Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 960: Brother spy, do you want a shot? (19)

As the person in charge of the organization, Xiao Changdong has a lot to sort out.

And he had to send the information compiled by Tao Yanxi to the organization, and the organization needed to conduct experimental research based on Tao Yanxi's information.

Then the organization will return the experimental data, and then a series of integrations will be carried out here.

Both the company and the organization have become very busy.

Although Tao Yanxi is busy, most of the things are done by the people below, so compared to Xiao Changdong, she is actually not that busy.

But Xiao Changdong is really busy.

Sometimes when he is busy, Tao Yanxi may not be able to see others.

This made Tao Yanxi begin to doubt her decision to let Xiao Changdong be the person in charge.

It is clear that Hu Roufei is more suitable to be the person in charge, but Xiao Changdong's temperament is actually pure and simple, not as vigorous and resolute as Hu Roufei's side, which also led to many decisions being stuck with Xiao Changdong for a long time.

It was not until Tao Yanxi came forward that a formal decision was made.

Days passed, and vaccines and medicines were quickly completed with Tao Yanxi's blessing.

The next step is to promote it to the public.

But before that, it needs to be recognized by the industry.

There is no need for Tao Yanxi to worry about this matter. There are some authoritative people in the medical field over there. As long as you recommend it, you can let the people in the industry know.

People in the industry knew about it, and some businessmen with dog noses came over when they smelled the wind.

Because the whole thing Tao Yanxi was behind the scenes, most people only knew that Xiao Changdong was the person in charge.

And this also means that Xiao Changdong's hands are very likely to have research formulas for those medicines and so on.

Therefore, those businessmen inevitably stared at Xiao Changdong.

It had been a month since Tao Yanxi and Xiao Changdong had dinner last time.

And after a month, when Tao Yanxi saw Xiao Changdong again, it was when Xiao Changdong was facing kidnapping.

Originally on this day, Tao Yanxi planned to pick up Xiao Changdong for a delicious meal in person.

As a result, just after I parked the car in the garage, I saw a familiar figure not far away covered in a sack.

Tao Yanxi:  …

This quilt sack posture is really too skilled.

Tao Yanxi walked over quickly, trying to rescue Xiao Changdong, who would have thought that the action over there would be faster.

Before she could get close to Xiao Changdong, those people threw him into the van and quickly slipped away.

Tao Yanxi:  …

Tao Yanxi could only start the car and follow the van.

At the same time, she contacted the people below and asked for their assistance.

The van seemed to notice that Tao Yanxi was following her, and it flicked its tail, sending out a puff of black smoke. With the help of the traffic lights, it quickly slipped away.

Tao Yanxi looked at the van that had slipped away with a deep expression.

These people are really good, and all the kidnappers have kidnapped her.

Tao Yanxi quickly contacted the public security department and asked them to assist her, making sure to find Xiao Changdong.

On the other side, Xiao Changdong, who was kidnapped inexplicably:...

Kidnapped for the first time, excited!

You must know that in the past, he kidnapped others!

In order to prevent Xiao Changdong from remembering the road, his eyes were covered with black cloth.

His hands were also tied behind his back, and he didn't know what the rope was made of, which made his hands hurt a little.

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