Arias already walked out of the room to give the cousins some space. Lexus stood still for a while and thought about what Lord Philip said to him during the day.

"I think we should inform the Duke of Aswald about his daughter." Lexus briefly glanced at Gina who was still sleeping on the bed. "Today, Philip told me that the Duke started doubting him. All this time, Philip told Gina's father that they are together in Silveren. At one point, the Duke believe it but now he seems to have some doubt."

Felix understood that if the Duke decided to do something, things might get out of hand and that was the last thing they wanted. "I got it. Then what will we do?"

"The doctor said that Gina's mental health should always be in check for her to recover quickly. She needs to feel safe but if her father is here, I can't guarantee anything. If something bad happens, we will end up losing more time." Lexus explained.

Looking at his cousin with an apologetic face, the Brigadier continued, "If we tell the Duke now, he might probably be here tomorrow. So, can you please delay your departure? At least a day? You are the only one who can put him in check."

Felix glanced at Lexus for a while and when he saw his guilty face, he smiled and put his hand on the latter's shoulder. "That's not a problem, Lex. I only need to reschedule my appointments for a day." He reassured his cousin.

"Thanks, Felix. With you and Philip here, there won't be much trouble. I feel so helpless as there is nothing I could do." A hint of despair could be seen in Lexus's eyes. He wished to protect the woman he loves at all cost, but he can't do much for her and that feeling made him felt so useless!

Felix was about to respond but Lexus interrupted him by muttering, "No matter what, I cannot let her face her father. She's not fit enough for that."

The Prince realized that he had never asked why his cousin felt that way. What did he know for him to behave like this? The anxious yet nervous face of his cousin was so foreign that he couldn't resist the urge to ask him. "What did you know, Lex? You always behave strangely when it comes to the Duke."

"Later. I will tell you later." Lexus forced a little smile and look at Felix again. "I will inform you when the Duke is on his way. You must be tired, so go now." He calmly said to his younger cousin.

Felix was curious but he didn't want to force Lexus. He showed him a slight smile to assure him. "Okay. See you tomorrow."

Meanwhile, Arias ride down the elevator when he realized that his mother still doesn't get off from work. It's already 9 p.m. but his mother was a workaholic just like him. Besides, she's one devoted doctor.

He gets off the elevator and saw his mother who just walked out of a patient room. His lips curled into a smile at the sight of the middle-aged woman in a doctor gown. "Mom." He called her and walked to her.

Mrs. Rebecca McLean turned around and was flustered when she saw her son approaching him. "Son, you're here?" Her surprised face was soon replaced by a genuine smile.

Arias stood beside his mother and cling onto her arms. "I came with a friend. Did you always work till this late? I know that you're a doctor who has the responsibility to save people's lives but you should take good care of yourself."

"You love to lecture your mother, isn't it?" Mrs. McLean rubbed her son's head as she teased him.

"Mom, don't you remember? When I was a child, you always said that we only lecture our loves ones. I'm doing this because I love you." Arias lovingly tilted his head to his mother which made the latter laughed.

"Didn't you bring Ella with you? It's been a while since I saw her." Mrs. McLean turned her head around as if she was searching for her son's girlfriend.

"She ditched me and run away with her friend." Arias snorted. "Mom, how come dating is so hard?!" He whined to his mother like a little kid.

Rebecca McLean laughed at her son's behaviour. "You're lucky that Ella loves you. If she doesn't, what kind of woman would have the power to deal with you?" She jokingly scolded her son.

"That's harsh, Mom! Did you forget that I was always so popular among women? It's all thanks to you, you give birth to a handsome son." Arias said and faked a proud look.

"Popular? Those women always shunned you when they get to know you. Unfortunately, you take after me and become such a workaholic. That's why women always run away from you. You're always so harsh to them." Mrs. McLean chuckled when she thought of Ella.

"Ella is the only one who can handle you, so always be good to her. But I know that you don't need such a reminder. You're completely smitten by her." She added.

Arias was a bit embarrassed to hear such words from none other than his mother. Was his love for Ella always that obvious?

"Tell me, Arias. Who is the number one woman in your heart? Me or Ella?" Mrs. McLean knows that her son hated to be asked this question. That's why she loved to piss him off by asking him the exact question!

Just as expected, Arias's lips thinned. "Don't go home too late. I'm going." He instantly turned around and walked away from his mother.

"Will you come home tonight?" His mother asked from behind his back with a high voice. He makes an ok sign with his right fingers and lifted for his mother to see. The mother smiled in satisfaction and then continued with her work.

* * *

"This is the last place I could think of," Felix said to Arias who was standing beside him. They had been looking for the two women in many places but to no avail.

Now, they were standing in front of Yelena's apartment door and it's the last place they could think of. If they were not here, then they might probably give up and went home.

"How will we enter? I doubt that they will open the door even if they are inside." Arias pointed out their pathetic situation. The two Captains stubbornness was quite something!

"Don't worry." Felix's lips curved into a menacing smile. "I know the passcode."

"You know? That's great!" Arias exclaimed and put his arms around Felix's shoulders. They had gotten very close in just hours!

Arias narrowed his eyes at the door. "Let's get started."

"Fine." Felix pressed the passcode of the apartment and then the door was opened.

Desperately hoping for the two women to be there, they stepped inside the apartment. Much to their delight, the two friends were there but... they felt like something's missing.

Yelena and Ella were aware of their presence but... why did they act like they didn't see them? They were completely ignored! 

Arias sighed when he saw them watching TV over some popcorn, without a care in this world. When he saw the Prince's face that was suddenly turned to a nonchalant one, he realized that he must do something.

Clearing his throat, he walked to Ella and picked up her bags. "Let's go. It's getting late."

"I'm still having fun." Ella's eyes were fixated on the TV and Arias didn't even get a single glance!

"I talked with my mother and she says she wants to see you." He deliberately lied to get her out of the house. This method always worked on Ella!

"What?!" Ella gasped. She abruptly rose from her seat and faced Arias. "Why didn't you tell me that sooner? Let's go." She bids goodbye to Yelena and left with Arias right away!

Still ignoring Felix, Yelena was focused on watching the TV. Seeing this, Felix's lips curled into a smile once again. "Still refusing to talk to me?"

When he saw her still not bothered, he chuckled. He walked to her and sat beside her. He keenly stared at her for a while until he lose his patience. 

He reached out his hand to her face and made her look at him. It was not voluntary but she didn't struggle either. When she saw the look on his eyes, she scowled. "Did you drink?"

He narrowed his eyes with an apologetic face. "Just a little."

"Didn't you know that a little amount always leads to another?" She scolded him but slightly smiled when an idea crossed her mind. "This won't do. I think you need to be punished. In the army, we received punishment for every mistake that we make. That always makes us hesitant to make another mistake and strive harder to do well next time."

Felix couldn't believe what he just heard! But he was in the wrong, so he didn't dare to refuse completely. "But I'm not a soldier."

"But I am. And I was known for being a strict instructor." She stated with confidence.

"Are you really doing this?" He asked, still refusing to believe it.

She simply nodded. "Besides, you also upset me in the restaurant. That means it's two mistakes." She looked at him which a sweet smile but the latter finds it intimidating!

Noticing that she had no plan of backing out, Felix sighed and finally gave in. "What is the punishment?" He bluntly asked.

"You will sit here with me as long as I wish to watch a television. I already get enough sleep in the day, so I'm fine with staying up for a long time. But you can't talk to me or touch me. That would disturb my pleasure of watching TV." She stated with a smile.

"What?! Are you serious?!" The Prince gasped in disbelief.....

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