Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 171 - It Will Change Nothing

"Ella?" Yelena muttered when she noticed the pain in her friend's eyes. She wanted to rush to her but she can't even do that! Her body didn't allow her to!

Ella first glanced at Yelena and then turned to Arias. "What are you talking about? What did my father do?" She muttered, demanding an answer.

"Ella, I will explain," Arias said. He took a step forward, reaching out his hand to her but...

Ella brushed away his hands. "Don't touch me!" She grunted.

"Ella, please. Hear me out." Arias started to feel anxious. He saw the way she looked at him and he couldn't take it!

Ella walked past Arias and stood in front of Yelena. "Answer me, Yelena. What did my father do? Why do I hear things that I don't even understand?!"

Yelena was in a daze! She tried to recall what she just talked about with Arias but... she can't even think properly! It was as if her brain stopped functioning!

"What did my father had to do with your brother's death? Tell me, Yelena. I heard you saying that." Ella grunted again when Yelena didn't say anything. She was starting to be impatient.

Yelena slowly turned to Colonel Arias and when the latter nodded at her, she shut her eyes. She never wanted to do this but now... she was left with no choice! She opened her eyes and slowly walked out and after a few seconds, she returned with Morris.

"Do you have a copy of that video with you? Show it to Captain Eleanor." She said to Lt. Morris.

When the fact that Captain Eleanor was the daughter of Lt. Gen. Haric's crossed his mind, Morris raised a brow and darted his eyes to Yelena. "Captain." He was slightly shaking his head, pleading with her not to do this.

"I will take all responsibility. Do as I said, Morris." Yelena firmly said. 

Morris observed his Captain's expression and understood that she already made up her mind. It won't work no matter how much he tried to stop her! Then he turned to Captain Ella who was looking at him with a confused face. "Give me a minute." He said and walked out of the room.

Not even a minute had passed when he returned with a pen drive in his hand. He inserts it into a laptop and stood beside Yelena.

Not only Ella, but it was also the first time for Arias. He had never seen the video before. As such, he unconsciously walked towards the laptop. Ella also turned to the laptop and when she heard the voice, she froze. It was her father's voice and there was no way for her not to identify it!

Yelena's heartbreak when she noticed Ella's horrified face. She truly wished to hide this because if she could delay the pain Ella would felt, she wanted to delay it as much as possible. Now, it happened and she could sense how her only friend's world crumbled!

"What is this, Yelena?" Ella asked Yelena, closing the laptop. She couldn't watch it anymore!

Yelena took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. "It's just like what you see, Ella. That's the true face of your father."

"No. This can't be!" Ella shouted. "There must be some misunderstanding."

"One of the victims on the video was my brother, Marvin Arista. The other one was Lt. Morris brother, Eric Flavian. The final one is Nolan Iselin, who went crazy after the death of the other two. Do you really think it's a misunderstanding?" Yelena's voice was firm yet she was trembling on the inside. She barely managed to stand still.

She saw the pain in Ella's eyes. She wanted to console her and offered her a hand but... it might be better this way rather than hurting each other! As such, she braced herself and ignored Ella's pain, hoping that it would be best for the latter. She deliberately hardened her heart.

"This can't be true! Why would my father do that?!" Ella's voice was hoarse and she quickly covered both her ears with her hands and shook her head. "It's not the truth!"

Yelena secretly clenched her fist as she finds it too hard to stay still! Much to her relief, Arias rush to Ella and hold her. 

"I know you will say that but it will change nothing. You can ask the Deputy Commander if you don't believe me." Yelena knew that she should leave right away unless she wants to lose control.

Seeing her friend standing in pain right before her eyes were pure torment for her! As such, she takes the pen drive and handed it to Morris. Trusting that Colonel Arias will be able to take care of Ella, she stormed out of her office.

When she reached the garage, she lose all her energy and sat on the ground, pressing her back against her car. Her mind was a complete mess and Ella's reaction lingered in her imagination. The way she coldly talks to her repeatedly echoed in her ears!

Did she really treat her only friend that way? Just the thought of the question suffocates her! Then her phone went off. She tried to take out her phone from her pocket but with her shivering hands, she even struggled to do that! After much effort, she finally managed to swipe the green button.

"H -Hello?"

Her stuttered voice instantly alert the man from the other side.

"Did something go wrong? You said that you will be back by 4. It's almost 4:30 p.m. now." Jason Moravsky's voice echoed in the garage as Yelena's phone was placed on the ground in a loudspeaker mode. The latter failed to hold her phone in place!

"No," Yelena said. Still pressing her back against the car, she hugged her knees and her body curled as small as possible.

"Then does that mean you are returning now?" Jason asked her.

After remaining silent for a while, she answered again, "No."

"Why? Do you have other matters to tend to?" His concern was very evident in his voice now!

Yelena slightly lifted her hands that were still shivering a bit. "I c -can't drive." Her voice was so low and helpless.

Jason Moravsky couldn't hold back anymore. He was in his office as of now and he abruptly rose from his seat. "You said that you will go to the Rayvix base after you wrapped up things at the Headquarters. Are you still in the base?" He asked her for the final time.

"Yes. I - I'm in the g -garage."

"Stay there. I will come and get you." The call was ended right away and Jason lose no time to rush to the base. He also brings Alan just in case.

When they reached the base, half an hour had already passed. However, they weren't allowed to enter the gate no matter how much they explain. They were told that they cannot get in unless they get permission or the one they wish to see should come and get them in person after identifying herself to the guards.

Of course, every soldier who was on duty at the gate would know Captain Yelena Arista. However, they can't let the two men enter until the Captain came and express her recognition. The problem was that Yelena can't answer her phone no matter how much they called her!

"Is there a problem here?" It was Major General Lucian who was about to leave the base.

One of the soldiers saluted the Commander and respond, "Sir, these two men said that they are here to get Captain Yelena Arista but they don't have permission to enter the base."

Major General Lucian observed the two young men and then gets off from his car. "Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm Jason Moravsky, an executive at TR Group and this is Alan Cavani. I talked with Yelena about half an hour ago. She said that she cannot drive and she is in the garage, so we came here to get her. I called her many times but she can't answer." Jason Moravsky promptly explained.

Major General Lucian noticed the concern and anxiety on the faces of the two men. Besides, he also became quite concern himself. Did something happen to Yelena? He glanced at the two men for one last time before he agreed to follow his instincts. Then he turned to the soldiers who guard the gate. "I will lead them there. I will take full responsibility."

"Yes, sir!" The soldiers firmly responded and the Commander led the two men inside.

The base was quite vast but they reached the garage in no time as they were in such a hurry. When they saw Yelena's jeep car which was still parked on one corner, they rushed there and saw her sitting on the ground, with her phone near her legs.

How did she didn't hear the sound of her ring tone while her phone was just beside her? They became more anxious and Maj. Gen. Lucian was the one who first ran to her and hold her. "Yelena, what are doing here alone? Can you hear my voice?"

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