Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 135 - Unexpected Intrusion

The Next Day in Silveren

Captain Yelena was about to enter Colonel Maverick's office. She stood in front of the door, her hands reached for the doorknob.

She didn't know why the Colonel was asking to meet her but she was not feeling okay. She knows that she was wearing her uniform and she was in the Headquarters. That means she was bonded by the rules. She must control herself.

Taking a deep breath, she finally knocked the door. When she heard the response, she entered and made her way to the Colonel who was rising from his seat. Then she saluted the man. "Do you ask for me, sir?"

Colonel Maverick seemed to be a bit uncomfortable. Maybe guilt was still tormenting him. "Yes. Please have a seat." He ushered her to the couch.

Maverick pressed his hands together and keeps on clenching his fingers. Was he feeling nervous? Yelena didn't know but she wasn't feeling that great either.

"You must be curious about the things I planned to do when I ask for one week time." The Colonel finally spoke up. "Believe it or not, I'm trying to pave a way for you and I'm almost done."

"What way do you mean?" Yelena asked. She admitted that she was curious.

"Throughout the last seven years, I was never at ease. I never once slept peacefully." Maverick muttered. "That's why I collect some information and clue just in case. Guilt swallowed me each day and I'm dying on the inside."

His once narrowed eyes were now shifted to the Captain. "I know it's just an excuse but I did it to survive. I don't have an influential family background like you, so I was scared. But now, I don't care anymore."

"Six years already passed, Colonel." Captain Yelena grunted. She tried her best not to raise her voice.

"I know." Colonel Maverick promptly said. "I'm willing to pay for all my sins. I'm almost done with the files I collect. It wouldn't be enough to bring down the mastermind but it will be of great help to you. When everything is ready, you can file a case in the Army court and I can testify it for you."

"Why won't you just tell me who he is? It will be the best." Yelena couldn't understand why he refused to tell her. If she knew, it will be the most effective way!

"The moment you know, your life will be in danger right away because I can't guarantee that you will be able to control yourself. If anything happens to you, who will fight for your brother?" Maverick briefly glanced at the uniform he was wearing and muttered, "I will resign once everything ends. I might even be jailed but it's my choice. So, I hope you won't give up."

The Captain remained quiet for a while. Somehow, she was at a loss for words. She wasn't afraid but she shouldn't die before she knew the truth. She already comes this far and she can't fail!

The quiet room was suddenly turned upside down when a young man suddenly walked inside.

"So, this is the reason?" It was Colonel Arias who was standing near the door. His eyes screamed one word - rage.

Both the soldiers who were sitting abruptly rose from their seat at the unexpected intrusion.

"Arias!" Maverick uttered with a stupefied face.

Yelena couldn't believe that Colonel Arias heard everything! Her eyes grew wide when she muttered, "Deputy Commander!"

Anger never left Arias's eyes when he made his way to them. "I said that I will come again today, right? What is all this about? You should explain, Maverick."

"Deputy Commander, let me explain - "

"Stay out of this, Yelena." Arias snapped. His voice was unyielding. "I'm asking a question to my old friend."

The Deputy Commander was burning with rage and it was nothing like Yelena had ever seen! Compared to the sight she witnessed right now, that sight in Agrana when the Deputy Commander got angry at the Corporal was nothing!

His stern voice and warning made her tight-lipped. She can't help but do as she was ordered to.

"I'm telling you to explain yourself, Maverick. Is this why you told me that you're resigning? What did you know about those incidents?" Arias's face turned pale at the possibility of his former friend being involved in those incidents. He instantly shook his head. "It's not the truth, right? Tell me what I'm thinking is not true!" He howled, grabbing Maverick by his collar.

Maverick stood still, avoiding Arias's gaze while the latter was giving him a pleading look, urging him to say something. After what seemed to be forever, he finally spoke up. "It's like what you heard."

The confession. It was the thing which never crossed Arias mind, not even once! He knew that there was something wrong with Maverick but this revelation? No! He couldn't believe it, much more like he refused to!

"I'm paying for my crimes, Arias," Maverick muttered, looking at his friend.

Arias hands instantly slipped from Maverick's collar as if all his energy were drained! His energy left his body and he could barely stand straight. He narrowed his eyes at the floor, all his expression and his weak body made him resembled a lifeless man!

"How could you do that?" Arias whimpered. "Of all people, you... " He paused and suddenly smiled in almost a sarcastic way. "That's nonsense!" He spatted. "You're joking with me, right?" Arias hopefully asked.

Was this man really the friendly Deputy Commander that she used to know? Yelena didn't find any similarities! However, she knew this. He was devastated by the shocking news. He seemed like he was about to go insane!

"Arias, I already told you not to give attention to me. You will only get hurt! Just turn your back on me and live on. That's for the best. I have no future now. Everything is over." Maverick was trying his best not to lose control. He was secretly clenching his teeth but Yelena noticed that. He was in pain but he didn't want his former friend to know. Why were things so complicated?!

"Who said it's over? You're not that kind of person and I will never believe it even if you tell me a thousand times!" Arias regained his strength and looked at Maverick right in the eyes. "I know what you are afraid of. I will find out everything and I will set things right. I will never allow you to end like this. It's not fair!"

Without waiting for Maverick response, Arias stormed out of the room. Maverick called his name many times but he completely ignored him.

Captain Yelena looked at Colonel Maverick who holds his head with both his hands. She could tell right away that he was in a torment. She turned her head to the door where Colonel Arias just left. Deciding that it would be better, she ran out of the room and went after Arias.

Yelena just ran out of the building and her eyes swept around the vast Headquarters. Then she saw Arias walking fastly towards the gate. Losing no time, she ran to him and catch up with him. After he heard all those conversations, she cannot let him walk away just like this!

She grabbed the Colonel on his arm and made him halted. "Sir, please hear me out." She pleaded.

Arias stood still, narrowing his still fierce eyes at the ground. He refused to look at the Captain, much more like he couldn't.

"Just like you heard, I dig up the incidents which concerned my brother. I do - "

"Please don't hate Maverick too much., Arias murmured, interrupting Yelena.

His words put the Captain in a daze. What was Arias trying to say?

The Colonel finally lifted his eyes and looked at Yelena. "I won't ask you to forgive him but please don't hate him too much. I beg you, Yelena."

Yelena gradually withdrew her hand from Arias's arms. "Do you know about this?" She asked.

"I'm not sure but I always have my doubts. However, I have a feeling that you and Lt. Morris are digging up the incidents of your brothers." Arias muttered. He didn't expect to confirm his doubts this way!

"Is that why you told me to ask for help if I ever needed it? You said that while we were in Agrana." Yelena was not even surprised. After all, the two Colonels were highly intelligent and capable.

"Yelena, sometimes things are not what they seem to be. There is always a hidden reason or motive behind every decision." Arias thought of Maverick who would be in pure torment now. No matter what, he was still his former best friend whom he truly cared about!

"Please don't hate him too much." He pleaded once more. "I know how it feels to lose a sibling and I know that what I ask you might even be the hardest favour. But please, give him time to explain everything. He is not a bad person. I beg you."

Much to the Captain's surprise, the Colonel bowed to show his sincerity and left the Headquarters right away.....

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