The Rago District in Agrana was small and remote yet rich in nature. Beautiful trees and forests which occupied at least half of the District, lakes and rivers, small mountains which surrounded the District; it was one beautiful yet poor District.

Agrana was an underdeveloped country. Famines were not foreign for the people in the Rago District but the people there were very kind. More than 90 per cent of the population in the District earned their livelihood from primary activities such as farming and fishing. Woodcutting was also one of the popular occupations. The remaining 10 per cent was made up of soldiers and Government servants who were posted there.

It was always a harmonious District until a year ago when some terrorists set up their base near the District. Though they still carry on with their normal daily lives, the people started facing some problems from time to time since then.

After flying for four hours, the soldiers from Rayvix Special Forces landed on the helipad which was nearest to the Rago District. After another two hours ride in the army truck, they reached their base in the Rago District.

Though they don't get enough sleep in the other night because they were summoned very early in the morning which was followed by a plane ride and another ride in the military truck, they don't have time to slack around.

With the help of the Agrana Government, they handled the bodies of their comrades with respect and prepared them to sent home to their family and their country. They meet their injured fellow soldiers and those who were in a condition to endure the journey back were sent back to Silveren. Some were not in a good condition so they must continue to receive treatment first.

The two soldiers who survived unscathed and three seriously injured soldiers stayed behind while all others returned to Silveren. Two soldiers will help the new team in their new mission and help them in getting to know the area.

When the members of the Rayvix Special Forces finished taking care of all urgent matters, it was already 7 in the night. After allocating separate rooms for men and women, they finally relax to their respective rooms.

Among the 11 soldiers dispatched there, 4 were women while 7 were men. Adding the two remaining soldiers, there were 7 men in the team. Because only 4 were women, they were allocated to the second base which was a bit smaller in size while the men retired to the first and the main base.

After taking a bath and setting up a place to sleep for herself, Yelena sat on her small mattress while her back pressed to the wall. Just as expected, it was not possible to make a call for now. The cyclones damaged most of the tower in the District and they were in the process of repairing. The people told them that it would take at least another three days.

While she blankly stared at the phone on her hand, Ella came to her and sat beside her. "Are you already missing your lover?" She teased Yelena as she playfully pushed her to the side.

"Will you keep your voice low? Do you want to tell everyone that I'm dating someone?" Yelena who leaned a little to the left sat straight again and looked at Ella with a seemingly annoyed face.

Ella giggled at her words. "Do you still remember? During our training days, we used to wish to carry on a real mission together, just for once. That wish come true today."

"I know. We were always so energetic back then." Yelena said with a light chuckle when the old days crossed her mind. The two girls were always an amusing and famous duo.

"Do you mean that we are not energetic now? I think it's the opposite." Ella lay down on the mattress and look at Yelena.

"No, I don't mean that. It's only been two years since we were officially commissioned yet we have witnessed so many things. Today is one example." Yelena thought about the deceased soldiers whose bodies were sent home today.

"Ella, those soldiers will also have a family just like us. Their family will be heartbroken when they see their corpses. It will be an incurable pain." She noticed that her friend was also lost in thoughts just like she did.

After thinking for a while, Ella finally spoke up. "What could we possibly do? It's the path we chose. Don't you think that it's better to die for one's country rather than some disease or accidents? I mean, it's an honourable death."

"Yeah, it's our virtue and also our duty. But I feel bad for their family. They were also someone's beloved son, grandson, brother, husband and father. It will be so hard for them." Recalling her brother's death, Yelena muttered, "A huge hole will be implanted in their heart."

Ella instantly get up and sat when she noticed the sadness in Yelena's eyes. "Then let's give our all in this mission. Let's kill all those terrorists who claimed the precious lives of our comrades." She clenched her right first and offered a fist bump.

Her words and actions made Yelena smile. "Okay." Giving her friend a fist bump, she continued, "But why are you here talking to me about old days? Where is your secret boyfriend?" She deliberately asked to tease her friend.

"I'm sleeping." Ella immediately withdrew her hand and sleep on the mattress next to Yelena. She covered her whole body with a small blanket which earned her a chuckle from the other.

Thinking that another three days will be a long one, Yelena helplessly shook her head. The message that she managed to send in the morning ease her a bit. She then lay down and sleep next to Ella, finally having a much-needed rest.

* * *

In the next morning, the condition in Silveren was not great, especially for Brigadier Lexus. It's already 6 and he spent many hours last night, sitting next to the operation room of a hospital.

He was currently standing outside the ICU, staring at the woman through the transparent walls. His face was just... blank. He didn't resemble a living man at all! He already stood there for hours without even moving. Was he still that perfect Brigadier whom many people respect? He didn't have any resemblance to his normal self!

Gina barely survived but the possibility of her waking up was very low. She survived but nothing was guaranteed. Her condition could become worse anytime! Even if she makes it, she will never be able to walk again. She needs to spend her remaining life in a wheelchair!

Lexus knew Gina too well. Rather than become a handicapped person, she will choose to die!

He shouldn't have confronted her like that. He knows very well that she was like a ticking bomb that could explode anytime and he... he was the one who made her explode!

Lexus slowly lifted his hands that was frozen for hours. He touched the glass walls as if he was trying to touch the woman's face. Placing his hand on the walls, he lowered his head. What had he done? Why must he corner her that way?!

While he was standing before the glass walls, being killed slowly by guilt, one Private came to him. "Sir, we need to return to the base now. You have -"

"Who cares about that when Gina is in that condition?!" Brigadier Lexus snapped. He looked at the subordinate and his once dimmed eyes were replaced by a fiery red one.

The Private instantly keep his mouth shut, being afraid to provoke the Brigadier who was very sensitive for now.

Lexus holds his head and groaned. He finally moved his legs and sat down on a bench next to him. "I will talk to the General. Return to the base first." He commanded the soldier.

The Private immediately did as he was told, leaving the Brigadier behind in the hospital.

Staring at the ICU room, Lexus continued to sit still for minutes. He was aroused by the sound of his phone ringing and when he looked at the caller ID, it was a call from Felix.


Hearing his voice, the Prince who was on his room raised a brow. Why was his voice so dull and low? That's very unlike of Lexus. "Lex, is everything alright?"

"It seems like Gina is the one behind that call," Lexus muttered. "But before I could hear the whole truth, she... she jumped off a hotel building where she was staying."

Felix's eyes widened when he heard his cousin's response. At that time, the call he received doesn't matter. He knows how much his cousin love that woman and no matter what kind of person the woman was, Lexus's love for the woman was real and it deserved respect.

"How is she?" He asked Lexus.

"She barely survived but nothing is guaranteed." Lexus paused for a while and when he did that, the pain he felt was doubled! "Felix, what will I do? If Gina doesn't make it, I -"

"She will be alright, Lex. She has someone like you by her side, so everything will be fine." Felix knows that pain too well. The feeling of being scared to lose someone you loved, he already went through that twice!

When Lexus was very quiet, Felix asked, "Where are you?"

"At the hospital. She is at ICU and I can't leave her alone. Apart from me, she has no one."

Felix sighed when he heard his cousin's current situation. "Did you inform the Duke?"

"No. It's best to not inform him. She wouldn't want to meet her father." Lexus responded in a low voice. He would never take the risk! Who knows what would that old man do to his sick daughter?! He would possibly curse her for tainting his honourable name!

Apart from Lexus and Gina, no one knows the true nature of that sly old man. The Brigadier also only find it out by chance.

Felix thought if it would be the best to keep this from the father but when he gave a serious thought, he realized that his cousin was the one who knows Gina the best. So, he decided to trust his decision.

He had planned to go to Silveren tomorrow, but now it seems like he needs to push forward. He cannot let his cousin be alone in that situation. "Hang in there. I will reach Silveren in the evening."

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