Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 151 - The Youngest Executive

"I cannot accept this. Never."

"Commander - "

"Are you out of your mind, Yelena?" Major General Lucian Arlyn snapped. With displeased written all over his face, he was looking up at the Captain who was standing in front of the desk.

"My mother needs me. As her only daughter, it's my duty to help her." Yelena was in her uniform, standing at ease before the Commander.

She wanted to resign but she talked to the Commander first. Just as she expected, the latter strongly opposed her decision.

"You can take a leave for that. You rarely applied for a leave, so it won't be a problem even if you need a few months. I won't allow you to quit!" Major General Lucian strongly declared. He narrowed his eyes at the table and rage was evident in his eyes!

Yelena was stupefied. It's the first time she saw him being this angry at her! The situation was so unfamiliar to the point where she didn't know how to behave!

But... applying for a leave? She didn't even know how long will she needed! Her mother's condition was uncertain and applying for leave will only hold her back!

"I'm not supposed to tell you this for now but you are up for a promotion. Our Army achieved victory and glory due to the great plan you laid out for that mission in Agrana. With your performance in the past year, you are in a favourable position. It's not finalized yet but there is no reason to decline your promotion." The Commander bluntly said as he turned his attention back to Yelena.

"That success in Agrana is not - "

"Colonel Arias already said everything to the higher-ups. What you said now is not important. The process has already begun." Major General Lucian rose from his seat and sighed.

"I understand your situation, Yelena. That's why I suggest you take a leave rather than quitting. You are one of the pride of our Army and in your case, we can even make special consideration. Even if you need a year, there is no problem. I can talk to the higher-ups on your behalf, so reconsider your decision. I don't want you to have regret."

The Captain was tight-lipped. The Commander was so determined and she didn't know how to argue anymore! She stood still for a while without saying anything.

"Leave now. As I said, apply for a leave. I won't accept any resignation." Major General Lucian abruptly sat down and continued with his work. He didn't even look at her and treat her as if she was invisible.

Having no other choice, Captain Yelena saluted the Commander and left the office.

When a cold breeze blew in her face, Yelena closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The moment she did that, Felix appeared in her imagination and she felt a tingling pain in her heart.

It's been eight days but there was no news of him. His phone was switched off all the time. There was no news about Alonzo or the incident, which proved that Felix was still keeping his silence. Maybe he was not ready for now. His mental condition wasn't good enough for that.

Yelena takes out her phone and dialled one number.

"Hello, Father. How are you?"

"Yelena, I heard that you are discharged. Are all your wounds healed now?" King Lawrence friendly voice echoed in her ears.

"I'm fine now. Thanks for your concern, Father."

King Lawrence who was in his study heavily sighed. "You must be worried about Felix. He locked himself up in the villa and won't see anyone. Alonzo's case is also at a halt. Felix needs to take charge but he asked the authorities to give him time. He is broken-hearted because of his cousin."

"You don't have to worry about me, Father. Besides, Felix is a strong man. Let's give him some time and he will be back to his normal self soon." Yelena assured the King.

"I hope so." King Lawrence paused and pulled a long face. "I feel so ashamed, Yelena. After Alonzo did such things to you, how will I even face you again?"

"It's not your fault, Father. Don't think that way but... what about Aunt Gianna? Did she show any improvement?" She asked. Her voice was full of concern for the middle-aged woman who was in shock due to her only son's evil deeds.

"No. Her fever won't go down and she can't even stand up on her own. She keeps on asking to meet Alonzo but she is in no position to meet him. Her health is deteriorating each day."

Yelena recalled the gentle Princess she met more than a week ago. Her life was turned upside down due to her son's crimes but there's nothing she could do for her. With the heavy atmosphere in the royal family, her mother's illness and herself being torn between the company and her career; Yelena felt so exhausted. With her head injury that was barely healed, things were too suffocating for her!

"How is your mother?" King Lawrence asked, snapping the Captain out from her stupor.

"She might get a donor soon but nothing is clear for now. Don't worry about her, Father. I know that you will be having quite a headache with your family alone. My mother will be fine." Yelena glanced at her wristwatch and raised a brow. "I have to go, Father. Please take care."

Yelena ended the call and rushed to her office. She quickly gets changed and left the base with her jeep car.

On her way, the Captain's mind was occupied by many different things. It's been a week since Colonel Maverick's funeral was held. She couldn't attend it because she was hospitalized at that time. But she still didn't receive any address, be it by a message or a mail. It was more than quiet.

It's clear that Colonel Maverick had someone assisting him. Was the enemy going after them too? Was that why she still didn't receive anything? She had many questions but no answer. This was driving her crazy!

Apart from this, one thing also troubled her. It's Colonel Arias. He was too quiet! He didn't confront her regarding her abduction or Colonel Maverick's death. He didn't ask her any questions. Besides, they never see each other these days. She wondered what's going on with him.

The sudden murder of Colonel Maverick haunted her in her sleep these days. She recalled their conversations, his tormented and angsty eyes and his desperateness.

She never failed to notice how tormenting his life was but she always refused to be soft to him. He knew everything and maintained his silence; that made her unable to soften her heart when it comes to him. Now that he was murdered, she wasn't fine. What's more, she lost her way. What would she do now?

While thinking of these, she reached her destination and gets off her car. Then she made her way inside the restaurant. She was led to a private room right away.

As she walked inside the luxurious private room, two persons dressed in business attire were already there and they instantly rose from their seat when they saw her. She identified one of them as Julia Corell but she had never seen the other person. He looked young but he might be older than her.

"I hope I'm not late. I have some matters to attend to in the base. I came straight away." She said as she stood next to the table.

"You're not late. Besides, we are supposed to arrive earlier. We can't make you wait for us." Julia Corell formally said with a slight smile.

Yelena nodded and then turned her attention to the unfamiliar man who was standing next to her mother's personal assistant. He was meeting her gaze and his expression remained calm. Apart from his handsome face, he had a neat and respectable appearance but his enchanting grey eyes stood out the most.

Understanding Yelena's expression, Julia Corell promptly spoke up. "This is the one I mentioned yesterday. He will be a reliable guide for you. He's Jason Moravsky."

Then the assistant turned to the young man named Jason Moravsky. "I think it's your first time meeting her. The only daughter of the Chairwoman, Yelena Arista."

Jason Moravsky smiled and glanced at the assistant. "I have seen her pictures before, so I recognized her right away." Then he turned his attention back to Yelena and bowed. "I have heard many things about you from the Chairwoman. It's nice to finally meet you."

Yelena was a bit flustered. Her mother talked about her to this young man? She never knew that her mother was capable of such things! Besides, this man seemed to be so young!

"He is the youngest executive of TR Group and your mother's most trusted aide." Julia Corell informed Yelena.

Hearing this, Yelena slightly smiled. Her mother's most trusted aide? That must be the reason why. Then she reached out her hand to Jason Moravsky. "It's nice to meet you too, Mr. Moravsky. I hope you guide me well as I have no experience in the business field."

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