Felix just reached the royal family villa. After thinking about it for the whole night, he finally decided on what to do with Cayden.

He entered and waited inside his room for a while until the other guards bring Cayden to him. Even after Cayden arrived, he inwardly told himself again and again that he was making the right decision.

"Have a seat." He said as he shifted his gaze from the window to his former right-hand man. He turned around and took a seat on the single couch.

The Prince nodded to Matthew and the latter put a briefcase on the table. "Open it." He said to Cayden.

With a confused face, Cayden did as he was told and opened the briefcase. His eyes grew wide when he saw what was inside! It was full of cash! "Your Highness." He uttered.

"Take that and leave with your family. It will be enough to provide you for the rest of your lives." The Prince deadpanned.

"What do you mean?" Cayden asked and closed the briefcase. "No. I cannot accept this. I don't deserve - "

"Just do as I say. Take that and move to a safe place with your family." Felix repeated. He saw guilt in Cayden's eyes but he remained nonchalant.

"But - "

"This is the last order that I give you. After today, we won't have anything to do with each other. It's a royal command and I don't give you another option." The Prince's voice was unyielding. He remained firm in the decision that he made.

Hearing the order, Cayden couldn't say anything. He remained quiet, hanging his head low.

The Prince rose from his seat and stared at the outdoors through the windows again. "You deserve that much. After all, you protect me with your life for more than a decade. This is the least I could do for you."

"You only added to my guilt, Your Highness," Cayden muttered.

"I know. You can live in guilt for the rest of your life but keep this in mind. I forgive you. If I were in your shoes, I would have done the same. That's why I cannot bring myself to hate you." He turned around and his gaze landed on the man who sits still with his eyes glued to the floor.

"Go to your family and decide where to go. My men will escort you to the place you decide. After that, we will cut all ties between us."

The Prince nodded again and two guards came in. They were there to take Cayden to his family.

"Our country is too fortunate to have an heir like you, Your Highness," Cayden said as he slowly rose from his seat. "Once you become the King, I will root for you no matter where I am." For the last time, he bowed to show his respect to the Crown Prince and left the room with the other two guards.

With the Prince staring out of the windows for almost a minute, the room was more than quiet.

"That will surely be a hard decision to make, Your Highness. I respect you for that." Matthew who was standing a few steps behind the Prince finally spoke up.

Letting out a breath, Felix replied by saying, "It is but it's more easier than punishing him. How can I possibly condemn a man who only wants to protect his family?"

"Your Highness," Matthew muttered. He was feeling bad for the Crown Prince.

Forcing a little smile, Felix turned his attention to Matthew. "From now on, you are the Captain of the Crown Prince's Guard. Once things are settled, I will hold an official ceremony for your appointment." He paused and put his hand on Matthew's shoulder, gently patting him. "I hope you do a great job."

"I will try my best not to disappoint you, Your Highness," Matthew said as he bowed. A hint of amazement was on his face.

"I look forward to it." He glanced at his wristwatch and frowned a bit. "Let's return now."

* * *

Yelena just reached her family mansion. It had been a while since she visited her family, so she decided to have dinner with them.

Her parents were not home yet but her grandfather was home. She didn't expect this and it made her a bit worried. Was the old General not feeling well?

She rushed upstairs to her grandfather room and she saw him sitting on the armchair near the window. "Grandpa, are you not feeling well?" She asked. It was only 4 in the evening and it's still not time for the General to be home.

Hearing his only granddaughter's voice, General Logan Arista darted his eyes to the door. He saw her making her way to him. "I have a slight fever this morning but I'm fine now." He smiled at his granddaughter, forming little wrinkles in his forehead.

Yelena took a seat opposite to her grandfather and observed him. "Do you take medicines? You don't look good." She worriedly asked.

The General sighed at his over-worried grandchild. "I'm fine. Your grandfather is still fit enough. You don't have to worry."

Yelena gave her grandfather a suspicious look. "If you lie to me, I won't forgive you. Grandpa, I want you to live with me for many years. Marvin is not here anymore and without you, I won't be able to live on." She murmured.

The General pitied his granddaughter who cannot get over her brother's death even after 6 years but still, he didn't show it and smiled instead. "I'm the General of this country. Do you think I will succumb to a small illness? You underestimate me." He dryly said which finally made Yelena smiled.

Meeting and chatting with her beloved grandfather warmed up Yelena's heart but when she thought of the incident early today in Colonel Maverick's office, her smile faded. "Grandpa, I'm up to something huge which might even shake up the entire army. You are the leader of the army but once everything comes to light, I hope you can trust me and understand me." The Captain whispered.

Her words and her expression. General Logan Arista knew that something was going on with his only grandchild. As one of the people who loved her the most, he instantly felt worried. "Yelena, is something wrong? You can tell your grandfather. I will do everything for you. You know that I love you the most, right?" His voice was warm yet there was a hint of anxiety in it.

Witnessing her grandfather's love made Yelena emotional. As far as she could remember, he was always the one who always stood by her side. His trust in her never wavered! She was about to say something but her father's arrival interrupted her.

The Major General just came home and he walked inside the room to check on his sick father. He raised a brow since he didn't expect to see his daughter there.

Yelena was about to greet her father but her grandfather's voice make her halted.

"Yelena, you should tell me what you mean. I'm your grandfather and I should know if you have problems." General Logan knew his granddaughter too well. If he didn't pursue it right now, she will eventually change the topic again and he will be left in the dark.

Yelena was hesitant at first. She knew that the truth will only hurt her family. She wanted to tell them only after she finds out every detail but with her grandfather confronting her, she couldn't hold back anymore.

"I find out something about Marvin's case a few days ago. I will soon know the details but -"

"Are you still going after your brother's case?" Major General Ethan interrupted his only daughter and walked towards her. Why did she always do something that would only hurt her? She should try to move on! He stood next to his daughter, demanding an answer.

Yelena rose from her seat and looked at her father. "Do you even know what I was about to say, Father? Why do you always act up whenever I talked about Marvin?" She grunted.

"This will only hurt you, Yelena. You should move on and think about your future! If you stuck in the past, what will your future become?" The father snapped yet he gave his daughter a pleading look.

Yelena narrowed her eyes at the floor and after remaining quiet for a while, she suddenly scoffed and turned her attention back to her father. "Why didn't you show this much attention to Marvin when he was alive? If you love and care about us, why didn't you notice his sufferings? You are our father!"

"This topic again." Major General Ethan helplessly sighed. "What are you trying to say?" He asked, trying his best to not raise his voice.

Yelena didn't want to do it but she realized that she had no other choice. No, she had another choice but this was the best. 'You forced me to this, Father.'

"You want to know what I'm saying? Fine. I will show you." She opened her purse and take out a pen drive. Her eyes swept around the room and walked to the desk where a laptop was placed. She inserted the pen drive in the laptop and bring it to her father and grandfather. She felt apologetic to her grandfather but she couldn't change her mind anymore. She's tired of this!

She could feel them staring at her dumbfoundedly but she didn't care. She placed the laptop on the table which was next to her grandfather.

Before she clicks the play button, she glanced at her father. "This is my answer, Father. Watch this and ask yourself. Where were you when your only son suffered? What were you doing when he needed you more than anyone else? Ask yourself that."

Turning her attention back to the laptop, she clicked the play button. Refusing to watch the tormenting video, she immediately walked out of the room and went to her room, leaving the two men alone with the video that contained the ruthless torture faced by their own blood.....

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