Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 170 - I'd Rather Die Than Break It

Yelena saw through him and fake a smile. "If that's the case, I should apologize, sir. I wondered if I had offended you somehow and it quite scared me. I won't want to put myself in trouble by offending a high ranking officer like you." 

Major General Richard smiled, thinking that he had saved himself from trouble. "Don't be too modest, Captain. You're the pride of our forces." He promptly said and glanced at his wristwatch. "I have another matter to tend to. Let's talk some other day."

Yelena watched him entered the building while still clenching her fist. If she didn't have to think of the long run, she would already go after him and get to the bottom of this matter! However, she barely calmed down herself for the sake of the future. Being reckless won't solve a thing.

Yelena tried to leave the Headquarters and went to the base but before she could even take a step, she saw her team members who were rushing towards her. From the look on their faces, she could tell that they had already heard of the investigation result.

When they stood just before her, they stood in attention and saluted her. "Congratulations, Captain!" They said in unison and a smile of relief and happiness was on their faces.

"It's all thanks to your statement. I'm really thankful." She said to them with a smile.

"You don't have to thank us, Captain. We are a team and it's proven that we take your side. Besides, we are only telling the truth." Sergeant Calvin earnestly said.

"That's true. If they condemned you, not only us but the whole Rayvix won't accept that easy." Lt. Morris added.

After chatting with them for a while, she went to the Rayvix base with her team members and entered her office with Lt. Morris.

"I think Lt. Gen. Haric have something to do with this." She said to Morris who was sitting in a chair on her right.

Morris stared at her with a confused face. "What do you mean? Was he the one who revealed your identity as a soldier?"

"I'm not sure about that but it seems like one of the investigation committee members, Major General Richard is very eager to convict me. He is very close to Lt. Gen. Haric." She informed Morris.

Lt. Morris face was darkened at the information. "He plays so dirty, Captain. First, it's Colonel Maverick and now, he went after you. We shouldn't let him do whatever he wants!"

"I know. That's why I want you to be more careful, Morris. If anything happens to you - "

"You already said that many times, Captain. I will protect myself. So, you should worry about yourself." Morris argued as he frowned. Why did she always talk like he was the only one in danger while she was more unsafe than him?!

Yelena quietly glanced at Morris and her lips curved into a smile. "You have changed." She remarked.

"How?" He bluntly asked.

"You have become more patient and less careless." She stated. She recalled the night she told him that the voice belongs to Lt. Gen. Haric. He was too eager to rush out with his gun and kill the Lt. General but she barely holds him back! Now, he had become more reasonable and that put her at ease.

"I don't want to make you worry by being reckless again. That's why." Morris said and met her gaze. "Trust me, Captain. We have already waited for 6 years. I won't let you down by making a careless mistake. Though my patience has a limit, I will refrain myself as long as possible."

Morris sighed and continued by saying, "If only I could track down that Sergeant Korin! Everything will be easier for us. Do you think that report will be enough to convict him in the army court?"

Yelena thought about it and said, "It will prove that he tortured them against the law but not his involvement in their death. Lt. Gen. Haric is a well respected and reputable high ranking officer. If we can't take him down in one strike, it will become harder for us. So, we must obtain other evidence first. For that, we need Sergeant Korin."

Lt. Morris nodded at her words. "I understand. I will try harder and make sure to find him."

"I also hired some men to look for him. So, let's hope that he will show up soon." Yelena muttered. If they could get the evidence which Colonel Maverick gathered, it will help them a lot but... they need Sergeant Korin for that. She was sure that he was the one who keeps everything.

While they both remained quiet with a troubled mind, the door was knocked and Colonel Arias made his way inside. The two instantly stood up at the sight of the Deputy Commander and saluted him.

Colonel Arias turned to Lt. Morris and said, "I want to have a word with Captain Yelena. You may leave us."

"Yes, sir," Morris responded and walked out of the office right away.

"Have a seat," Arias said and they both sat down.

"What brings you here, Deputy Commander?" Yelena asked.

"I heard about the decision of the committee. I'm glad that you are safe." Arias said.

Yelena remained quiet but when she turned to Arias, she slightly frowned. "You should take good care of yourself, Deputy Commander. At this rate, Ella will be very worried about you. You don't seem to be fine at all."

"I tried... but it's not easy," Arias said in a low voice. "Last night, I have a drink with Ella's father. He invited me so I can't turn him down. I heard him talking on the phone with someone and... he talks about Sergeant Korin."

Yelena's eyes widened at his words and she quickly turned to him but... she can't ask him anything. After remaining silent for a while, she finally spoke up. "What I did will break Ella once she knew the truth. If you get involved too, she won't be able to cope with it. So please, leave this matter to me, Colonel."

"Yelena, I can't do that." Arias promptly said.

"The one year which I spent away from Ella, you are the one who was there for her during that time. She needs you more than she needs me, Deputy Commander." Yelena paused and took a deep breath. "One day, she will be heartbroken due to my actions. If you get involved too, who will be there for her when that time comes? I don't want her to suffer alone."

"Why do you talk like that?" Arias asked. He observed her and his face turned gloomy. "I can tell right away that you are not okay with losing her too. Why must you take the blame alone?"

"You're right. Ella is the only real friend I ever have. I won't trade her with anything but... this is a promise I made to my late brother. I'd rather die than break it."

"If the one who suffered was me and even if the who died was me, I will forgive Ella's father rather than hurting Ella. I can tolerate anything else but not my brother's death. That's why I'm willing to lose my only friend and suffer my whole life." Yelena's voice was low and she didn't even glance at Arias the whole time. 

Silence fell upon the room as Arias was at a loss for words. Things were too hard for him. As a man of justice, he can't sit still after Maverick died but he can't hurt Ella either. He loved her to that extent!

After what seemed to be forever, Arias finally spoke up again but his words shook Yelena to the core.

"Rather than hurting her later, should we just tell her the truth about her father?"

Yelena instantly darted her eyes to Arias. "How could you even think of that? Do you know that though Ella acts indifferent, she truly loves her father as he raised her without a mother?"

"I know that, but the pain will be more if she finds it out later. It might be best that we tell her. She might not even believe it but she should know." Arias argued. Though his voice was firm, he still cared about Yelena's opinion. He had no intention to push it forward without her approval.

Yelena tried to speak up but... Arias phone went off and the latter picked up the call. After using the phone, he turned back to Yelena. "Let's talk about this later. The Commander asked for me." He said and rose from his seat.

He walked towards the door but when he opened it, his eyes grew wide in shock! He anxiously clenched his fingers when he muttered, "E -Ella?"

Hearing him muttered the name, Yelena darted her eyes to the door and when she saw Ella standing on the door, she abruptly rose from her seat.

Oh no! Did she overhear everything? She looked at the reaction on her friend's face and she thinks she gets the answer. Her reaction said it all!

A mixture of pain and rage was seen in Ella's eyes when she glanced at both Yelena and Arias.....

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