Falling For The Bad-boy Superstar

Chapter 6:Let The Tour Begin

They arrived in New York and were swiftly driven to a Penthouse in Manhattan, where they would all be staying for the next few days. The condo had seven bedrooms and each person had their own room. The house had two pools, a game room, a fitness center with steam room and sauna, a multimedia lounge, music rooms, a land-marked lounge bar, wine storage, and tasting room, bike and private storage, with four sprawling terraces to entertain.

Ryan was there to welcome them and to give instruction as usual. He took them on a tour of the house and told them the house had everything they could possibly require and more.

"The kitchen is well stocked and there is a chauffeur, chef, and housekeeper on call 24/7-don't abuse them though. You will all be given a daily allowance of five hundred bucks a day and you can spend it as you see fit. You're free to tour the city but remember to be back here by 4 pm so that you can accompany JC to the venue. That is mandatory. Are we clear??" He paced the room like an army general.

"Yes, Ryan." Everyone muttered.

"Great. So today's schedule is left open. I hope you can use this time to refresh and to get to know each other better. Keep your noise levels down to a minimum because JC was kind enough to open up his home to you. Plus he gets very cranky when he doesn't get enough sleep.. so I'm sure you don't want to see his bad side." He reiterated. "Any questions? No? Good. I'll see you all later."

"Oh by the way..there might be a little get-together tonight. Just you lot, JC and his entourage, maybe a few important people..so just be ready by let say.." He glanced at his watch, "Six or so. Melissa will be here before then to help with wardrobe selection, make-up and the like. See you later kids." He strolled into the elevator and waved at them before the doors closed him in.

"Well, it's best I get my beauty sleep if there's going to be a party tonight," Bella said with a toss of her blonde hair. "You look well-rested Lana? JC didn't feel up to the challenge today hmm?" she taunted.

"Oh, actually he rose to the occasion..a couple of times actually." Lana sighed and stretched her body. "I should actually get some rest..you never know what could happen later on tonight." She gave an exaggerated sway of her hips as she walked towards her room.

"She thinks she's so special just because she's fooled around with JC a couple of times." Bella fumed.

"Well about that.." Amelia said, "She is pretty special if he keeps coming back for seconds."

"Shut up Red Riding Hood! No one asked you for your opinion." She snapped.

"Well, then I suggest you keep your stupid thoughts to yourself-Barbie!" She shot back as they came toe to toe.

"You asked for it." Bella clenched her teeth and took a swing at Amelia and missed. Amelia, in turn, grabbed her by the hair and kneed her in the gut.

"Cat-fight!" The guys shouted, forgetting Ryan's strict instructions about keeping the noise levels down.

"What is going on here??!!" Jordan stormed into the room and broke up the fight.

The room was silent as a classroom during an exam.

"She started it!" Bella shouted as she pointed at Amelia.

"You took the first swing so I simply returned the favor." Belinda retorted.

"Enough!" Jordan shouted with authority.

"You-I want you out. Why are you still here anyway??"

"I-Preston-" Bella fumbled.

"I don't want to hear it. Get your stuff and get out!" He glared at her. "Jones!"

"Yes JC. You called." Jones said in a calm tone.

"Why is she still here? Don't answer that-just get her out of my sight. I don't think I can last another day with her, never mind a whole month. I want her out-now!" He commanded, his chest heaving.

"Okay fine! I'll get my stuff and leave!" Bella said, tears streaming down her face.

"Good. That's the most sensible thing you've said from the time I've met you Kinky." Jordan said, trying to keep his anger at bay. "Now can I get some sleep? Is that too much to ask??" He turned on his heel and went back into his room, slamming the door behind him.

"What's going on guys? I was in the shower and heard noise?" Lana came in and looked around at the forlorn faces.

"Well, you'll be happy to know that your boyfriend has kicked me out." Bella wiped her tears and glared at Lana.

"Again," Reese said under his breath.

"You guys don't understand. I need to go on this tour because it will help my music career.. among other things. Now I'm screwed, totally screwed." She sank onto the couch, totally defeated.

"Sorry, Barbie but you had it coming," Rob added. "I meant Bella-sorry."

"Don't you think I know that?? Just shut up! All of you." She burst out again.

"Easy there tiger. You're already on strike three." Jason held up his hands. "Don't let JC come out of that room again."

"Look let's just all chill okay? I'll go and talk to Jordan..and try and get him to change his mind about Bella." Lana volunteered.

"Oh please! You don't have to sleep with him again on my account." She remarked snidely.

"Look. I'm going to set the record straight once and for all-I did not sleep with-no let me re-phrase that...I did not have sex with JC okay? Not that I owe anyone an explanation but I thought I would just put it out there." Lana pushed her hair back and took a deep breath.

"But you slept in the same bed," Reese mumbled.

"Yes. Yes, I did." Lana agreed, "But that's as far as it went okay?"

"Right." Jason scratched the back of his head and looked to the side.

"Whatever guys. Anyway..my offer still stands Bella. If you change your mind, then I'll be in my room." She was about to leave but Bella held her arm.

"Look, I'm sorry. You're just trying to help me and I'm being a total-" She face-palmed herself.

"Okay. I will go and speak to Jordan now. Wish me luck." Lana gave her a tight smile.

"I think I need it more than you do." She gave a nervous laugh.

Lana walked purposefully to Jordan's room and knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in!" He barked, causing her to shrink back in fear. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. She put her hand on the door handle and twisted.

"Can I come in?" She stood at the door.

"Duh..that's what I just said." Jordan was lying on his back, his arm strewn across his face, in nothing but his boxers.

"I need to talk to you about Bel-" Her eyes darted everywhere but at the figure on the bed.

"She can stay but she's now solely your responsibility." He said without shifting his current position.

"Oh. Okay." That was easier than she thought.

"But-it's going to cost you Bambi.." His voice vibrated.

"Oh?" Was all she mastered.

"I can't sleep sweets..so..get your body over here."


"Rise and shine sleepyhead," Jordan said as he pushed Lana's unruly hair out of her face.

"Hmmm.."She groaned softly, with her eyes tightly shut.

"C'mon sweets, you need to get up now. If you're not ready on time Ryan's going to have our heads." He laughed as he stood up and re-adjusted the towel around his waist.

Lana slowly opened her eyes and met with the most awe-inspiring sight she had ever seen in her entire life. Jordan had just come out of the shower, his body and his hair was still dripping with water and a towel hung around his waist-dangerously low. She tried her best not to stare and drool at the same time but he's body drew her in like a magnet. He slipped on another pair of boxers under the towel while she watched. He ripped the towel off his waist and winked at her.

"Like what you see Bambi? Well, you had your chance.." He gave her a seductive look and sat down on the bed again.

"What time is it?" She re-focused her attention elsewhere and tried to calm her raging hormones.

"Nice try sweets." He threw his head back and laughed.

"I'm going to get ready." She said quickly as she tried to slide past Jordan.

"Not so fast.." He blocked her and caged her in with his arms. His eyes hovered on her full pink lips, that were slightly open. "I'm going to kiss you now." He firmly stated and he followed through.

His tongue darted in her mouth as she put her fingers through his hair and pulled him closer. He traced his tongue along her delicate jawline and possessed her lips once more. She dug her hands deeper into his lush locks and it seemed to spiral him on because he deepened the kiss and grabbed her thighs as he positioned himself between them.

She had changed into a tank top and shorts earlier on so it gave him easy access. He put his hands under her tank top and skimmed his hands across her flat stomach causing her to gasp and arch her back. She couldn't believe this was even real. The feelings he was invoking in her were making her lose all sense of reasoning. She wanted him.

His kisses trailed lower, right down to her navel. She let out another gasp and clutched the sheets. He had taken control of her and she couldn't stop him. She didn't want to. She knew that it was she would look easy. She knew that he probably wouldn't want anything more than this but she would let him have his way. She would let him possess her body...and she would deal with the consequences later.

A loud knock at the door broke them apart. Lana's long legs were still wrapped around Jordan and he had decorated her body with spots of red. Their breathing was heavy and their hair was all over the place. If they answered the door in their current state then everyone would know what almost happened.

"Jordan!" Ryan rapped his knuckles on the door. "I hope that silence means you're getting ready?"

Jordan jumped off the bed, grabbed the towel on the floor and wrapped it around him again. Lana scrambled to sit up and tried to make her hair look decent

"Get away from my door Ryan!" Jordan shouted.

"Okay. Was just checking. We're expecting guests in the next 20 mins." He replied.

"Tell me something I don't already know?" He sounded irritated.

"Great. See you in a bit then." Ryan said as he retreated.

"Sorry to cut this short sweets but duty calls." He leaned over and gave her a chaste kiss. "Let's pick this up later shall we?" He didn't wait for a response. She heard the spray of the shower shortly after and wondered why he was taking another shower so soon..

She grabbed a white robe that was lying on his chaise and put it on. Her body was covered with too many telltale signs of the afternoon's activities.

Lana managed to sneak back into her room without running into anyone and she heaved a sigh of relief as closed her bedroom door. She couldn't face anyone right now. She had a quick shower, sat at the dresser in only her underwear to try and do damage control to her hair and neck. Concealer and foundation would probably do the trick.

"Hey, I need help with my zip." Amelia barged into Lana's room, struggling to zip up her little black dress. "Yikes! He likes it rough doesn't he??' She exclaimed as she looked at Lana's body.

"Lin..nothing happened..I mean it did but we didn't.."

"Deep breaths Lana. Let's take it from the top?" Amelia sat down and looked at Lana expectantly.

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