Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 85 - I Don't Permit That

In the Moray Hospital which was one of the most prestigious hospitals under the McLean Group of Hospitals, one young man was hurriedly making his way to the elevator.

Dressed in business attire - a white buttoned shirt topping with a grey waistcoat, a black tie and grey pants with black leather shoes; he was standing in front of the elevator eagerly waiting for it to open. His eyes repeatedly glanced at the number of the floor displayed on the top of the elevator door.

Another young woman also dressed in business attire was standing just one step behind him with a grey coat hanging on one of her arms. Glancing at her boss who could barely stand still, the woman spoke up. "Sir, please calm down. Your cousin will be fine. You should also take care of your heart."

The young man was Philip Seymour, the founder and Chairman of Semar Group who hailed from one of the most reputable noble families in Edeladon. The cousin of Gina Larson and the younger son of the Marquess of Corwyn.

At 28 years old, he was one of the youngest successful and self-made businessmen in the world. He built and expand his business, Semar Group through his own efforts, without seeking any help from his family. Besides, he was the only businessman in his family.

Philip's once nervous face calmed down a bit. He glanced at his personal assistant and slightly smiled. "I know. You never stop reminding me." Placing his hand on his heart which was weak ever since he was a child, he glanced at the number once again.

The door of the elevator was finally opened and the two stepped inside, going up to the floor where Gina was staying.

Storming inside the hospital room where Gina was admitted, the young Lord was first greeted by the two cousins.

"Lord Philip Seymour." Prince Felix greeted Philip while Lexus was rising from his seat.

"Your Highness." Philip and his assistant, Sophie Marley bowed to greet the Crown Prince.

"Here, Lord Philip." Lexus walked forward and showed Philip, the bed where Gina was laying down, still in a coma.

Shifting his gaze to his most beloved cousin, Philip's face turned pale at once. He was informed of her condition but now that he saw it with his own eyes, it was harder than be could ever imagine! 

For someone like him who battled heart problems from a young age, the sight of his cousin was too much! Pressing his heart that had felt the change in his body temperature, Philip involuntarily took a step back.

His assistant, Sophie Marley was very quick to hold him in the arms. She acted as a support for him and led him to the bench beside the bed.

Philip sat beside his cousin's bed while the two cousins fixated their eyes on him. They pity the young man but they don't know what to say to him. "What happened to her?" Philip asked them but his gaze never left his cousin.

He was informed of her condition but not how she became like this. She seemed to be fine when he called her just a day ago.

"She tried to commit suicide." Lexus could barely utter the words while Felix left the room to let them talk. Besides, he needs to go somewhere.

"That's nonsense," Philip muttered. He hated to admit but deep inside, a part of him believed what the Brigadier said. Did he saw this coming? Maybe yes. That's why he gave her extra attention these days. He sensed that something was wrong.

"I know that it's hard to believe and I also know that you truly cared Gina," Lexus said and stood beside the other side of the bed. "So, please hear me out."

Philip lifted his head to look at the Brigadier who started explaining how things happened. The death of Cara Laria, the mysterious call, the confession of the man, Lexus confrontation with Gina and finally... the suicide attempt.

Hearing out Lexus, the face of the young Lord turned sour. He rose from his seat and narrowed his eyes at his cousin before shifting his gaze back to the Brigadier. "Are you telling me that my cousin was behind all those incidents? That's unbelievable!" He growled. "Marquess, did you really believe everything? Didn't you say that you love Gina?" He asked Lexus.

"I do. That's why -"

"Then you should believe her no matter what anyone says!" Philip snapped.

"I never said that I don't believe in your cousin, Lord Philip. I love her more than I love myself. Even after hearing that man's confession, I still believe that she has her own reasons or maybe there is someone behind her." Lexus calmly explained though the cousin had already started losing his cool.

Philip took a deep breath when he heard Lexus. Trying his best to remain calm, he sat down once again. His heart cannot afford to be so worked up. When his eyes landed on his cousin, the conversation that they had in the past crossed his mind.

"Do you know this, Lexus?" He started. With just one year gap between them, the two men used to be childhood friends but growing up, their busy schedules made them grew apart. Now, they don't talk to each other as much as they did in the past.

"Gina once told me that you are like a guardian angel for her. She said that you are the only one who always cared for her, who never questioned her and who always believed in her. She was glad to have someone like you by her side. She even said that she will never want to disappoint you because she doesn't want you to hate her." Philip said in a low voice.

The young Lord was so concentrated on his cousin that he didn't even notice the change in Lexus's expression. Hearing how the woman thought of her, Lexus was overwhelmed by guilt! All at once, his face turned gloomy, recalling his actions.

What if he talked to her with more patience that day? What if he didn't put such a pressure on her? What if he didn't leave her alone after confronting her that way?

He wished to turn back time but... it was too late now.

"Please don't give up on my cousin, Lexus. I beg you." Lexus once gloomy face turned bewildered when he heard Philip.

"She needs you." Philip continued. "She needs someone who loves her and cares for her. Only you can do that."

"Don't worry about that, Philip. I have no intention to leave her. I will find out everything behind this suicide attempt." Lexus declared with all seriousness.

"What do you want me to do?" Philip instantly asked, feeling satisfied by the Brigadier's words and his love for his cousin.

"I don't want to inform the Duke about Gina's condition. That old man will bring no good and I'm sure that she won't want to see him." Lexus said.

"You want me to be her legal guardian?" Philip Seymour asked. He felt the same way. He always wanted to take away Gina from the greedy Duke but she always refused.

"Yes. If the Duke finds out that we keep it from him, he might want to do something crazy. Besides, he is still her father and this is not right, legally. But if you could help us, then there's nothing to worry about." Lexus explained.

"Fine. I'll do that. It will be best if Gina wakes up soon." Philip narrowed his eyes at his cousin who was still in a coma. The moment he did that, a hint of sadness was seen in his eyes.

Lexus glanced at his wristwatch and realized that it was already 5 in the evening. He then glanced at the woman on the bed before he turned his head back to Philip. "I'll be back tomorrow. I bet you will want to spend some time with your cousin."

Without waiting for Philip's response, he left the hospital room right away.

After Lexus left, Philip sat still with his eyes glued to his cousin. When he felt a hand on his right shoulder, he holds the hand with his left hand and lifted his head. He smiled in the slightest bit when he saw Sophie's comforting and reassuring smile.

* * *

In a lavish mansion which was located in the capital of Edeladon, one man made his way to a dark and eerily quiet room. He stood before the desk where one man was sitting at an armrest in the other end of the desk.

The man who was standing bowed. "Sir, I discarded the phone as you said. Even if they track the location, they won't be able to connect with us."

The lips of the man who was sitting curved into a smile. "That's good. We should go to Silveren. That little puppet of mine is in a hospital. She is with the Marquess and the Crown Prince."

"I understand. I will make preparations right away." The man who was standing bowed and leave the room.

Sitting all alone in the dark room, the man takes out a photo from his drawer and observed with his sharp eyes that were burning with anger.

"You regain your smile again but I don't permit that. Felix Valestra, I will never allow you to be happy again, not while I'm breathing."

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