Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 955: Brother spy, do you want a shot? (14)

The more Xiao Changdong spoke, the quieter his voice became. When he got to the back, Tao Yanxi could hardly hear him.

"It seems that your organization has taught quite a lot." Tao Yanxi said, these are all taught, but isn't it a lot?

Xiao Changdong coughed lightly, and explained with a little shyness in his voice: "This is all very necessary."

After all, in case of encountering a color embryo task object, sometimes you have to sacrifice your body.

Moreover, Xiao Changdong glanced at Tao Yanxi secretly, and his ears turned even redder.

He always felt that the object of this task seemed to be a color embryo...

Otherwise, when she met her for the first time, how could she be turned into bed by herself so easily?

Moreover, the way he rides on himself now really looks like a womanizer...

Xiao Changdong murmured in his heart, but he maintained a shy look on his face.

Tao Yanxi chuckled, "It seems that your organization can do great things."

"Of course!" Xiao Changdong said with puffed cheeks.

They are well organized, but they are not as cruel and severe as rumored, they are very humane.

What he has learned is of interest to him, and the people in the organization will not force him.

Hmm... Of course, other than that aspect is definitely not his interest!

It was Sister Hua in the organization who insisted that he was too innocent and needed to learn so that he could better complete the task.

It's learning anyway, but he doesn't think it matters, it's just... just a little embarrassing.

Seeing Xiao Changdong's behavior, Tao Yanxi became more and more curious about the organization in his mouth.

"Since your organization has taught you so much, how about we try it?" Tao Yanxi asked with raised eyebrows.

Her hand reached into Xiao Changdong's pajamas, and her cool fingers touched his hot skin, causing Xiao Changdong to tremble.

"Also... still... forget it." Anyway, the mission has been completed, so there is no need to sacrifice your body, right?

Xiao Changdong was still a little afraid of Tao Yanxi, he always felt that if he was a little careless, he would be eaten by Tao Yanxi.

Obviously I have never felt this way before, since when did it start?

Xiao Changdong frowned slightly, as if recalling something.

Tao Yanxi's hand reached up and came to the dogwood on his chest.

She teased it lightly, causing Xiao Changdong to froze, looking at Tao Yanxi in disbelief.

"You...you..." He blushed, looking like he couldn't help but want to take a bite.

Tao Yan got a funny thought, nodded with a smile and said, "Well, me."

Xiao Changdong was speechless, why didn't he find out that Tao Yanxi was so shameless?

Is every successful person so shameless?

Tao Yanxi saw that Xiao Changdong did not resist, and the other hand came to his lower abdomen.

Press the index finger against the lower abdomen, slowly slide down, and then slowly slide down.

When you came to the edge of the pajama pants, you only need to pick it up slightly, and the pajama pants can be lifted up, revealing the scenery inside.

Tao Yanxi chuckled lightly and picked up her pajama pants.

She looked down and raised her eyebrows.

"Looks like you're bold."

She was so bold that she didn't even wear panties, um... a little bigger than she thought.

Xiao Changdong bit his lip and explained in a low voice, "I... I forgot to bring it."

He would rather not wear dirty underwear than wear it!

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