Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 98 - When Love Happens, Everything Becomes Possible

Through her strong gaze, Ella urged her friend to stand up and leave together so that they would be able to teach the two men a lesson.

Glancing at the two men who were calmly sitting, Yelena decided to take her friend's side. "Fine. Let's have fun together." She rose from her seat and Ella instantly stood next to her.

"You two can have fun here." Ella bluntly said and walked out of the room with Yelena, harmoniously bracing arms while the two men watched their disappearing forms.

Exchanging glances, Felix and Arias suddenly rose from their seat in unison and stormed out of the room to catch them up. They didn't think that the two Captains would really leave like that!

"Where are they?" They asked each other. Not even a minute passed yet the two women were nowhere to be seen!

Walking around the front of the restaurant, they glanced at all the possible route. They were lost, not knowing where they went.

"Let me try calling Ella."

"I will try to reach Yelena."

After a few seconds...

"She won't answer."

"Same here."

They look at each other with a dumbfounded face. Did their date end just like that?!

Meanwhile, the two Captains leisurely roamed around the buzzy streets. They didn't even get to have a proper dinner so they entered the food market and tried out many local dishes.

"Will they be okay?" Yelena said with a little laughter. She never ditched Felix that way! It was her first time but she admitted that it didn't feel so bad. He brought it upon himself and he deserved it!

"They can do whatever they want. Don't mind them." Ella responded with a slight smirk. She wondered how Arias become so brazen tonight! She never witnessed him behaving that way!

"There! Let's try that out." Ella pointed at one food stall and practically dragged Yelena. "It's been years since I last went here!" She exclaimed with a bright smile on her face.

* * *

Felix and Arias quietly sat on a bar with a glass of whiskey in their hands. Since the two women won't answer their calls, they had no choice but wait.

After what seemed to be forever, Felix suddenly sighed. "I have no time to waste. I need to return to my country first thing in the morning." He stated his pathetic situation. He still finds it hard to believe that his fiancee actually ran away!

Arias was not much different. He heavily sighed and took a sip of the drink. "Same here. I have to attend an important meeting abroad tomorrow." He only has to leave Silveren in the afternoon but he will be gone for at least three days.

"I think your girlfriend is quite a unique one. I bet it will be very hard to handle her." Recalling what Ella said to him through a video call, the Prince chortled. Throughout the 26 years of his life, no one had never talked to him that way! She boldly asked him if he was the shameless foreigner who captured her friend's heart!

At the mention of his girlfriend, Arias's face brightened up a little. "I know. It's not easy but when love happens, everything becomes possible." He never thought that he was capable of falling in love! It was that way until he met Ella. He was always a workaholic who only had work and his family in mind.

Everything changed when Ella's father, Lt. Gen. Haric Geraci persuaded him to meet his daughter. Frankly speaking, the Colonel was not interested in dating, so he was not that excited to meet Ella. Yet he only agreed to it because he respects the father. He was his role model who inspired him to become a soldier!

He went to the meeting with no expectations but once he laid his eyes on Ella, he became a new person. After getting to know her, he fell in love with her dynamic personality.

When he thought of the past, Colonel Arias chuckled to himself. He never thought that there would come a day when he would be completely smitten by a unique woman. He may be 29 years old but she was the first woman he ever dated!

The identity of the man beside him suddenly crossed Arias mind. Turning his head to the Prince, he said, "I bet your relationship will be quite complicated than ours." After serving in the army for 7 years, he was well aware of the complicated relationship between the two countries.

Royals were still much respected in Edeladon. As such, the power they hold was quite immense. The title of Crown Princess or Queen could never be taken lightly, especially for the people.

"Yes, but we decided to cherish our time together and always spent our time to the fullest," Felix replied. Arias words made him fell into deep thought. He always wished to run away from reality. He was not scared for himself but for Yelena. He would never allow her to be criticized by the people!

His thought goes deeper and deeper until... the sound of his phone ringing aroused him. He takes out his phone from his pocket and saw Lexus's name on the caller ID.

"Lex. Is something wrong?" These days, Felix couldn't felt at ease. Maybe he was more than worried about his cousin who was looking after the woman he loves. Besides, the man with the scorpion tattoo quite bothered him for the past days.

"You're returning tomorrow, right? Can you come to the hospital now? I want to discuss something with you. It won't be long." Lexus said from the other line with a low voice.

"Okay. I'll be right there." Felix ended the call and turned to Arias. "Seems like I need to go to Moray Hospital right now."

"If it's just a brief visit, shall I accompany you? We can look for the two best friends after that." Arias deliberately enunciated 'best friends' with almost a sarcastic tone but he was only joking.

Thinking that it was not a bad idea, Felix agreed to Arias suggestion and the two men left for the hospital.

Being one of the largest hospitals in the country, Moray Hospital was buzzy even though it was almost 9 in the night.

As they entered the building, Felix was quite confused by one thing. The hospital staffs and doctors keep on greeting Arias who simply returned their greeting with his usual friendly smile.

When Arias noticed the look on Felix's face, he simply smiled. "I forgot to tell you that this hospital is owned by my family. The McLean Group of Hospitals. Arias McLean." He compared the names to explain to the confused Prince.

"Oh! That's why? I have no idea as it was quite unexpected." Felix responded while maintaining his pace.

"I know." Arias forced a smile. He had already gotten used to such a remark but after his brother's passing, it had become quite hard as he was placed in a dilemma.

Riding up the elevator, they reach the VIP floor in no time and walked straight to Gina's room. Lexus was there with his right-hand man, Fabian. Though the Brigadier spent the whole yesterday with his cousin, he was glad to see him. During this tough time, he was the only one he could count on.

Sawing the man who was sitting next to the bed, Arias halted his movement right away. He thought that his eyes had fooled him but even when he looked twice, the scene was still the same.

Shifting his gaze from his cousin to the man behind him, Lexus raised a brow. "Colonel Arias McLean?" He uttered with a confused face.

Now that his name was called, Arias was finally convinced that he didn't saw it wrong. He slightly bowed to greet the Brigadier. "Brigadier Lexus. I don't expect to see you here, sir."

Arias heard that the Brigadier had withdrawn from his ambassadorial role due to personal reasons. He narrowed his eyes at the woman who was sleeping on the bed. Was this why?

Lexus slightly smiled and rose from his seat. He approached Arias who was still standing at his place. "I don't expect it either but it's nice to see you again." He reached out his hand to the Colonel.

Arias always admired Lexus. To be honest, the Brigadier was admired by every single soldier! His influence in the military was much huge than one could imagine. Narrowing his eyes at the Brigadier's hand, Arias accepted the handshake with both of his hands to show his respect. He slightly lowered his head too.

He and Lexus were the same age but the latter was one year his senior in the army. Besides, Lexus was higher in rank.

"I think all elite officers from the two countries already knew each other," Felix remarked and staring at the two soldiers, he jokingly added, "I never got to make an introduction."

"How do you know Colonel Arias?" Lexus asked.

"He and Yelena knew each other." Felix could felt the change in his cousin's mood. He seemed to be better than yesterday evening and that put him at ease.

"Arias, I know that you already know Lexus from the army but you might not know that he is my cousin. My mother and his father are siblings." Felix said to Arias in a purpose to explain the reason why he went to meet Lexus.

"If you don't tell me that, I will wonder why the Crown Prince is here to meet a Brigadier. That would probably go on for the whole night," Arias jokingly commented. He was quite confused just seconds ago.

Felix smiled at his response and then looked at Lexus. "What do you want to tell me?"

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