Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 80 - I Put My Life On The Line

"I want you to explain yourself. Why would you suddenly want to withdraw from this project? You are the one who wanted to be an ambassador for this joint training project and we all know that you're the best choice for this." The General of the Edeladon Army, Roland Lewin asked Brigadier Lexus in one room of the Silveren Army Headquarters.

Sitting in an armchair, the General lifted his head to look at the Brigadier who was standing before him at ease. The General was attending an event in the neighbour country of Silveren and he was scheduled to return to Edeladon in the morning. But when he received a call from the Brigadier, he decided to go to Silveren to sort things out but his visit was not made official.

"I apologize, sir. I will take all responsibility. But please, sent someone to replace me. I cannot continue with this project." Brigadier Lexus responded.

He stood still on his place but all his thoughts and attention was on the hospital where Gina was barely breathing in an ICU room. He didn't want to leave her alone but the General personally came because of him and he can't refuse to meet his superior.

"That's why I asked you the reason. You should at least tell me that for me to make a decision. This is not a trivial matter, Lexus. You know that quitting in the middle of this important project could even lead you to a punishment." General Roland firmly told the Brigadier.

Lexus was the pride and legend of the Edeladon Army and judging by the number of years he served in the army, no one could compare to him in terms of achievements! As such, the General also favour him and he tried his best to understand him. But the Brigadier wouldn't say anything about it. His behaviour and words really troubled General Roland.

"I will accept all punishment. If necessary, I will even quit my job. Please, General. I'm in no condition to work now." The Brigadier's voice was low yet he remains respectful to the General. He truly respected General Roland but for now, he couldn't think of anything else. All he wanted was to be dismissed from this place and rushed back to the hospital as fast as possible!

"Quit your job?" The General gasped. He abruptly rose from his seat and look at Lexus with a displeased face. "Do you even know what you're talking? Is this a joke to you? I trust you more than any soldiers but how can you be this irresponsible?"

Even though it was the first time that the General was disappointed with him, Lexus doesn't react at all. He stood there with a blank face, unfazed by the sour face of his superior.

His lack of reaction made the General sighed. What had gotten into him? He was always a perfectionist who never made mistakes, especially in terms of work!

"No one is quitting their job." General Roland's eyes darted to the door where the voice came from but still, the Brigadier stood without any movement. He didn't even bother to look at the door.

"Your Highness." The General immediately greeted the Crown Prince and saluted him.

"At ease." Felix stepped inside the room and glanced at his cousin who had lost all his liveliness. He stood next to him and put his hand on Lexus's shoulder. "Is Lexus giving you a hard time, General Roland?"

The General glanced at Lexus who was still standing there emotionless as if he was a statue. "I don't understand, Your Highness. What has gotten with him? He never behaved this way before." He answered the Prince.

"Though it's not appropriate for me, I want to ask you to understand him. My cousin just went through an unfortunate incident. He still suffered from the shock, that's why he behaves like this. But I cannot say the details because it's his personal matter." Felix spoke up for his cousin who was not in a condition to say anything for himself.

He came here as soon as his flight landed because he heard that Lexus was meeting the General in this place. It's the first time he saw his cousin after what happened to Gina and though he expected beforehand, his cousin situation was much worse than he imagined! Sawing him in such a condition pained Felix.

Felix shifted his gaze that was glued to his lifeless cousin and look at the General. "You know my cousin well, General. He is not the type to be irresponsible. So, I beg you to understand him as he is currently going through a very hard time."

General Roland gave a quick thought and agreed that the Crown Prince was having a point. "I understand, Your Highness. I will talk to the other high ranking officers and select a new ambassador for this project." He General replied as he slightly bowed.

"Thanks for understanding, General. Lexus is not in a condition to work for now. So, I will help him in applying for a leave. I will never allow him to quit the career which he excelled." 

The General nodded in approval. "Losing him will be a huge loss for our army. Please take good care of him, Your Highness. I wish to see him soon again in a good shape." He gave Lexus a quick glance and shook his head when he saw that he was still standing with a blank face. "This is not like him at all."

"Don't worry. I will make him return greater than before." Prince Felix reassured General Roland and forced a smile.

General Roland left the room after talking out with the Crown Prince. As soon as he left, Felix braced his cousin and look at him with a reassuring smile. "Let's go to the hospital, Lex."

The cousins left the Headquarters and went to the hospital right away.

* * *

In Agrana, the sun was about to set. Despite all the unfortunate incidents that occurred in the past days, the place still had its natural beauty. The rays of sunlight reflect around the Rago District causing the beautiful lakes to shine in yellow.

After keeping check of the area for the whole day, Captain Yelena and Captain Ella took a walk around the most famous lake of the District, the Oakwood Lake. It was named after a large oak tree which was just next to the lake. The people said that it was the oldest tree of the District.

The two friends sat down under the oak tree and pressed their back against the huge trunk.

"Ah! What a busy day!" Ella exclaimed as she lifted her head to look at the vast sky which was started to become dark.

"Yet a peaceful day," Yelena added and followed suit.

"Yes. Peaceful. That's all we need until we finished our preparations." Ella stated with a bright smile. But they couldn't continue to chat more because Colonel Arias appeared out of nowhere and sat next to her. He first glanced at the sky and then look at Ella with a smile.

"You! What are you doing here?!" Ella gasped as she was very startled to see him just beside her. Did he follow them?

Yelena who was closing her eyes instantly turned her head to the left and saw the Colonel. She let out a light chuckle when he saw him sitting next to Ella. He always appeared out of nowhere!

"Don't you think that we have some amazing connection? I always find you wherever you are." Colonel Arias said with a grin.

"Connection?" Ella smirked. "It's only because you're super good at stalking!" She brushed him off.

Arias simply laughed at her words and shifted his gaze to Yelena. "What about you, Yelena? Ella said that you're lovesick." He asked her with a playful smile.

Ella's eyes widened at his words. She looked at him and fiercely glared at him. "When did I ever say that?" She instantly turned her head and glanced at Yelena. "Don't listen to him. He's a good liar." She huffed.

Yelena laughed and replied, "I'm fine, but I think Ella is the lovesick one. She still miss

you though she see you all the time. I'm curious, Colonel. How did you manage to make her fall this deep? No man has never achieved such a feat before!"

Ella glanced at her friend with disbelief written all over her face! Did her best friend just teamed up with her boyfriend to make fun of her?! She finds it so hard to believe that she can't even speak up! But Yelena continued to give her an innocent smile.

"It's not easy," Arias responded and glanced at Ella with a loving smile. "I put my life on the line while chasing her."

"How come?" Yelena curiously asked.

"I forced myself to think like this. If I cannot have her, then I won't be able to live on. So no matter how hard it was to win over her, I never give up because I don't give myself another choice." Arias simply replied.

He leaned towards the quiet Ella and halted when their face was just inches apart. "If I give up, I will lose myself. If I continued, then I can hold on. "He made a deliberate paused and whispered. "That's how I achieved the seemingly impossible."

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