Falling For The Bad-boy Superstar
Chapter 7:This Is What it Feels Like
As usual the party was much bigger than expected. By the end of the night almost everyone was totally wasted.
"Don't sweat it. That's what friends are for right." Lana replied with a tight smile.
"You consider me a friend? After everything I've done to you?" She asked bewildered.
"Yeah. Why not?" She shrugged.
"Awww you're the sweetest." Bella gushed as she gripped Lana in a bear hug.
"Sorry to interrupt but I need to borrow Lana quickly." Amelia grabbed Lana's hand and dragged her to the bedroom.
"What's up?" Lana asked, breathless.
"What's going on? I just witnessed JC doing tongue wrestling with Lexy..You saw him too didn't you?" Her face fell.
"Yeah, I did but it's no biggie." Lana tried to brush it off. "It's not like we're exclusive or anything right?"
"I'm so sorry sweetie. I know it hurts." Amelia hugged her and stepped back. "He shouldn't have led you on though. Jerk."
"He didn't promise me anything okay? We just kissed a couple of times so that doesn't mean anything to someone like him." Lana sank onto the bed and started to strip off her dress.
"Are you calling it a night then?"
"Yep. I can't go out there and put on a brave face anymore. I'd rather stay in my room and have a pity party." She said morosely as she jumped under the covers.
"Okay, call me if you need me. Goodnight." Amelia shut the door behind her and as she turned around she saw Jordan and Lexy ripping each others clothes off, as he kicked open his bedroom door. Poor Lana she thought as she went back to the party.
"Hey Ames, where's Lana?" Jason asked.
"She's got a bit of a headache so she's called it a night." Amelia lied.
"Oh I thought maybe it was because of JC's behavior."
"Why would she care about that?" She said on defense mode.
"Forget it. It doesn't matter." He mumbled as he walked away.
The party was in full swing and most people were having a great time. Bella and Preston were all over each other as usual and Rob even tried to flirt with Amelia. Jordan resurfaced an hour later, it looked like he had showered and changed again. Amelia was a bit tipsy by now so she decided to confront him. She marched towards him with great determination, not thinking about the consequences that would follow.
Jordan was sitting out by the poolside with his friends and there was a random blonde sitting on his lap. This made Amelia angrier than what she was before.
"Hey Jordan can I have a word?" She stood in front of him, a martini in her hand.
"Hey Ygritte. I'm kind of busy now..as you can see." He leaned over and sucked the girl's face.
"You're a jerk you know that?!" She said with venom and her voice.
"Tell me something I don't know sweets." He laughed and took a sip of his drink.
"You're a waste of time!" She threw her drink in his face and walked away. Everyone at the table gasped
"What the-??" His face twisted in anger as he stood and went after her.
"Hey how dare you??? Who do you think you are to do that to ME??!" He grabbed her roughly by the arm.
"Ygritte." She said sweetly.
"What??!" He snapped.
"You asked me who I think I am and I said Ygritte. That's what you called me remember??"She gave him an angelic smile.
"Don't try and be smart with me or you'll regret it!" He pointed a finger at her and pushed her back forcefully, causing her to stumble back.
"Oh I will.. but probably not as much as Lana regrets hooking up with you right now." She gritted her teeth.
"She wanted it just as much as I did. Unfortunately I couldn't unpick her lock cos it's too much work. So I had to find a well that's already been dug out. But next time she gives herself to me willingly-she won't leave my room a virgin." He smirked as he walked backwards.
He winked at Amelia before turning round and going back to his table. She stood there trembling with anger. How could they have all been so wrong about Jordan? Everyone assumed he was a nice enough guy, yes he had a few rough edges here and there but he was a good person wasn't he? It was so easy to believe what you read in the tabloids but this time around they seemed to be right. Jordan Carter was a bad boy in every sense of the word.
"Hey Amy something is about to go down-you and Lana need to get out of here now!" Jason came and grabbed her by the elbow and made for the fire-escape.
"What's going on?" She asked confused, as they hurried along.
"I'll explain later. Just go somewhere safe for now. Here's some money," He gave her a thick wad of cash, "Go and check into a hotel or something. I'll call you. Keep your phone on." He pushed her towards the stairs.
"Please tell me what's going on??!" She cried. He wasn't making sense and she was scared.
"I will. Promise. I need to go and get Lana before it's too late so please go!" He turned around and walked back into the penthouse.
"Excuse me JC but there are police officers in foyer with a search warrant. What's the way forward?" Jones whispered into Jordan's ear.
"What? Are you sure??? Stall them I need to find Lana and get her out of here." Jordan sprang into action. He ran to Lana's room and fortunately she was wide awake. She was on Facetime with her friends when he barged into her room.
"Hey! We need to get out of here now. The police are on their way up to raid this place so please get dressed fast!" He threw off the covers and dragged her out of bed.
"What? Raiding the place? For what??" She put on her shoes, threw on sweatpants and a sweater quickly.
"No time to explain now okay? I'm going to need you to trust me on this okay?" He held her shoulders and looked at her earnestly.
"Jones is going to drive you to a safe place. I will follow through if I'm not taken in-" He didn't get to finish his statement because police bust into the room and commanded them to raise their hands.
Quite a number of Jordan's friends and friend's friends spent the night in a holding cell. The police found a significant amount of illegal drugs at the condo. It turns out Jason, one of the contestants was actually an undercover detective. They had been trying to bust a drug ring so they were interrogating Jordan and his friends to try and get a name of their supplier but they were all tight- lipped.
Finally one of them let it slip that Preston knew the name of the link so they let everyone else go. Jordan's lawyer, Barry showed up much later before they were released. Lana in her disheveled state, followed behind, her eyes puffed up from crying all night. Barry had arranged for them to use the back entrance in order to avoid the paparazzi.
"Thanks for taking your time to get here." Jordan snapped as he walked towards the waiting SUV. Lana jumped into the car wordlessly. She had a lot of things to say to Jordan but now was not the right time.
"I've been trying to do damage control. The story is all over the media and drug possession is a serious crime in case you didn't know." Barry said with a grave look on his face.
"I didn't have any on me okay?" He countered.
"But all your blood tests contained high volumes of-" Barry tried to say but was cut off as usual.
"I know what the freakin' test said! I don't pay you to be my father okay? So back off!" He yelled, before he jumped into the car.
Lana was seated at the opposite end and she just glared at him briefly, then continued to stare out the window. Jordan ran his fingers through his hair and sighed deeply. He needed to make things right with Lana but he didn't know where to start. She didn't deserve to be caught up in his mess. She didn't deserve any of this.
"Lana." He said softly.
"So you know my real name? Hmm.." She folded her arms and stared at him.
"Look I'm not good with apologies..For the longest time I haven't had the need to apologize to any one for anything. It's always the other way round." His blue eyes pierced through her.
"So you're expecting me to-"
"No!No. That's not what I meant." He held up his hands. "I don't know how to say this but-" He moved and sat closer to her and held her hands. "I'm sorry that you got caught up in this mess. This isn't what you signed up for."
"You got that right. I have a good mind to hightail it out of here and catch the next plane back to Minnesota." She scowled.
"Please don't do that. At least give me a chance to make it up to you?" He stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. " Please?"
"Why does it matter to you whether I go or stay?" She asked as she pulled away.
"Simply because." He said and she raised an eyebrow.
"Not good enough Carter."
"I like having you around?" He gave her his million dollar smile that caused her heart to melt.
"Fine. I will stay...on one condition.." Her face turned serious.
"Name it." He held his breath.
"I'll need you to keep your distance..just until your figure out what it is that you really want."
"I'm sorry-"
"Let me finish-if that's okay?"
"Sure." He placed his hands on his knees and listened intently.
"You can't keep toying with my feelings. I have them you know? And it hurts when you go hot and cold on me. I know that I'm not even your type and that I was easy but this can't go on. I won't allow it. I came here as your fan and not to be your babysitter so I would really appreciate it if you treated me as such. If you want something more then I would also require something more from you-like fidelity and respect-a real relationship. But I know that is way beyond you and wishful thinking on my part." She said wistfully, her brown eyes clouding with tears.
"Look sweets I'm sorry about the way I treated you but that's just who I am. I like you- a lot. But I can't give you what you want. I don't think I ever could." He said, his voice filled with regret.
"I know. Thanks for being honest." She blinked back tears. He slid over to her and wrapped his arms around her. She put her hands round his waist and laid her head on his chest for what she considered to be the last time.
"You deserve better than me Bambi. I'm no good. I don't want to hurt you so I will try my best to keep away from you. Though I'm not making any promises.." He turned to face her and smiled.
"You're hopeless." She swatted his shoulder and laughed.
"I need to ask you one last thing though?"
"Anything." She looked up at him.
"Will you go with me to the prom? I'm making a guest appearance at a high school prom so.."
"I have a few other options to consider but I think I'll go with you." She teased.
"Gosh! You have just made me the happiest guy Lana Logan." He winked at her and she blushed.
"Don't sweat it. That's what friends are for right." Lana replied with a tight smile.
"You consider me a friend? After everything I've done to you?" She asked bewildered.
"Yeah. Why not?" She shrugged.
"Awww you're the sweetest." Bella gushed as she gripped Lana in a bear hug.
"Sorry to interrupt but I need to borrow Lana quickly." Amelia grabbed Lana's hand and dragged her to the bedroom.
"What's up?" Lana asked, breathless.
"What's going on? I just witnessed JC doing tongue wrestling with Lexy..You saw him too didn't you?" Her face fell.
"Yeah, I did but it's no biggie." Lana tried to brush it off. "It's not like we're exclusive or anything right?"
"I'm so sorry sweetie. I know it hurts." Amelia hugged her and stepped back. "He shouldn't have led you on though. Jerk."
"He didn't promise me anything okay? We just kissed a couple of times so that doesn't mean anything to someone like him." Lana sank onto the bed and started to strip off her dress.
"Are you calling it a night then?"
"Yep. I can't go out there and put on a brave face anymore. I'd rather stay in my room and have a pity party." She said morosely as she jumped under the covers.
"Okay, call me if you need me. Goodnight." Amelia shut the door behind her and as she turned around she saw Jordan and Lexy ripping each others clothes off, as he kicked open his bedroom door. Poor Lana she thought as she went back to the party.
"Hey Ames, where's Lana?" Jason asked.
"She's got a bit of a headache so she's called it a night." Amelia lied.
"Oh I thought maybe it was because of JC's behavior."
"Why would she care about that?" She said on defense mode.
"Forget it. It doesn't matter." He mumbled as he walked away.
The party was in full swing and most people were having a great time. Bella and Preston were all over each other as usual and Rob even tried to flirt with Amelia. Jordan resurfaced an hour later, it looked like he had showered and changed again. Amelia was a bit tipsy by now so she decided to confront him. She marched towards him with great determination, not thinking about the consequences that would follow.
Jordan was sitting out by the poolside with his friends and there was a random blonde sitting on his lap. This made Amelia angrier than what she was before.
"Hey Jordan can I have a word?" She stood in front of him, a martini in her hand.
"Hey Ygritte. I'm kind of busy now..as you can see." He leaned over and sucked the girl's face.
"You're a jerk you know that?!" She said with venom and her voice.
"Tell me something I don't know sweets." He laughed and took a sip of his drink.
"You're a waste of time!" She threw her drink in his face and walked away. Everyone at the table gasped
"What the-??" His face twisted in anger as he stood and went after her.
"Hey how dare you??? Who do you think you are to do that to ME??!" He grabbed her roughly by the arm.
"Ygritte." She said sweetly.
"What??!" He snapped.
"You asked me who I think I am and I said Ygritte. That's what you called me remember??"She gave him an angelic smile.
"Don't try and be smart with me or you'll regret it!" He pointed a finger at her and pushed her back forcefully, causing her to stumble back.
"Oh I will.. but probably not as much as Lana regrets hooking up with you right now." She gritted her teeth.
"She wanted it just as much as I did. Unfortunately I couldn't unpick her lock cos it's too much work. So I had to find a well that's already been dug out. But next time she gives herself to me willingly-she won't leave my room a virgin." He smirked as he walked backwards.
He winked at Amelia before turning round and going back to his table. She stood there trembling with anger. How could they have all been so wrong about Jordan? Everyone assumed he was a nice enough guy, yes he had a few rough edges here and there but he was a good person wasn't he? It was so easy to believe what you read in the tabloids but this time around they seemed to be right. Jordan Carter was a bad boy in every sense of the word.
"Hey Amy something is about to go down-you and Lana need to get out of here now!" Jason came and grabbed her by the elbow and made for the fire-escape.
"What's going on?" She asked confused, as they hurried along.
"I'll explain later. Just go somewhere safe for now. Here's some money," He gave her a thick wad of cash, "Go and check into a hotel or something. I'll call you. Keep your phone on." He pushed her towards the stairs.
"Please tell me what's going on??!" She cried. He wasn't making sense and she was scared.
"I will. Promise. I need to go and get Lana before it's too late so please go!" He turned around and walked back into the penthouse.
"Excuse me JC but there are police officers in foyer with a search warrant. What's the way forward?" Jones whispered into Jordan's ear.
"What? Are you sure??? Stall them I need to find Lana and get her out of here." Jordan sprang into action. He ran to Lana's room and fortunately she was wide awake. She was on Facetime with her friends when he barged into her room.
"Hey! We need to get out of here now. The police are on their way up to raid this place so please get dressed fast!" He threw off the covers and dragged her out of bed.
"What? Raiding the place? For what??" She put on her shoes, threw on sweatpants and a sweater quickly.
"No time to explain now okay? I'm going to need you to trust me on this okay?" He held her shoulders and looked at her earnestly.
"Jones is going to drive you to a safe place. I will follow through if I'm not taken in-" He didn't get to finish his statement because police bust into the room and commanded them to raise their hands.
Quite a number of Jordan's friends and friend's friends spent the night in a holding cell. The police found a significant amount of illegal drugs at the condo. It turns out Jason, one of the contestants was actually an undercover detective. They had been trying to bust a drug ring so they were interrogating Jordan and his friends to try and get a name of their supplier but they were all tight- lipped.
Finally one of them let it slip that Preston knew the name of the link so they let everyone else go. Jordan's lawyer, Barry showed up much later before they were released. Lana in her disheveled state, followed behind, her eyes puffed up from crying all night. Barry had arranged for them to use the back entrance in order to avoid the paparazzi.
"Thanks for taking your time to get here." Jordan snapped as he walked towards the waiting SUV. Lana jumped into the car wordlessly. She had a lot of things to say to Jordan but now was not the right time.
"I've been trying to do damage control. The story is all over the media and drug possession is a serious crime in case you didn't know." Barry said with a grave look on his face.
"I didn't have any on me okay?" He countered.
"But all your blood tests contained high volumes of-" Barry tried to say but was cut off as usual.
"I know what the freakin' test said! I don't pay you to be my father okay? So back off!" He yelled, before he jumped into the car.
Lana was seated at the opposite end and she just glared at him briefly, then continued to stare out the window. Jordan ran his fingers through his hair and sighed deeply. He needed to make things right with Lana but he didn't know where to start. She didn't deserve to be caught up in his mess. She didn't deserve any of this.
"Lana." He said softly.
"So you know my real name? Hmm.." She folded her arms and stared at him.
"Look I'm not good with apologies..For the longest time I haven't had the need to apologize to any one for anything. It's always the other way round." His blue eyes pierced through her.
"So you're expecting me to-"
"No!No. That's not what I meant." He held up his hands. "I don't know how to say this but-" He moved and sat closer to her and held her hands. "I'm sorry that you got caught up in this mess. This isn't what you signed up for."
"You got that right. I have a good mind to hightail it out of here and catch the next plane back to Minnesota." She scowled.
"Please don't do that. At least give me a chance to make it up to you?" He stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. " Please?"
"Why does it matter to you whether I go or stay?" She asked as she pulled away.
"Simply because." He said and she raised an eyebrow.
"Not good enough Carter."
"I like having you around?" He gave her his million dollar smile that caused her heart to melt.
"Fine. I will stay...on one condition.." Her face turned serious.
"Name it." He held his breath.
"I'll need you to keep your distance..just until your figure out what it is that you really want."
"I'm sorry-"
"Let me finish-if that's okay?"
"Sure." He placed his hands on his knees and listened intently.
"You can't keep toying with my feelings. I have them you know? And it hurts when you go hot and cold on me. I know that I'm not even your type and that I was easy but this can't go on. I won't allow it. I came here as your fan and not to be your babysitter so I would really appreciate it if you treated me as such. If you want something more then I would also require something more from you-like fidelity and respect-a real relationship. But I know that is way beyond you and wishful thinking on my part." She said wistfully, her brown eyes clouding with tears.
"Look sweets I'm sorry about the way I treated you but that's just who I am. I like you- a lot. But I can't give you what you want. I don't think I ever could." He said, his voice filled with regret.
"I know. Thanks for being honest." She blinked back tears. He slid over to her and wrapped his arms around her. She put her hands round his waist and laid her head on his chest for what she considered to be the last time.
"You deserve better than me Bambi. I'm no good. I don't want to hurt you so I will try my best to keep away from you. Though I'm not making any promises.." He turned to face her and smiled.
"You're hopeless." She swatted his shoulder and laughed.
"I need to ask you one last thing though?"
"Anything." She looked up at him.
"Will you go with me to the prom? I'm making a guest appearance at a high school prom so.."
"I have a few other options to consider but I think I'll go with you." She teased.
"Gosh! You have just made me the happiest guy Lana Logan." He winked at her and she blushed.
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