Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 118 - Marriage And Children

Early in the next morning, Eleanor Geraci was sitting in the main room of a huge mansion. Dressing in her uniform, she planned to go straight to work after she finished her task here.

Tea was served in the small and short table which was placed in the middle of the room. The table was surrounded by couches in the form of a rectangle. Along with the Captain, a middle-aged couple were also sitting in the room.

"Ella, is everything alright these days? I think you have become thinner than the last time I saw you." Arias's mother, Dr. Rebecca McLean who was sitting next to Ella said as she placed her hands on the latter's forehead.

At her words, the father, Dr. Charlie McLean who was sitting on a single couch beside them, slightly raised a brow, showing how he cared for his son's girlfriend.

"I'm fine, Mother. Maybe I lost weight due to my missions but I have no illness." Ella holds the mother's hand and assures her.

"You should take care of yourself, Ella. We are doctors and we value health more than anything else." The father chimed in. His voice was full of concern for the young Captain.

"I will remember that, Father. Don't worry." Ella raised the cup of tea served by the mother and took a sip.

"Arias will come back the day after tomorrow. Let's have a meal all together when he returned. I always want to spend more time with you." Mrs. McLean calmly said to Ella. Being a loving mother, she was always a mother figure for Ella who lost her mother at a young age.

"Okay." Ella made a deliberate paused. "I come today to discuss some matter with both of you." The Captain seemed to be nervous and serious at the same time.

Shocked by her changed in attitude, the couple exchanged glances with one another. As the head of the family, Mr. McLean was the one to answer her. "What is it? You can say anything."

"These days, I do some thinking." Ella started and glanced at both the parents. "Mother, Father, if you permit me, I will study medicine and become a doctor. I will follow in your footsteps and help you out." She declared, nervously clenching her fingers.

Being flustered by the words they heard, Mr. and Mrs. McLean stared at Ella for while, failing to utter a single word. That increased the pressure Ella felt and make her more anxious! Did they not like the idea?

"What I mean is that... I have no intention to take away what belongs to your family... but... how will I say..." She tried to explain herself but ended up stumbling on her words. She was afraid that they would misunderstand her intention!

"What makes you think that, Ella? As you know, this an important matter which concerns your career and your whole life." Mr. McLean calmly asked after thinking through what Ella said. Wasn't she a capable young soldier? Why the sudden change of heart?

Ella took a deep breath to let out the pressure. "I know that your family is in a tough situation concerning the heir to your Group of Hospitals. You don't want to force Arias when he was so happy with his current career but you have no other candidate for a successor." She started.

"Ever since I was young, my dream was to become a doctor like my late mother. But I ended up joining the Army against my will. Now that we have come to this, I think of it as a great chance to correct my life and do what I like." The Captain's eyes twinkled at the talking of her dream which she couldn't fulfil and the parents didn't fail to notice that.

"If you allow me to, I will study again and become a doctor. But don't get me wrong. I have no intention to become the successor but I will help you out in -"

"Why can't you be the successor?" Mr. McLean mused which instantly made Ella stopped whatever she was trying to say.

"Pardon me?" Her eyes darted to the father, confused.

"Why can't you be the heiress and take over our Group of Hospitals? You are capable, Ella. As long as you put your mind to it, you will be able to achieve anything." Mr. Charlie McLean explained.

"But... I'm not even your blood-related and I don't know if -" Ella was interrupted by the father once again.

"After you marry my son, you will be my daughter. Who cares about blood when you will be taking our family surname? When you become Eleanor McLean, you will have every right to be the successor." Mr. McLean chimed in. He stared at Ella with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"That's right, Ella." Mrs. McLean supported her husband. "I will be more than pleased to have you as our successor. You will surely make a great doctor." She beamed with pride.

Ella was puzzled. She was not even sure about her decision. She only wanted to receive their permission. In fact, she was scared. She was already 25 and what if she failed to start a new? She was afraid to let them down.

"You have full support from us, Ella. You are right when you say that we are in a tough situation. This Group of Hospitals was built from the dust by my grandfather. It's the fruit of my ancestor's hard work and sacrifice. Thinking that it might end up in the hands of others pained my heart. But if you are willing to step in, I can be at ease." Mr. McLean nodded his head in satisfaction.

"You are so thoughtful, Ella. But what about your father?" The mother worriedly asked.

"I will talk to him," Ella quickly replied. "My father adores Arias, so he will understand." She was convinced that as long as he could have Arias as a son-in-law, her father would agree to anything. After all, her decision was for herself and the McLean's.

"Tall to your father but you must promise me one thing, Ella. If your father opposes this, don't force it. I don't want problems to arise between our two families. That will bring no good." Mr. McLean firmly said to Ella.

Mr. Charlie McLean was always a reasonable and thoughtful man who always cherished his children's happiness. Even with the matter of his successor, he wished for Arias to make up his mind to follow in his footsteps. He was desperate yet he never once forced the Colonel to make a decision.

If Arias still chose his current career, he will still support him even though it will be hard for him but he wanted his son to consider it at least just once.

"I promise you, Father. Thank you for putting your trust in me." Ella responded. Her family might be a mess but she was always reminded of how pleasant a warm family was, all thanks to Arias's family.

Right from the start, the McLean's embraced her with open arms. They never treated her as an outsider. No wonder Arias grew up so well and kind. As they always say, one's root and upbringing were the deciding factors of the nature of one's life!

"Let's take a look at the long term, Ella. Even if you become our successor, your children will be the ones succeeding you. You will marry my son and that means your children will be my grandchildren, right? Everything makes sense." The father stated with a wry smile. At the mention of grandchildren, Mrs. McLean's face brightened up at once!

Children? Ella never thought about having children! She felt so awkward and embarrassed at the mere mention of it! As such, her face turned red like a sensitive person she was! She couldn't even give a response!

"Ella, marry Arias soon." Mrs. McLean suddenly said with all seriousness. The thought of becoming a grandmother made her so excited and she didn't think she could wait for it long!

Mr. McLean laughed at his wife. Whatever she was thinking, she always made it so obvious! She was always so easy to read but it was this exact trait that captured his heart many years ago. "You made her more awkward." He said to his wife while pointing his chin at the young Captain.

Ella never thought that this visit would end up as a discussion about marriage and children. She was not prepared for this at all! She only came here nervously, thinking about how they would react to the proposal.

She left the mansion after having a warm breakfast with the parents and drove to the base. Marriage and children. They were the two words that occupied her mind throughout her drive to the base.

What if she got married and have children with Arias? She had never once imagined herself to be a mom. Before she met Arias, the mere thought of marriage scared her.

But now, things were different. Somehow, the thought of having children and building a happy family warmed up her heart.....

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