Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 961: Brother spy, do you want a shot? (20)

The van did not know how long it had been driving, but it finally stopped.

Xiao Changdong felt that two burly men grabbed his arms and took him off somewhere.

Xiao Changdong moved his fingers and whispered, "Brother, can you be gentle? I hurt."

"Little white face, hold back!" said the big man on the left.

Before Xiao Changdong could answer, he heard the big man on the right say, "Kiss you?"

The big guy on the left:  …

"Bum, why are you so naive now?"

The big man on the left pushed the big man on the right, and the big man on the right released Xiao Changdong at once.

"Who are you talking about? Did you see the muscles on Lao Tzu's body? Scared you to death!"

"You can pull it down." The big man on the right said, "You don't have as many muscles as me! Especially that place, it's pitifully small! Hahahahahaha!"

"Who do you say is small? Who do you say is small?" The big guy on the left pushed the big guy on the right again.

This time, the big man on the right also let go of Xiao Changdong.

"You're young! You're young! Last time I took a bath, I saw it!" said the big man on the right.

Then Xiao Changdong only heard a crackling sound. From the sound alone, he could imagine the scene. It must be a sword, light, sword, shadow, and blood.

And then... there is no then.

I don't know why Xiao Changdong is standing here:...

"Two big brothers, are you still there?" Xiao Changdong asked tentatively.

No one answered him.

Xiao Changdong:  …

"I...I untied the rope myself?" Xiao Changdong asked again.

Still no one answered him.

Xiao Changdong:  …

So what's the point of this kidnapping?

Xiao Changdong spent some effort to untangle the rope, he tore off the black cloth covering his eyes, and then saw two muscular men lying on the ground.

He subconsciously looked towards the two of them, um... Visually, it shouldn't be too big.

Xiao Changdong kicked one of the men, but did not respond.

He thought about it and tied the two with a rope.

After doing all this, he looked around.

The surrounding is desolate, not even a building can be seen, and there are abandoned wheat fields everywhere, which is very desolate.

Xiao Changdong's mobile phone fell on the car, and the van left after dropping them just now.

Xiao Changdong began to doubt the IQ of these kidnappers, so he let two people look at him. Is this doubting his ability?

After all, he also came from orthodox training.

The sky was getting dark, Xiao Changdong picked a direction and started walking.

As for the two big men, there should be people from his organization to meet them, right?

The main thing for him now is to get out of this wheat field.

Xiao Changdong didn't know how long he had been gone, all he knew was that he was tired and thirsty.

The moon hangs high in the sky, illuminating the way forward for him, but making him unable to see the end.

Desolation and desolation have become the best adjectives for this wheat field.

Xiao Changdong was very tired from walking. He wanted to stop, but his reason told him that he could not stop.

As he walked, his lips became chapped.

On the other side, Tao Yanxi had already found the direction of the van.

She sent someone out to find Xiao Changdong, but when she followed the place where the van was going, she could only find two burly men tied up.

However, Xiao Changdong himself was nowhere to be seen.

Tao Yanxi looked at the endless wheat field, frowning slightly.

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