Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 169 - You're Quite Bold Than I Thought

I understand what you are saying. I feel the same too, but... "Major General Richard paused and turned back to Captain Yelena. " I only think that it is a little strange."

"What are you trying to say?" Lt. General Gavin promptly asked.

Maj. Gen. Richard fell silent for a while and said, "If she knew the VIP beforehand, then someone professional like Captain Yelena Arista should know what to do."

Though Maj. Gen. Richard didn't say the details, everyone in the room understood what he was trying to say. The one in charge shouldn't have some personal connections with the VIP. If they had, then they shouldn't take the role. As such, the room became silent for a while.

"Do you have anything to say about this?" Lt. General Gavin asked the Captain again as he was the leader of the committee.

"I - "

"I will answer that for her." It was Major General Lucian who interrupted Yelena before she could say any more words.

Yelena darted her eyes to him but he was looking straight at the front. Though he was like an uncle to her, she won't dare to interrupt him, not in this room! However, she was so afraid that he would be dragged into this trouble!

"Go ahead." Lt. Gen. Gavin gave his permission.

"I know what Major General Richard was trying to say. Before she takes on the mission, Captain Yelena Arista indeed asked me if she could withdraw from the mission. But... I turned her down without asking her why." Major General Lucian explained.

"Why is that?" Major General Richard promptly asked him.

Maj. Gen. Lucian darted his eyes to Maj. Gen. Richard, looking at him right in the eyes. "We are soldiers. A VIP who represents one nation is coming and the chosen team must carry on their tasks after two to three hours. What's more? The General and even the Minister of Defense already signed their names, assigning Captain Yelena and her team to take the mission."

"If you were me, Maj. Gen. Richard, will you replace the assigned team and defy the order just because the Team Captain requested to withdraw? On top of that, will you rearrange everything in just two hours? We are talking about the safety of a Representative of one nation." He firmly added.

Maj. Gen. Richard deliberately cleared his throat, unable to respond to the question. Then the other 4 officers exchange glances with one another.

"For the last time, Captain Yelena Arista, you can say whatever you have on mind." Lt. Gen. Gavin spoke up after a few seconds of silence.

Yelena slightly narrowed her eyes and tightly clenched her fist. Then she turned back to the 5 officers. "Though I cannot serve my country due to personal matters for now, I'm still a soldier who should abide by the rules. However, I want to say this to all the respected officers here. As a soldier, I... never once did something that I would be ashamed of. Whatever mission I carried out, I stayed true to myself and my conscience. Most importantly, I will never break the rules and humiliate my family name."

Major General Lucian darted his eyes to Yelena when he heard her last sentence. It's the first time he heard her talking about her family to other soldiers. She always avoided the topic because of all the things she went through in the past. A proud smile slowly appeared on his face when he stared at her. She had already proven herself enough!

"Lastly, I will accept whatever decision you make. If the committee thinks that I'm wrong, then I will gladly accept whatever punishment you decide." Yelena concluded.

The 5 officers except Major General Richard nodded their heads as they stared at the young Captain. They had conducted many investigations before and each one of them were always given the time to speak their mind but... it's the first time they ever heard such a bold statement.

They already admired her for all her achievements and great reputation and as such, they believed in her. When she mentioned her family for the first time, it made them believed in her more. All the Arista's were upright and honourable soldiers and every soldier knew that.

The investigation was dismissed after Lt. Gen. Gavin declared that they don't find fault in the Captain. Besides, they already talked with the members of Team Delta in the morning and their statement also helped the committee in making a decision.

Sergeant Calvin said that it was the Captain who keeps on pushing away and distance herself from the VIP throughout the mission. Lt. Morris also said that he only knew about them after the mission was concluded while the other members have no idea at all.

All 4 members agreed that she didn't break any rules and as such, Major General Richard had no choice but to give in.

Yelena was in Lt. Gen. Gavin's office as the latter invited her to have some tea. She can't turn down an invitation from a high ranking officer. Besides, the Lt. General was in charge of the whole Special Forces who always placed trust in her and as such, she wanted to express her gratitude.

"It's your first time sitting through such an investigation meeting but you're quite bold than I thought, Captain Yelena." Lt. General Gavin said to her with an amusing smile.

"I can only behave that way because you place your trust in me, sir. I'm truly grateful." Yelena formally said as she lowered her head. She was sitting on the couch in the Lt. General's right.

"I believe in my conscience and that's why I know that you won't harm your dignity. But I'm feeling quite sad." Lt. Gen. Gavin said as he heavily sighed.

"Why?" Yelena promptly asked, confused.

"We wholeheartedly agreed to your leave no matter how much time you will need. We hope to keep you in the army but... seems like it won't be possible. The whole world says that you're marrying the Crown Prince of Edeladon. I'm happy for you but it will be a huge loss for our army forces." 

Yelena narrowed her eyes when she heard him. She knew that this was bound to happen one day and she thought that she was prepared. But now that she heard it from someone as high ranking as Lt. General Gavin, it hit her quite hard. As such, she didn't know what to say.

"You're still young, Yelena. Why the need to rush? You can first spend a few more years serving your country and marriage can come later. I'm close to your father and I also have a good connection with your grandfather. I'm well aware of how much you love your job. So, why don't you put duty first? Love can come later." The Lt. General calmly said to her.

Yelena remained quiet as she nervously clenched her fingers. What Lt. General Gavin said to her was so tempting! She admitted that he had a point. She's only 25 and it won't be too late for marriage even after a few more years but... she wasn't convinced. Maybe her mind was convinced but not her heart.

Lt. General Gavin laughed when she fell silent for a few seconds. "Maybe I'm too old fashioned. It's hard to understand young people nowadays. You already did so much for your country, Yelena. Even if you decide to put down the gun which you used to protect your country, no one will blame you and instead, your name will always be remembered by your fellow soldiers."

"Thank you for your advice, sir," Yelena said with a slight smile. Then she walked out of the room.

When she left the building, she saw Major General Richard standing in one corner. She briefly recalled what he said in the investigation meeting and clenched her fist. She still kept her silence because she had so many things to handle in the company. Now, she felt the rush. She shouldn't sit still while the enemy already started making a move! Then she saw him approaching her.

When Major General Richard reached where she was standing, she saluted him, putting aside any other negative feelings. If she made it too known, it would only alert him and she didn't want that to happen.

"Congratulations, Captain Yelena Arista. You proved your innocence and even managed to earn the respect of the committee. I had only heard about you but it seems like the rumors about you are true. You dare to be that bold in the investigation... " Maj. Gen. Richard paused and let out a laughter. "You're very unique, Captain."

"Thank you, sir," Yelena said and lifted her eyes which were slightly narrowed. "The truth prevails this time and I hope it will always be this way. If I ever do anything to offend you, I hope you can tell me so that it won't happen twice." She cautiously said, observing his reaction. He seemed to be uncomfortable when she said that but he covered by a fake smile.

"There's no such thing, Captain. I was only being careful and I hope you don't misunderstand my intentions. I only did my duty." The Major General promptly said.

He recalled how Yelena said that she won't humiliate her family name. No matter what, she was an Arista and he wouldn't want to offend her openly! But the investigation didn't go as planned and now, he was in a dilemma!

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