Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 117 - Traitor Among Us

It was around 9 p.m. in Silveren. In the VIP room of Moray Hospital, the situation was much calm compared to before. Lexus sat next to the bed while Gina lay on the bed. The whole time, her eyes were fixated on him yet she didn't show any expression, just calm.

"I got a call from Fabian in the evening. He told me that he finds someone with a scorpion tattoo. So, I left to check it out." Lexus started. "But they lost him just after I left the hospital. That's why I called Philip and told him that they don't have to come and I come back right away."

"But Gina, your cousin was already on his way when I called him. So, he said that he will finish his scheduled appointment first and he will come here with Sophie. They might almost be here."

"Your brother is a businessman, so he is very busy. But he still prioritizes you the most. When I said that I have an urgent matter to attend to, he put aside all his other business matters right away." He calmly explained to Gina.

He waited for her to calm down first and planned to ask her what happened. Now, he thought that it was the time. He wanted to know what made her behave like that. Why did she try to kill herself again? She had already recovered so much!

"Gina." He holds her hand as he called her name. "What happened during I was gone? Did someone come here?" He asked. 

He heard from Fabian that the place where they saw the scorpion tattoo man was not that far from this hospital. Fabian was convinced that he got the right man because the stature and features of the man he saw were similar to what the daughter of the guard said to Cayden. The daughter didn't remember the man's face but some of his features.

Lexus almost shuddered when he connects the timing of everything. Did the scorpion tattoo man come here? Was it the reason why Gina freaked out and lose control?!

Gina didn't respond to the question even physically. Instead, tears were forming in her eyes when she thought about the things that happened about two hours ago.

"Gina, you are safe with me. Tell me what happened or please, tell me just the name." He put a book and pen next to her, hoping that she would write something but she didn't make any movement.

Gina wished to do as Lexus asked but... what would be the consequences? During the past years, she was reminded, again and again of the things that will happen if she ever exposed Alonzo! She was the puppet and he was the string-puller. No one knew that.

"Gina, please. I want you to trust me. I will make this room guarded and no one will be able to come here again. You will be safe. This is an important matter, Gina. Many lives depend on this." Lexus pleaded with her once more.

He tried his best not to give her so much pressure but he wanted to protect her from whatever she was afraid of! He didn't want another loss of life but be could only prevent it if she tells him the most important information. The one behind her. The one who made her this way.

Gina tightly clenched her fist that was covered by a blanket. She would already say it if she would be the only one to be thrown in danger but it concerned other lives! One was certain and the others were also not impossible to happen!

When Gina didn't say anything, Lexus felt helpless. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he take out his phone and calls Felix.

It was already 11 in Edeladon and Felix just retreated to his room after staying with his mother. Walking inside his room, he immediately picked up the call he received from Lexus.

"Hello, Lex."

"Felix, are you free to talk now? I have something important to tell you."

"Yes. What is the matter?" Felix asked as he took a seat in the armchair next to the fireplace.

Standing near the window, Lexus briefly glanced at Gina who was laying on the bed, closing her eyes. Then he turned his attention back to the call. "I think the scorpion tattoo man came to the hospital early tonight. Gina was alone at that time." He informed his cousin.

"How is she?" Felix's asked right away. He was amazed by the news but the fact that Gina was alone at the time made him more worried. She only started to recover. What if her condition became critical again?!

"She's not good. She seemed to be very shocked and she is afraid too. But she won't tell me the identity of the man and forcing her won't help us." Lexus stated their situation which was not pleasant at all.

"Let's give her some more time, Lex. It must be very hard for her." The Prince made a deliberate paused and then asked, "What about you? You will be very flustered too."

"She attempted to take her life when I return. I barely managed to persuade her." Lexus sighed. "But Felix, no matter how much I think about it, I cannot understand. Why did all the timing collide?"

"What do you mean, Lex?" Curious, Felix quickly asked his cousin.

"Fabian told me that he saw a scorpion tattoo man who has the exact features of the man we are after. That's why I left Gina alone, to see the man but before I could even reach there, they lost the tattooed man. It was during that time that someone visits Gina. It was the first time she was ever left alone and the tattooed man showed up right away." Lexus explained, connecting the timing.

"That means that he knows we are after him. But how?" Felix thought about how careful they were in performing the search for this mysterious man. There's no way for the enemy to get a grab of this news unless... 

Propping his elbows on his thighs, he covered his eyes with his left hand. "Maybe we have a traitor among us." Felix's muttered. 

"Traitor?" Lexus raised a brow. "Do you suspect someone?"

"For now, I cannot confirm anything. Give me some time, Lex. I will do some investigation on my men and you should also be careful. Internal attack is always the scariest." Felix said to his cousin. He wondered just how more mess up will things be!

"Okay, you too. How is my aunt now?" Lexus had heard about his aunt, the Queen and it made him quite worried. His aunt rarely gets sick but whenever she does, it was never a slight one.

"She will be fine soon. Her fever keeps on returning but it's not as worse as yesterday. Don't worry, Lex. I take good care of her." Felix's reassured his cousin as he understood how much of a family man Lexus was. Unlike him, the Brigadier had a great relationship with his family.

"That great to hear. You should also rest. It's quite late there, right?"

"Yeah. Take a rest too. Looking after a patient is very taxing. Goodnight then." Felix ended the call and leaned backwards to the back support of the armchair.

Recalling what Lexus said, he quietly stared at the little fire in the fireplace. Calculating and connecting many things, he solved some of the riddles in his head but the answers were not that easy to accept.

"Unless I prove everything, I won't be reckless." He muttered to himself.

* * *

In a hotel suite in Silveren, Prince Alonzo Vasari was sitting in a chair. Propping his elbows on the huge desk before him, he fixated his eyes on the photo which was placed in front of his elbows.

The person in the photo was a young woman. She stood in front of a University building, smiling at the camera, carefreely.

Prince Alonzo's eyes were filled with mixed emotions of guilt, rage and longing. "It's been four years." He muttered to the woman in the photo.

"Four years since you passed away. Do you know what's funny? The man you loved with all your heart is now with another woman. He is crazy for a soldier from this country." He let out a dry laugh, mocking at the fact.

"Now, I'm the only one who still remembers you. The one whom you endlessly pushed away. That's me. I have always loved you even more than that bastard did. He never loved you half as much as you loved him yet you hold onto him and suffered. Why did you do that, Cara?" He raised his voice at the question and clenched his teeth.

"You pushed me away, belittle my love and broke my heart, only to be treated coldly by that heartless man. But you should consider yourself lucky that you left him early. If you see the way he is now with his current lover, your heart will crumble, thinking why he never treated you that way."

He closed his eyes, recalling the night when Cara Laria died. Everything that didn't go as planned and things that were out of control in that exact night. All at once, he opened his eyes that were now fiery red. He was burning with rage.

"It's my fault. That night, I should have sent him to you, to accompany you in the afterlife. But now, I won't delay it anymore. Wait for a while and your love will soon join you where you are."

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