Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 956: Brother spy, do you want a shot? (15)

Tao Yanxi raised her eyebrows, not knowing whether she believed it or not.

She blew a whistle, with a bit of a hooligan air.

"looks great."

When Xiao Changdong heard this, he raised his head with pride on his face.

"That is."

Tao Yanxi couldn't help laughing, and there was a bit of a smile in her voice.

"Looks like you're proud?"

Xiao Changdong was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized what the situation was.

He snorted softly and said arrogantly, "No!"

Besides, why is he so proud of himself! What's up! Have you eaten your rice?

"Then have you ever seen its hardest look?" Tao Yanxi asked.

Xiao Changdong tilted his head and expressed his unwillingness to answer this question.

"Looks like it should be gone."

Tao Yanxi said that her little hand immediately ripped off his pajama pants and held his big baby at the same time.

Xiao Changdong only felt a cool and soft hand wrapped around him, making him suddenly not know how to react.

Tao Yanxi's hand moved slowly, and Xiao Changdong quickly reacted with Tao Yanxi's movements.

There was a trace of abnormal blush on his cheeks, and there seemed to be tears in his eyes, which looked a bit pitiful.

Tao Yanxi licked her lips, and her fingers moved faster.

A few minutes later, Xiao Changdong looked at his eldest baby pitifully, and then looked at Tao Yanxi who had already sat next to him and started to work, wanting to cry without tears.

Women are big hooves! Oh no, pickled chicken feet!

Tao Yanxi noticed Xiao Changdong's gaze, turned her head to look at Xiao Changdong and said, "Why? Why don't you go to the bathroom to take a cold shower?"

Xiao Changdong looked at Tao Yanxi angrily, "You obviously provoked it, shouldn't you solve it?"

"I solve it?" Tao Yanxi raised an eyebrow, "Would you like to chop it?"

Xiao Changdong shivered and quickly covered his big baby.

"You can solve it yourself." Xiao Changdong muttered, getting up and going to the bathroom in embarrassment.

Tao Yanxi looked at Xiao Changdong's back and laughed rudely.

Oops, I'm addicted to teasing my brother.

It is also fortunate that the elder brother in this world is relatively simple, if the elder brother from another world is replaced...

Tao Yanxi shuddered suddenly, oh, she didn't even dare to think about the consequences.

After Tao Yanxi adjusted her mentality, she processed some urgent documents.

After Xiao Changdong came out of the bathroom, Tao Yanxi was already lying on the bed and sleeping.

Xiao Changdong thought he gave Tao Yanxi a vicious look, and then went to bed angrily.

After getting to the bed, he pulled the quilt angrily, pulling all the quilts on Tao Yanxi's body directly onto himself.

After Tao Yanxi lost the quilt, she felt a little cold in a daze.

She subconsciously went to look for the heat source, and when she did, she directly found Xiao Changdong, and then hugged him with both hands and feet.

The entangled Xiao Changdong's body froze, and he didn't dare to move.

If Tao Yanxi wakes up, who knows what tricks she will play?

Xiao Changdong told himself to hold his breath, calm his mind, and sleep.

He closed his eyes and began to fool himself to sleep.

The night gradually deepened, and Xiao Changdong also fell into a sweet dream, unaware that he and Tao Yanxi had become hugging each other.

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