Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 116 - I Would Be Jealous

The atmosphere in one private room of a restaurant was much more peaceful compared to the scene that was just unfolded in the Moray Hospital VIP room.

As promised, Yelena was having dinner with King Lawrence and compared to the other two meetings, she was much more at ease. Just like Felix, the father also had some magnetic trait in him which made people drawn to him. Both father and son were the types of man who could easily befriend anyone.

"Did you finish your task well? I bet you did. I heard how great you are in your job." King Lawrence said to Yelena.

During his stay here in Silveren, he asked some high ranking officers about this Captain. All he heard was a positive response. Every single one of them was all praise for this young woman.

Though he hated to admit it, he even wondered how his son managed to win over a woman like her! There would be many men who would die to have her and each one of them will surely be well-mannered and caring than his son. He admitted that his son was a brat.

Little did the King knows that one's behaviour towards their family and their lover were hardly the same! On top of that, there was a long-lived crack in their family.

"It went well but I'm not as great as you thought." The way she was distracted from performing her task crossed the Captain's mind. She admitted that her task yesterday was done half-heartedly and she felt guilty for it. The demo was so important for the upcoming mission which will be performed by the Zaro Special Forces.

Being an intelligent man, the King understood right away that something was going with her. Her behaviour said so but he didn't say anything.

"I heard that the Queen is sick. You must be really anxious, Father. Did I stop you from returning? I mean, this dinner." Yelena asked. After talking with Felix last night, she blamed herself for being so thoughtless. Well, it's all because of the Prince's unpredictable nature!

She still needs to talk to the Prince too. She didn't check her phone all day and keep it in a silent mode. She only took a look once to see the King's message and at that time, there were several missed calls from Felix! It seemed like he was quite anxious but it's good. He will at least learn something from this.

"Don't think too much, Yelena. The Queen will be fine. Her fever had gone down a lot and I will be able to see her tomorrow." The King calmly said to her. "Why? Did Felix said something to you?" He mused. Why did she seem so apologetic?

"I heard that you have to come all the way here just because you wish to meet me," Yelena uttered. "I felt ashamed when I heard that." Holding a knife and a fork, she placed her hands on the table, narrowing her eyes at her thighs.

"You don't have to. It's my choice to come here, Yelena. Besides, I don't regret it. I think I started to understand my son, all thanks to this visit." The King stated with a smile. She always put him in awe. One time, she would be confident and daring in her words. The other time, she seemed timid and insecure. How many traits does she really have?!

Yelena raised a brow at the King's words. "You mean?" She asked, confused.

"I mean that I would be really glad to welcome you to my family. You're such an amazing young woman who is too hard to reject." The King dryly said.

"Really? But why?" She blurted out but covered her mouth with her hands right away. Lowering her hands, she was at a loss for words. "I mean... No... What I tried to say it that... " She stumbled upon her words and that earned her a chuckle from the King.

"I just realized that you also have a clumsy side." King Lawrence remarked with a wry smile. "Did you asked me why? It's because I don't want to have regrets. In the future, if I see you as the daughter-in-law of another family, I would be jealous. If I have to see my son as a broken man each day, I would regret it more than ever. I want to avoid such things." He dryly added but a wry smile still plastered his face.

"Your son is just like you, Your Majesty. He is always so good in words and so do you." The Captain commented without much thought.

King Lawrence burst out into a laughter. "I know. As they say, like father like son." He made a deliberate paused. "You are also not bad. I'm always blown away by your bold yet calculative choice of words."

"Bold?" She asked with a bit of disbelief. When did she ever talk to him boldly? 

"Yes. Sometimes bold and sometimes shy. Don't tell me that you already forget all the things that you said to me in our first and second meeting?!" The King doubt that she would forget. Her memory won't be that bad!

Yelena briefly recalled and realized all the things she said. How both decisions were a risk for her and how she declared that she didn't plan to marry until she solved her brother's case. It's true. She was quite bold.

"I'm always amazed by your many traits, Yelena. I wonder how much more is hidden inside you." The King remarked when he noticed her embarrassment. He was playful just like his son!

"It's not that I have many traits," Yelena said. "In the army, we are taught to always talk and act according to the timing. It had become a habit." She clarified with an awkward smile.

"Oh! I understand. I also served in the army for two years when I was a Crown Prince. The soldier which his enemy considered as the bravest and toughest is also an obedient and compliant soldier before his superior. Do you mean that?" The King asked. His eyes twinkled with amusement.

"Yes. I live that way for 6 years and I think I have grown accustomed to it." Yelena remarked.

"That's great. It will give you great self-control. And do you know, Yelena? The ones who are great at controlling themselves make the greatest ally and the scariest enemy." The King stated with a proud smile. He was truly satisfied with this young woman who might soon be his daughter-in-law.

"I will remember that," Yelena responded.

"Good. I will be returning to my country tomorrow. Do you have plans with my son this weekend? He always comes to you excitedly whenever the weekend arrives." The King said jokingly.

"I plan to be the one to visit him this time. The Queen also wish to see me and I think it will be great to meet her." Yelena wondered what the King's reaction might be. Will he be worried about the Queen?

"Nicola said that?" King Lawrence's eyes widened in surprise but soon, it was replaced by excitement. "That's great! Come to my country and meet the rest of the family. You will love it." He exclaimed with eagerness.....

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