Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 963: Brother spy, do you want a shot? (twenty two)

Tao Yanxi and Hu Roufei went outside, and the two found a quiet room and sat down face to face.

"I gave him to you, not to let you hurt him." Hu Roufei said first.

Tao Yanxi knew that he was unreasonable, and thought it was a sincere admission.

"It won't happen again in the future."

Tao Yanxi looked at Hu Roufei and said.

Hu Roufei stared at Tao Yanxi, "It's good for you to open your mouth, why don't you see any actual action?"

Tao Yanxi pursed her lips, "I have always protected him."

His own brother, of course, protects himself.

Hu Roufei snorted coldly, obviously ignoring Tao Yanxi's words.

Tao Yanxi looked at Hu Roufei, her eyes slightly darkened.

"I think I have a good attitude. If you insist on making trouble, then there is nothing to talk about between us."

Hu Roufei snorted coldly when she heard this.

Kidnapping is impossible to prevent, and in the final analysis, Tao Yanxi can't be blamed too much.

But she was just out of breath.

This is the first time Xiao Changdong is doing a mission, and he has put himself in. How can this make her feel good?

In fact, Hu Roufei knew in her heart that Xiao Changdong had always regarded her as her sister.

But she just wasn't reconciled, and she wasn't reconciled to the fact that the person she had been guarding was so humiliated by the pig Tao Yanxi!

Hu Roufei's face sank, she pursed her lips, and did not speak.

Tao Yanxi looked at Hu Roufei and sighed.

"I know you care about him, don't worry, I will take good care of him."

Tao Yanxi also understood Hu Roufei's heart. Although they were rivals in love, it was fortunate that Hu Roufei was not bad-hearted, and her three views were very positive. If it wasn't for Xiao Changdong, she felt that she could be friends with Hu Roufei.

The two looked at each other, and both saw the same meaning in each other's eyes.

Tao Yanxi's mouth twitched into a smile, Hu Roufei took a deep breath when she saw this, and also evoked a smile.

On the other side, Xiao Changdong woke up leisurely.

He sat up and recalled what had happened earlier.

He remembered that he seemed to be kidnapped, and he kept walking and walking, and...

He seems to have seen Tao Yanxi?

So, he was saved by Tao Yanxi?

Xiao Changdong breathed a sigh of relief, it felt so good to go home.

Xiao Changdong stood up, then poured a glass of water and drank slowly.

"Are you awake?" Tao Yanxi's voice suddenly came.

Xiao Changdong tilted his head slightly and saw Tao Yanxi.

"Well." Xiao Changdong's mouth twitched into a smile, "It's good to go home."

Xiao Changdong relaxed when he saw Tao Yanxi.

For Xiao Changdong, Tao Yanxi is the landing point of his sense of security.

"Hu Roufei came here just now." Tao Yanxi said.

Xiao Changdong was taken aback, "Sister Hu has been here? Where's her?"

"It's gone." Tao Yanxi said.

Xiao Changdong responded with an "Oh".

Tao Yanxi saw that Xiao Changdong's face was not disappointed, and the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened.

She walked to Xiao Changdong's side, tiptoed slightly, and kissed Xiao Changdong's lips.

Xiao Changdong closed his eyes and accepted Tao Yanxi's kiss.

Tao Yanxi's movements were very gentle, as if he was dealing with some precious treasure.

Tao Yanxi's hand wrapped around Xiao Changdong's waist and deepened the kiss at the same time.

The lips of the two are close to each other, which also represents the closeness of the soul to the soul.

The cup in Xiao Changdong's hand has been put aside by him, and he turns to put his arms around Tao Yanxi and dance with her... ——————————————————

The author has something to say: I'm not in good health recently, I may have to go to the hospital several times, I'll try my best to update it, sigh :-(

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