer, and did not bring any other toiletries.

Fortunately, there are a lot of things prepared in the hotel, so she doesn't need to worry about them.

After entering the room, Tao Yanxi looked at Xiao Dongdong, who was a little embarrassed, and said with a smile, "You can do whatever you want, you don't need to be so nervous."

"Mmmm." Xiao Dongdong nodded casually.

Said he was nervous, but he wasn't nervous, but he felt... um... a little uncomfortable.

This was probably the first time he was so passive with a girl, especially after he noticed that he was a little bit different from Tao Yanxi, he was even more unaccustomed to it.

Fortunately, Xiao Dongdong quickly adjusted his mentality.

"I laid the floor at night." Xiao Dongdong said, "I'll ask them for a set of quilts later.

Tao Yanxi raised her eyebrows, and there was a glimmer of light in her eyes.

"What? Feeling ashamed to sleep in the same bed with me?"

"No, no." Xiao Dongdong shook his head again and again, "There are differences between men and women..."

"Pfft." Tao Yanxi chuckled, "It's been 9012 years, why are there differences between men and women?"

"Have a good rest tonight, and tomorrow we're going to visit the people from the KC Institute."

Xiao Dongdong was taken aback, "KC Research Institute?"

Tao Yanxi nodded lightly, "Well, regarding the development of anti-cancer drugs, we need to find research institutes or companies for cooperation."

This project is too big for her company to eat.

Xiao Dongdong opened his mouth and wanted to tell Tao Yanxi that his organization could also cooperate.

But he still did not say this sentence in the end, and it was exposed when he said it.

Moreover, the situation of the organization is inconvenient for outsiders to disclose.

Xiao Dongdong swallowed the words that came to his mouth, and lowered his head a little lonely.

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