Falling For The Bad-boy Superstar

Chapter 72:Ts & Cs Apply

Lana and her girls left the island immediately after her confrontation with Jordan but everyone flew out to Ibiza. Maya was still mildly upset with her for breaking Jordan's heart and told her she was making a mistake; that was just before they went their separate ways. The boys left for Ibiza and their posts on social media showed that they were having the time of their lives.

Jordan donated his impromptu wedding to a lovely young couple that he met on the beach and even threw in the ring for good measure. He was kind of glad that Jamie's efforts and his money didn't go to waste.

The friends spent most nights singing at the clubs and the locals were more than happy to have them. Activity on the island picked up considerably when people heard that America's finest were in the vicinity. Girls threw themselves all over the trio but they were wasting their time. One night, against his better judgement, Jordan brought a girl back to his hotel room. she reminded him of Lana and he wanted to drown himself in her and try to forget the woman that tormented his dreams, but he couldn't go through with it and kicked her out of his room-half-naked.

"You're playing a dangerous game." James reprimanded him as they sat at breakfast.

"She doesn't want me so why should I remain celibate?" Jordan defended his reckless actions. "I'm free to do whatever I want and so is she." He scoffed. "Please save it Kyle-you're totally whipped and Maya has you eating out of her hand." Jordan held up his hand as Kyle opened and shut his mouth again.

"Well in Kyle's defense..I think he's got Maya eating out of his pants-" Jamie ducked as Kyle's fist came flying in his direction.

"Don't talk about my wife like that!" Kyle tried to be serious but burst into laughter.

"You know it's true!" James chuckled.

"Anyway, I need to head back to New York. Got a lot of stuff that I need to do..so I'm leaving with Chris and Justin tomorrow morning. Are you going to be okay?" Kyle fixed his gaze on his friend.

"I think it's time we headed back anyway..Where are those two delinquents anyway?" Jordan looked around their guest house.

"Still in lalaland. Not surprised though...they went ham yesterday." James shook his head.

"It all started when those toddlers thought they could beat us in a dance-off." Jordan snorted, "As if!"

"Then you said the losing team has to drink bottomless tequila until you tell them to stop-and you didn't! You're going to miss heaven, Jordan Carter. You're a sadist." James laughed and the guys joined in.

"Served them right for being delusional." Kyle castigated. "How could they think they could beat us? I mean just JC alone was enough to send them with their tails between their legs."

"I taught you well boy." Kyle ruffled his hair and Jordan pushed his hand away.

"Whatever." He grinned as he rolled his eyes.


"Are you still mad at me?" Lana asked as he walked into Maya's office.

"I still believe that you're making a mistake." Maya rested her chin on her hands as she put her elbows on the desk.

"He said he isn't ready to be a parent. That's why I turned him down. I can't be with someone-"

"No one is ever ready to be a parent Lana. Even when you're a parent you're never prepared for it..any of it. At least he was honest about his feelings. He poured his heart out to you and you didn't even give him half a chance to try and-you know what let's just drop this okay?" she sighed and leaned back in her chair.

Lana gave a weak smile and put her handbag at her feet. "What are you doing for Christmas?"

"If you're asking if I'm going to be with Jordan then yes. He usually comes over to our house and leaves after new year's. So if you want to join us then you're more than welcome." She gestured with her hands. "Although I doubt you will be comfortable with that..?

"I guess I'll be spending Christmas alone then.." Lana drew a rueful face, contemplating the place where she was going to be during the holidays.

"You don't have to be.." she replied, in an aggrieved tone.

"You've evidently chosen a side, but can't blame you though." Affirmed Lana, with a crooked smile.

"Jordan is like family to me Lana. He's like my little, annoying but adorable little brother." They laughed.

"Yeah, he can be annoying.." Lana confirmed.

"When Kyle first introduced me to him, he was on top of his game but was having personal struggles-I'm sure he's told you some of it-but he was going through so much stuff-too much for a guy his age. He didn't like me at first because he thought I was going to take his best-friend from him..but he soon discovered that we were on the same side." She smiled as she reminisced. "I've watched him grow and mature into a remarkable young man; despite all the challenges he had to face. He was just a lost, little boy but he was also rising above the storms and he's made it happen. He's pushed and broken every limitation that was against him and I will always be his number one fangirl and I will never apologize to anyone for that. He thought he wasn't worthy of anyone's love until he met you.."

"Sounds like you have been through a lot with him. No wonder you're so protective of him." Lana brushed a stray tear from the corner of her eye.

"He loves you, Lana. I know that he does." Maya walked around to Lana's side and hugged her.

"But I want him to love our child too..and until he's able to do that then I can't be with him. I hope you can understand that?"

"I respect your decision but I hope you can change your mindset one day..before it's too late.."

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