"This is totally unacceptable, Captain!" Lt. Morris vented as he clenched his fist and narrowed his eyes at the laptop on the Captain's table.

"What kind of madness is this?! This cannot be the doing of a sane person!" He erupted in anger and roughly bang his fists on the long table usually used for the team's meeting.

"Morris." Captain Yelena stood up and glanced at the Lieutenant who had completely lost his mind. "I know how you feel but try to calm down." She walked towards him and stood beside him. "It's hard. I understand." She calmly said to him, hoping to ease him even in the slightest bit.

Lt. Morris turned to the left to look at the Captain. "Let's use that as evidence and ask for an investigation, Captain." His face turned red due to the suppressing anger boiling inside him.

"We cannot do that."

"But why?" He took a deep breath when he realized that he was almost yelling at his Captain. He pointed at the laptop. "Didn't you saw how my brother and your brother suffered in that bastard's hands? How can we not do anything?" He inquired her.

His only brother's suffering. Just the thought of it made Morris felt so much rage yet he could only grit his teeth! He felt so useless and the exact feeling choked him.

Placing her hands on Morris's shoulder, Yelena glanced at the laptop and then returned her gaze to him. "Morris, you know very well that there is only one place where such torturing could happen. And at that place, only soldiers are allowed to enter. That means the one who sent us this video is also a soldier just like us."

She withdrew her hands and returned to her seat. "Can you guess why the only witness is still keeping his mouth shut? Because he knows very well that the main culprit is more than powerful to stop all his efforts. The murderer is influential enough to stop us and make our efforts futile."

Noticing the changed in Morris expression, Yelena continued, "Let's try to find some clue from this video and pretend to lay low. I have a feeling that this long war will end soon. So, please let's be patient for a while."

Lt. Morris lowered hung his head low and his eyes were glued to the ground. He was feeling guilty for confronting the Captain that way.

"I understand. Please forgive me for my behaviour, Captain. I will continue the search for the Iselin's and I will put the investigation of that video in your hands." He stood in attention, saluted the Captain and left the office right away.

Staring at the empty door, Yelena stood still for a while. Finally, she sat down and closed her laptop. She was worried about Morris. The man was always carefree as if he had no worries.

Though she prepared for that kind of reaction, it was still strange sawing him that worked up. Yet he still dealt it greater than her. She was a complete mess when she first saw that video!

It's almost 5 pm and it's only the second day since she returned to work yet it's so exhausting already! Missions will start soon and she won't even have much time to deal with the video when that time comes.

She was preparing herself to go home while Eleanor entered her office.

Standing near the door, Ella asked, "Are you free for tonight?" Her face was very pleasant to witnessed just like the past. She was always a stubborn and carefree woman despite her father's pressure.

"I think you're the one who should be busy." Hinting at Ella's relationship with the reputable Deputy Commander, Yelena glanced at her friend with a playful smile.

"Come on!" Ella grunted as she makes her way to Yelena. A sly smile appeared on her face when she thought of a way to get back at her friend. "I only think that I should comfort my friend whose boyfriend is miles away."

Rather than feeling upset, Yelena let out a light laughter. "You're still the same, vengeful as ever." She remarked and shook her head. "I pity the Deputy Commander. He has a very vengeful girlfriend. I can imagine how much he would suffer."

"Did you already take his side? I'm so disappointed!" Ella huffed as she rolled her eyes at Yelena.

"Tell me your story first and I will choose who to root for. What about having a chat at my place?" Yelena suggested.

"Fine. I'm not that eager to go home anyway." Ella nodded and the two left for Yelena's apartment.

* * *

"Now tell me. How did you end up with Colonel Arias? No matter how much I think about it, I still find it strange. You dating a superior? That's just..." Yelena shook her head and used both her hands to express herself. "It's just unbelievable!" She exclaimed.

Ella who was sitting in the couch beside Yelena slightly smiled when she heard her friend. "I know. I also find it hard to believe." She started. "I first met Arias a week after I broke our friendship. Originally, my father introduced us to one another hoping that we could have a relationship. My father truly wanted him to be his son-in-law and that's the reason why I didn't like Arias at first. I don't want my father to have what he wanted."

A small smirk was formed in Ella's lips when she mentioned her father. "I don't want my father to have the pleasure but... Arias was so persistent. He won't give up on courting me. I simply ignored him thinking that he will soon give up like other men before him."

"Little by little, I realized that Arias was not like my father at all. He is humble despite his great family background. He is kind-hearted and sincere." Glancing at Yelena, she laughed when she said, "It was impossible for me not to fall for him. He has all the traits I ever wanted in a man. He tends to be a bit clingy at times but it's because he loves me so much. He cannot live without me and so do I."

"You know, Yelena. I'm tired of the stress from my father's endless pressure and Arias is my only relief. After breaking ties with you, he entered my life and gave colours." Ella stated with a genuine smile.

"If you love him that much, why did you behave so indifferent?" Yelena asked as she recalled Ella's behaviour the other night.

"Well, it's quite fun to be like that. If I behave the same as him, it won't be any fun. Isn't it? Besides, I loved to see him that way. I mean craving for my attention." Ella responded with a playful smile which earned her a sighed from Yelena.

Sawing Yelena's reaction, Ella added, "Come on! When will you get to see the Deputy Commander behaving that way?!"

"Now that I heard you, I pity him more than before. He is so unlucky to fall for you. So, I decided to be on his side." Yelena stated with glee but her smile slipped when she saw the threatening glare of Ella. She instantly sat straight and cleared her throat.

"Are you really my friend?" Ella huffed with disbelief written all over her face. They only reconciled yet her friend seemed to be interested in Arias than her!

"I only pity him. Then tell me. How does it feel to have a Deputy Commander as your boyfriend? You know, hierarchy and all. You cannot disobey him just because of your relationship." Yelena barely resisted the urge to laugh at her friend. Her situation was the one which she didn't even want to experience!

"Are you mocking me? You should be praising me saying that I made a brave decision. It's not easy for me to accept him!" Ella exclaimed with a seemingly upset face.

Yelena nodded her head. "Maybe the Deputy Commander was right. I bet that you won't treat him well outside work." She continued to provoke Ella as she finds fun in it.

"Yelena!" Ella yelled with a grumpy face which earned her a chuckle from her friend.

"Okay then. I will stop." She lifted both of her hands while suppressing her laughter. "What about his family?"

"The McLean Group of Hospitals. Have you heard of it?" Ella asked. Her eyes had become a bit dimmed when talking about the family.

"Of course. It consists of almost all the prestigious hospitals in our country." Yelena simply replied.

"Both his parents are Doctors and his family owned the McLean Group of Hospitals. His older brother was supposed to be the heir but he passed away a few weeks ago due to leukaemia. The late brother was both a doctor and an artist."

Yelena suddenly realized her short conversation with Colonel Arias on the exhibition. He indeed told her that the painting was his late brother's last work. She noticed the undeniable sadness in his eyes that day. She had a feeling that Arias would have a very strong bond with his brother.

Ella narrowed her eyes and recalled how much the brother's death had a toll on her boyfriend. She was still posted in the countryside during that time and she couldn't even be there for him. Just the thought of it made her felt so guilty.

"Now that the Group of Hospitals is left without an heir, Arias faced quite a pressure as he is an only son now. But he is never interested in becoming a doctor. Ever since he was young, he wanted to be an Army Officer." Ella informed Yelena just how messed up the Colonel's current life was.

Yelena thought for a while and excitedly glanced at Ella. "You always dreamed of becoming a Doctor. Why not take this as a chance?"

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