Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 964: Rogue policewoman sister VS calm forensic brother (1)

Xiao Changdong and Tao Yanxi quickly established a relationship.

After this time, Xiao Changdong confirmed his intentions.

At the moment when he was about to fall into a coma, all he thought about was Tao Yanxi alone.

Although he may not love her enough to sacrifice his life for her now, he thinks that he will love her more and more.

Because Tao Yanxi is worthy of love in itself.

After Tao Yanxi knew Xiao Changdong's intentions, she became more and more kind to him.

The cooperation with the organization has been carried out amicably. In just three years, many anti-cancer drugs have been promoted to the market.

As for the male protagonist, um... I don't know which school he is still staying in.

Tao Yanxi and Xiao Changdong held a grand wedding, and that day, Hu Roufei became their witness.

Later, Xiao Changdong knew Hu Roufei's intentions and intentionally maintained a relationship with her.

Although he has always regarded Hu Roufei as his sister, but now that he has Tao Yanxi, he must avoid these relationships that may lead to ambiguity and misunderstanding.

Xiao Changdong's sensible and well-behaved appearance made Tao Yanxi couldn't help laughing.

My brother is really my own brother, the one who loves her the most.

Tao Yanxi and Xiao Changdong lived happily together until a long time later, Xiao Changdong left this world with a smile.

Tao Yanxi collected the soul fragments that belonged to her brother, and then left this world.

When Tao Yanxi became conscious again, a **** smell came from his nose.

She frowned subconsciously and slowly opened her eyes.

What caught her eye was a severed hand, and she could even clearly see the blood-red flesh on it.

Tao Yanxi suppressed the desire to vomit and stood up.

This is a very dilapidated room, and there are various forensic signs in the room.

"Peach, why are you still standing there?" a man walked in from the door and asked, looking at her.

Tao Yanxi was still receiving the memory of the original body, and for the time being, he still couldn't figure out the situation in front of him.

"I said why is there an arm missing outside, so it's here."

The man skipped Tao Yanxi, picked up the forensic machine in his hand and took a few pictures.

Then he called someone to clean up the broken arm, trying to clean up the scene as soon as possible.

"Peach, I know that this is your first time out of the police, and it's still a scene like this. I know you're uncomfortable, otherwise, why don't you stay outside?" Zhang Fangzhang said.

Tao Yanxi nodded, her face slightly pale.

Zhang Fangzhang sighed, turned around and went to work on other things.

Tao Yanxi walked out of the house, only to realize that it was a basement.

The dark basement seemed to foreshadow something, and it looked a little gloomy.

Tao Yanxi walked to the police car, took a deep breath, and took care of the original body's memory.

The original is a person who wanted to be a criminal police officer since she was a child, and she did become a glorious criminal police officer in the end.

It's just unfortunate that the original body encountered the scene of such a corpse dismemberment case when he first went to the police, and he was a little unstable on the spot.

During the investigation, the broken arm moved a bit because of muscle memory, and the original body became cold on the spot.

At this time, she came through.

Now her identity is a newly recruited criminal policeman, and no one in the team knows her, um... she can use her own nature.

As for the people who know the original body, they are far abroad and should not come back for the time being.

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