Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 150 - The Mother's Wish

Yelena was sitting on a bench, staring at her mother who was laying on the bed. One week had passed and the latter was still in a coma, showing no signs of improvement.

After being hospitalized for a week, the Captain was discharged just minutes ago but she wanted to stay by her mother's side. The doctor said that unless there was a donor soon, they should be prepared for the worst!

To be parted by death? She never once thought about that. Her mother was always healthy. How come she suddenly had heart failure? On top of that, she didn't notice anything! Well, she rarely met her mother and didn't often talk with her on the phone.

She used to thought that her mother wasn't a good mother but she realized that she wasn't a good daughter either. She didn't even know how serious her mother's condition was and the regret was killing her from the inside!

Without any movement, she quietly stared at her sick mother. She was so used to seeing her mother in a strong condition and now, seeing her on a bed and in a coma; it hurt more than one could imagine!

The door was suddenly pushed open and that snapped her out of her stupor. She darted her eyes to the door and saw her mother's personal assistant walking in. She remembered her because this woman had been working for her mother even when she was just a little kid.

"Mrs. Corell." She greeted the woman who was about her mother's age.

"You're here? I heard you are discharged today." The assistant named Julia Corell said as she walked to Yelena. Though the latter was around her daughter's age, her voice remained respectful. She slightly bowed when she stood just a step away from the Captain.

"I want to be with my mother. I was forced to stick in my hospital room for a whole week." Yelena slightly smiled. Her father and grandfather were too stubborn and as such, she only gets to visit her mother twice in the past week!

"I'm so glad that you recovered well. I plan to meet you after coming here." Julia Corell said.

Yelena turned her attention back to her mother. "Do you know about her disease? I bet you did. You're the closest to her. You must know everything."

Julia Corell sighed and glanced at her boss who was lying sick. "Her situation was not good but it's not this worse. The doctor said that if she lives her life normally without any events that would worsen her heart condition, she would be fine without surgery for a while. I know that your abduction took quite a toll on her but not this worse. I have no idea why she suddenly collapsed."

No matter how much Yelena thought about it, she had no idea either. What caused her mother to collapsed? What shocked her to this extent?!

"Mrs. Corell, you said that you plan to meet me after coming here. What's the matter?" She asked, turning her head to the assistant.

Mrs. Corell takes out a sealed envelope from her bag and handed Yelena. "The Chairwoman told me to give you this if anything happens to her." She informed Yelena.

Confused, Yelena opened the envelope and saw a letter. Then she read the contents. "This... " She looked at the assistant with a flustered face.

"It's your mother's wish." Julia Corell said apologetically. "Your mother is in a coma for a week and because of that, the company is a mess. Fortunately, Jason Moravsky is there handling the most urgent matters. For just a while, we need someone to take over your mother's place."

"But... " Yelena paused and look at the letter once again. "Are you asking me to look after TR Group in my mother's place? That makes no sense." She argued.

"Your mother wants you to do this. It won't be long, Miss Yelena. Your mother will be fine and she will be able to work again. Until then, please take her place and bring back the balance to your mother's company."

"I have no experience. I can't lead TR Group just because I'm my mother's daughter." Yelena never once imagined that this day would happen! She's a soldier. How can she look after TR Group?! It's not a trivial matter!

"Your mother told me not to force you and to respect your decision but... she spent all her youth and time looking after TR Group. For your mother, it's her life. Because you refused to take over the company, there has been an issue about the heir since two years ago." Julia Corell explained.

"What do you mean?" Yelena promptly asked.

"There are some executives who wanted TR Group for themselves but they can't do anything while your mother was well and fine. But now that we have come to this, there's a huge chance that they might try to take this as a chance and claimed the Group. If things go well for them, your mother might lose her beloved company while she is lying sick."

Julia Corell stared at Yelena who seemed to be very troubled. "There's a chance that your mother might have a donor soon. I don't know the details but trust me, my source is reliable. Your mother will be fine soon, so I only ask you to look after the Group and prevent it from being stolen. Please do it for your mother's sake." She pleaded with Yelena.

Once again, Yelena finds herself in a dilemma. Will her mother really lost her company if she refused to do anything? She was well aware of how much her mother loves TR Group. If she lost it, she won't be able to cope with it!

But how will she even look after the company? She had no experience and no confidence in this field!

"You don't have to worry. Your mother already arranged everything in case you accept. Someone reliable will help you and guide you. The executives who are on your mother's side will lend you a helping hand. Your mother already talked to her lawyer to transfer all her shares to you if something happened to her. With her shares and the shares of your mother's people, no one will be able to object even if you take over the Chairwoman's position." Julia Corell stated when she noticed Yelena's troubled face.

As someone who worked for Vanessa Arista for almost three decades, Julia Corell was one loyal assistant. She wished to prevent anything worse that could happen while the Chairwoman was in a coma. Though the latter told her not to forced Yelena, she can't just back down while the mother's lifetime efforts were on the line!

"You learn Business Management and Administration ever since you were a young girl. It's been six years since you stopped learning but it will be of help once you stepped inside the business field. With the help from your mother's people, you will be able to manage it. Please consider it for your mother's sake." Julia Corell added. She was very determined to save the company from falling into the hands of those greedy executives!

Everything was too sudden and the Captain couldn't think clear. She must clear her mind first. Then she turned to Julia Corell. "I understand what you say but I can't decide anything for now. Please give me some time." She narrowed her eyes at her mother and she was overwhelmed with sadness! Why did this happen?!

"I understand. Please call me as soon as you make up your mind. I'm sorry to say this but the company can't wait for long." Julia Corell bowed. She briefly glanced at her sick boss and walked out of the room.

Yelena felt so weak. She pressed her chest and head against the bed, staring at her mother. "What am I supposed to do, Mother? I thought that I already escaped that fate of an heiress but it turned out that it only revolved and now, it has found its way back to me." She muttered.

"Do you know this? I could never hate you because of one memory." Yelena slightly smiled. "When I was a child, I really wished to visit an amusement park. Whenever my classmates talked about how their mothers took them to an amusement park and bragged how fun it was, I used to wish I could do that too but I never dared to tell you."

"Somehow, you find out my desire and take me to the park. That day, there was no boring rules and bodyguards to suffocate me. It was just you and me, like an ordinary people, like an ordinary mother and daughter. That day, you even told me to have fun as much as I can. Even now, it's the most fun and heartwarming memory for me. I can never forget that feeling."

"You might not know this but I love you as much as I love Marvin. There's nothing I won't do as long as it's for you. The child me, the teenage me and now, even the 25-year-old me still feels that way." Yelena slightly smiled and touched her mother's face. "It's funny, right? Though her mother was never warm or loving towards her, that little girl loves her mother so much to the point where she was willing to do anything, as long as it would please her mother."

The Captain remained that way with her troubled thoughts, debating on her mind. Two hours passed and then she takes out her phone.

"Mrs. Corell, I will do as my mother's wish. Please make preparations for me."

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