Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 168 - Investigation

After talking with Yelena, Felix walked out of his room and went to the Jewel Palace. He wanted to visit this place since a while ago but... he never had the courage to do so. Even now, he wasn't sure of what he was doing.

He slowly entered one room and saw his aunt who was sitting on the bed, glancing at an album. Her pale face and thin body created a tingling pain in the Prince's heart!

"Aunt Gianna." He greeted and bowed when he was standing just beside the bed.

Princess Gianna gradually lifted her head and looked at her nephew. "Felix, you came." She muttered in a low voice.

"I'm sorry for not coming sooner," Felix said as he narrowed his eyes at the album on her hand. When he saw the photos, it made him nervously clenched his fingers. But he didn't say anything and sat on the bed beside his aunt.

Princess Gianna turned her attention back to the album and gently touched the photos. "He used to be a cheerful and loving boy." She forced a smile when she recalled her only son's current situation. "How did he grew up like this? It's all my fault. I failed as a mother." Her voice was barely above a whisper with no liveliness at all.

Felix holds his Aunt and his eyes showed how worried he was. "It's not your fault, Aunt Gianna. Please don't blame yourself."

Princess Gianna turned to him but the next second, she turned away and shut her eyes. "Alonzo is guilty and he must be punished. I admit that. But Felix... " She paused as she opened her eyes and turned back to him. "Please don't hate him too much. I'm his mother, the one who raised him. So, you can resent me in his place." She holds his hand and lowered her head.

His aunt's action almost made Felix panicked and his eyes widened. "Aunty, please don't do this. You are like a mother to me. Please raise your head!" He breaks free from her grip, trying to make her look up but...

He suddenly halted when he felt her teardrops on his hand. It's the first time he ever saw his aunt in tears and... it made him unable to move as if he was paralyzed! 

After remaining still for a few seconds, he slowly narrowed his eyes at the teardrops on his hand and his aunt who was still lowering her head.

Ever since his grandfather passed away, his aunt was the one whom he could rely on. She was the only one in the royal family who always supported him and took his side no matter what he did or say.

Even when he had a bad relationship with his parents, it was his aunt who always comforted him and stays beside him. As such, she was more than important to him and he will never allow her to lower herself in front of him! What's more? Seeing her suffer was a pure torment for the Prince. It's the exact reason why it took him so much time and courage to finally face her!

He kneeled on the floor beside the bed and hold her hands. "Aunty, I can't think clearly when you lower yourself before me, so this is the only solution I have." He said, narrowing his eyes at the floor.

Princess Gianna's eyes that were wet due to tears were now widened in surprise. "Felix, what are you doing? Get up!" She tried to pull him up but she had no energy. She rarely eats or drinks in the last few days!

"You shouldn't do this. You're the Crown Prince of this nation." She added but Felix was so adamant. He had no intention to get up.

Felix finally raised his head and looked at his aunt. "Before I'm the Crown Prince, I'm your nephew, Aunt Gianna. What's wrong with a nephew kneeling in front of his aunt?"

"Felix - "

"I understand what you said but... I don't hate Alonzo. I hate myself." He paused and blankly stared at the front. "These days, I keep on wondering what if I was more attentive to Alonzo while growing up? Would he still feel lonely, neglected and unloved? I should be more considerate of his feelings but... I was too caught up in my own life. The guilt is driving me crazy, so how would I dare to resent him?"

"Ever since I was a child, you were there for me. I love you as much as I love my mother. So... I will never resent you either. Please be at ease."

Princess Gianna's heart broke at her nephew's words. She finds it hard just to listen... How hard would it be for him to say that?! He was the main victim here! Why did he only care about others?! "Felix, you should care about yourself. You suffer the most in this matter."

"I will be fine, Aunt Gianna." Felix promptly said and tightened his grip on his aunt's hands. "Even if Alonzo is not here, you are not alone. I'm still here and I will never neglect you. So please... recover soon. It hurts so much to see you in this condition."

Then he gets up and glanced down at his aunt. "Take care, Aunt Gianna. I will come again." He bowed and left the Jewel Palace.

After he left, Princess Gianna quietly stared at the empty door. Then she said, "Your cousin is that good of a person, Alonzo. What fault did you see in him to commit such heinous crimes against him?! You are a fool!"

* * * 

The Next Day 

All the headlines of the newspapers in Edeladon and Silveren were about the Prince's shocking revelations at the press conference and his engagement with the Acting Chairwoman of TR Group.

Edeladon was a mess and so was Silveren. On top of that, a new mysterious article was published in Silveren before noon. The article attracted too much attention and in less than an hour, it spread in the whole world like a rapid-fire. Edeladon was also no exception and the citizens were more than stupefied when they read the articles.

The Acting Chairwoman of TR Group was an Officer of the Silveren Army?! Does that even make sense?! On top of that, she was from a Special Forces!

The issue became too big and as such, Yelena was even summoned to the Headquarters of the Silveren Army though she was on a leave.

It was 2 p.m. in Silveren when she faced the high ranking officers who were in charge of these kinds of situations. It wasn't a surprise for her as she already saw this coming when Felix announced their relationship yesterday evening.

As per the rule, Yelena was in her uniform, sitting in a chair in front of 5 high ranking officers who were about to question her. Major General Lucian was also sitting on a chair next to Yelena as he was the Commander of the Rayvix Special Forces.

"Captain Yelena Arista, you have great achievements in just two years and everyone here thinks highly of you. We never thought that there would come a day when you are summoned here, in this room. Do you have anything to say about this?" It was Lt. General Gavin Ordin who asked the question.

Yelena who was sitting at an attention position promptly said, "I apologize for all the mess and unwanted attention I have brought to the whole Army Forces. I will take responsibility for it and I will honestly answer all your questions."

"You know that why you are summoned is not because of those attention we received." Lt. Gen. Gavin said, glancing at Yelena with his scrutinizing gaze.

"You're right, sir."

Lt. Gen. Gavin briefly glanced at the other 4 officers and then turned back to Yelena. "When the Crown Prince of Edeladon came as the Representative of his country, you and your team were in charge of his safety. What is your relationship at that time?"

The room fell silent and all attention was on her. Yelena knew that she was bound to tell the truth, with no room for lies. Besides, she didn't want to stain her dignity as a soldier.

"We are just an acquaintance at that time." She finally responded after a few seconds.


"Yes, sir."

"Explain further."

She can try explaining before but she refrained from doing so as she wasn't told to do. Now, she was given the order and she can explain it. She should only answer the questions. That's the rule of the investigation.

"If you look at the record, you will know that I took a leave right before that mission. I travelled to Belden during that time. I met the Crown Prince on my journey. We spend a day walking around the capital of Belden and I returned the next day. That's the only encounter we had before the mission."

"If you spend a day together, does that mean everything already started before the mission? Don't you think 'acquaintance' is an understatement?" The one who asked the question was Major General Richard.

Yelena promptly glanced at him and realized that he was one of Lt. Gen. Haric supporter. She had often seen him in Ella's house during their training days.

"Captain Yelena is well-known for her honesty and bravery. You should think clearly before you speak, Major General Richard. We are currently carrying out an important task." The one who spoke up in a stern voice was Lt. Gen. Nora, the only female among the 5 officers.

"Lt. General Nora is right. Captain Yelena Arista won't lie." She was an Arista and Lt. General Gavin placed his trust in her words.

Yelena still gazed at Major General Richard and she couldn't feel at ease. Did Lt. General Haric had something to do with this? What was his plan?!

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