Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 84 - Laying Out Some Plans

Ella stood still while firmly holding Arias's hands. Taking a deep breath, she turned around and look at him.

She knows that she should not do but she doesn't care about the rules anymore. She gave him a hug and because the Colonel was still sitting, his head was pressed against her upper abdomen. Gently caressing the back of his head, she whispered, "It's okay. I'm right here."

Burying his face in her stomach, Arias felt the familiar warmth which he always longed for. Ella was always the only one who can make him feel that way. "You know that I love you more than anything else, right?" Arias lifted his head to meet Ella's gaze. "I can't live without you."

"I know. I love you too." Her usually serious face softened when she saw his slight smile. "You're always dumb, that's why you never know how much I love you." She blurted out.

Arias's smile grew wider at her response. "It's not that I don't know. I'm well aware of how you're not good at expressing your feelings. So, I never ask for much. I never complained either." He replied.

Her words and actions had comforted him to the point where he forgets about anything else! At that moment, he could only saw her and think of her.

"That's why you're a fool," Ella remarked with a light chuckle and pats him on the head as if he was a little boy.

"You know I'm okay with that as long as you belong to me." He pulled back, creating a little distance between them. He was afraid that she would feel uncomfortable, given that were wearing their uniforms as of now. "How come I'm this lucky? I met you before someone captured your heart." He playfully said to her with a teasing smile.

"There you go again. You must rest now. There's another busy day ahead of us." She showed him an annoyed face but her voice was more than calm.

Glancing at his wristwatch, Arias scowled. Why did time passed so fast tonight? If it was another night, he will surely think over and over again how time passed super slow!

"Okay." He nodded his head with a displeased face. "Have a good rest. Tomorrow will be tiring." He showed her a warm smile.

Ella nodded her head with a smile and leave the meeting room, leaving alone Arias who keeps on staring at the door even after she was long gone.

* * *

"This is the phone record of Lady Gina." Fabian handed a paper to Lexus. It was still morning yet the Brigadier spent the whole night in the hospital while Fabian was checking the phone records.

Lexus immediately scanned through the record and one number attracted his attention right away.

"Is something wrong with the record?" Felix who was standing next to the window inside the hospital room asked as he turned his head to his cousin.

"There's a number which Gina called just before she tried to commit suicide. It seems like she makes the call right after I left." Lexus responded as his eyes fixated on the record.

"I check the owner record because it was the last call she made. But I find out that it was all fake. The one who was recorded as the owner of that number didn't exist." Fabian informed the cousins.

"What about the other numbers?" The Prince asked right away.

"The other calls she made and received are all from friends or relatives. I don't notice anything suspicious about the other numbers. Besides, she rarely talked to her father." Fabian replied.

"I already told my men to keep an eye on her father. Don't worry, Lexus. The Duke of Aswald won't hear anything about this. I also asked the Intelligence Agent to look out for all her close acquaintance. Everything will be done secretly." Felix reassured his cousin.

Glancing at Gina who was now shifted to a VIP room from ICU, Lexus keeps his mouth shut. But when someone crossed his mind, he turned his head to Felix right away. "Let's inform Lord Philip." He suggested.

"Lord Philip?" The Prince raised a brow. "You mean her cousin?"

"Yes. He is the one who sincerely cares about Gina. If we do that, it means we notified her family member. Even if the Duke finds out later, he cannot complain about anything." Lexus explained. As the one who knows Gina the best, he was well aware of her close relationship with her cousin from her late mother's side.

"That's good then." Felix nodded in approval. "But will he have time to stay here? He's very busy looking after his business."

"I'm not sure. But Lord Philip I knew will never leave his cousin in this situation." Lexus said, recalling the young businessman always look out for his cousin.

"I will inform the Lord." Fabian bowed and turned around to leave the room but Lexus words stopped him.

"I will personally call him and explain the situation to him. Work on tracking down that mysterious number." Lexus said but his gaze never leaves Gina while sitting next to her bed.

"I understand," Fabian responded and leave the room.

Lexus glanced at the mysterious number for a while and then take out his phone to call the cousin. After a few minutes of talking to the young Lord, he finally ended the call.

Meeting the gaze of the Prince who stared at him curiously, Lexus said, "He will fly to Silveren right away." 

* * *

In the meeting room which was located inside the base of the Silveren Army in Rago District, the Colonel and the two Captains were currently having a meeting. All the other members were busy carrying out the orders they received from the Colonel at last night's meeting.

"Captain Yelena, if you are one of the enemies, what will you do to defeat us?" Colonel Arias asked Captain Yelena. To defeat the enemies, one should think like them. That's what he always applied in all his missions.

Yelena keenly scanned the map placed on the table and pointed the base of the terrorist. "I will carry out a defence plan. This area has many plains and terrains. It is impossible to reach their place without going through them. It will not be hard to create some traps which can make our plan backfire at us."

"That's true. What about you, Captain Eleanor?" The Colonel asked Ella.

"I agree with Captain Yelena. It will be hard for the enemies to recuperate right away. Though we are not much in numbers, it will not be easy for them to decide to attack us." Ella responded.

"Captain Ella is right. I think we should also make some defence plans. Nothing is guaranteed and we don't know what the enemies would decide." Yelena started her opinion.

Colonel Arias nodded his head. "For now, they can't leave this area. As soon as they do that, they will be the prey of the Agrana Army who is waiting for them to make a move."

"They are cornered, sir. If they flee, they won't survive and even if they lay low and stay in their place, they will be like a severely injured animal who can't do anything but wait for his death." Yelena commented.

"That's why we should be more careful. An injured animal is always the scariest." Colonel Arias added with a sly smile.

"Let's do like this." He glanced at the two Captains. "Let's patrol around this area at least thrice a day until we are fully prepared to launch an attack. We can make a routine for that. Once in the morning, once at noon and once again at night. Night duty and others will go on as normal. If we follow that routine diligently, the enemies won't have time to try out anything."

"Yes, sir."

"Captain Yelena, take charge of that. Make sure that everything is perfectly done until the D-Day arrive." Colonel Arias commanded.

"Yes, sir. I will take care of the routes." Yelena firmly responded.

"Captain Eleanor will supervise the preparations that are going on in the base. We will soon come up with a defence plan, so be prepared for that."

"Yes, sir." Ella did the same.

The main aim of that attack launched by the enemies was to wipe out the army base and take control of the Rago District. But their plan failed when the soldiers managed to make a report to the Agrana Army, forcing the enemies to withdraw. But still, the enemies were more in numbers but the fact they were cornered make them unable to make a move.

Such an act was a common occurring in a country like Agrana. Terrorism was the thing that hindered the government and stopped the country from flourishing. As such, they remained as one of the poorest countries in the world!

After laying out some plans to hampered all possible plan of the enemies, the three Army Officers finally leave the meeting room to take all necessary actions right away. They don't have time to lose.....

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