Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 72 - Once Untainted Soul

Yelena felt like her head was about to explode. It's already 4 in the morning yet she still couldn't figure out who that voice belonged to. She was sure that she had heard somewhere but... she cannot recall no matter how much she thought about it!

She rolled around her huge bed, holding her head with both her palms. She didn't get a single sleep last night. If she had not gotten used to many sleepless nights she experienced during training, her eyes might already be shut by now.

Wondering what to do next, she abruptly sat on her bed and stared at the outdoors which was visible from the window at the left. Though it's the rainy season, the weather seems to be fine today.

When she realized that she needs to work on her fitness, she decided to jog around the neighbourhood since its still early. Besides, it would help her calm down.

Changing her dress to ones suitable for exercising, she leaves her apartment with a bottle of water, a phone on the pocket of her jacket and a earpiece placed on her ear.

She just exited the building which housed her apartment and started her exercise when she received a call. Taking out her phone, her lips curved into a smile when she saw the Prince's name on the caller ID.

"I can't believe that you really pick up my call at this hour." Felix's voice echoed on her ear as soon as she answered the call.

Maintaining her pace, Yelena frowned. "I'm already back to being a soldier. Soldiers never get up late."

Felix chuckled while still sleeping on his king-size bed. He hardly sleeps the other night and now it had finally become morning, he decided to call her and try his luck. He actually didn't expect her to wake up by now.

"What time is it there?" Felix asked, realizing the time difference between their two countries.

Yelena gave her watch a quick glance and replied, "It's 4:30 am. That means it's 6:30 in your country." Her eyes widened when she realized his lazy voice. "You're still sleeping?" She gasped as she halted her movement. Why did it seem like they switched places?

"I'm a businessman, not a soldier. Waking up at 6:30 is not late." He scoffed as he gradually rose from his bed. "Is everything okay? I'm quite disappointed last night. You said that you would call but it never happened."

He waited her call for a long time but it was very quiet to the point where he even feels worried. It even made him wondered if something bad happens to her!

Hearing him, she just realized that she was supposed to give him a call. She originally decided to call him after she checked out the video but the voice which she couldn't figure out made her forget everything else.

Feeling guilty, she struggled for words to say. "Umm... sorry about that. I was caught up with something and I forgot to call." She could barely come up with something but she still wondered how would he feel. Much to her surprise, his response was very calm.

"Do you have a sleep last night?" He understood right away that she was going through something unpleasant.

Keeping quiet for a while, she finally muttered, "No."

He sighed but not loud enough for the Captain to hear. "Don't be too hard on yourself. You need to rest so that you could work at ease. What are you doing now?"

"Exercising." She only answered his question as her mind had completely gone blank.

"Okay. Then continue with your exercise. We can talk later. Have a good day and take care, okay?" Like always, he dealt with her patiently.

"Okay. You too."

When she thought that he would be ending the call, he took her aback by saying, "I love you, Yelena." His voice was so warm and gentle that it comforted her busy mind.

A slight smile appeared on her face when she said, "I love you too."

Ending the call, a smile of relief plastered her face and she took a deep breath. 'Everything will be fine' She reminded herself as she continued with her exercise.

* * *

In a coffee shop which was located next to the main Headquarters of the Silveren Army, one man in uniform was meeting a beautiful young woman.

"Why do you want to see me, Gina?" Brigadier Lexus asked Gina, who was sitting opposite to her. That rainy day in the park was the time he last saw this woman and not even a week had passed since then yet she seemed so different compared to other times.

Thinking about such a thing troubled the Brigadier. Did something happened to her? She looked so dull which was very unlike her.

"I want to thank you for that day." Gina forced a little smile. "And..." She narrowed her eyes and nervously pinch her fingers. "I want to apologize for always bringing you trouble."

"Why would you say that? You know I never considered you as trouble." Lexus stared at her with worries written all over his face.

"I know." Gina paused for a while and looked at him. "But it made me feel more guilty towards you."

Though he used to get everything he ever wanted, Brig. Lexus Jivaro always finds himself powerless whenever he was in front of this fragile woman who occupied his heart for the past eleven years!

He wanted to say something to comfort her but his mind always went blank whenever it comes to this woman. She was the only one who ever made her felt worthless!

"Gina, I -"

"I plan to stay in Silveren for a while." Gina interrupted him and a small smile was seen on her face. "You know, I'm not that excited to go home and I don't have any other place to go."

One thought made Gina feel suffocated. She didn't wish to go home but she still preferred to be at her homeland than this foreign country. Her father was very angry at her when he heard that she didn't plan to return for now.

She was always afraid of her father but what could she possibly do? Rather than her father, she was more scared of the person who forced her to remain in this foreign country!

"Is something wrong? You can tell me if something troubles you." The Brigadier's voice was warm and comforting like always. It might be the traits he had in common with his cousin, the Crown Prince.

Looking at Lexus who always watched over her with a worried face, she wished to tell him these things but fear was deeply planted in her and she didn't dare to say anything.

"No. Everything's fine. I only wish to relax a bit." She replied while avoiding his gaze.

Though Lexus received a call from Felix about Gina remaining in Silveren, he decided to not say anything, at least for now.

"That's good then. I have many discussions to deal with as the Representative of the Edeladon Army. I'm not sure how long but I will remain in this country for a while. So, you can call me whenever you need me. Even if I'm late due to my work, I will always make sure to come." Lexus stated, hardly forcing himself to show her a faint smile.

"Thanks," Gina muttered and took one last sip of her coffee. "I'll be off then. Sorry for calling you out while you're working." She took her bag which was placed on the chair beside her and rose from her seat.

"Wait, Gina." Lexus who was sitting lifted his head to look at her. "Where are you staying now?"

"At Hotel Regency. You can come by if you want to." She replied right away as she understood what he was thinking. She then left the coffee shop.

Even after she left, Lexus sat still staring at the empty seat. He finds it so strange. Based on his knowledge about her, she never loved to travel. Why would she suddenly want to remain in this foreign country? On top of that, alone?!

He even thinks about the possibility of what Felix's told him to turned out to be true. Did she really have a purpose? He brushed away the thought the very moment it entered his mind. He knew her well more than anyone.

She was brought up a manipulative single father who always pressured her to live up to his expectations. Lexus knows how much it took a toll on Gina's mental health. As such, the once innocent and pure-hearted soul had changed into someone who doesn't resemble her younger self at all!

While he sat still recalling about the once untainted soul, one Private came to him and saluted him. "Sir, I'm afraid we need to return now. Your next meeting is just minutes away."

Brigadier Lexus took one last glance at the empty seat before he rose from his seat and said to the Private, "Let's go."

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