Falling For The Bad-boy Superstar

Chapter 73:E for Effort

Lana spent Christmas alone. Lisa and Olivia had invited her to come and spend the holiday with their families but she declined. Maya stopped by to see her for an hour or two and then had to dash off to a Christmas Charity Dinner. She had invited Lana to join her but she declined when she heard that Jordan would be there.

New Year's Eve was another none event. Lana spent it eating and watching movies in bed. She only left her bed to use the bathroom and then she was back between the covers again. She had everything she could possibly she want but she wasn't happy. She was miserable and lonely-she had never felt so alone as she did over the holidays.

On Christmas Day Jordan posted on his social media, a pic that he had taken of Lana while she was asleep and captioned it: Merry Christmas Baby! #ForeverMine #BestChristmasPresentEver #LoveofMyLife #BabyMama

Lana's heart skipped a beat when she saw it and convinced herself that she had to reply for the benefit of the public eye. She responded with: @Jordan Carter: Merry Christmas babe! I love you until eternity! xoxo

She was kind of expecting him to call her or text her but he didn't -so she despondent all day. It was all for show she thought to herself, he didn't really mean anything he wrote-but she did. She still loved Jordan..more than ever. But he-what did it matter anyway? What was she expecting? It's not like they were together or anything, right? He hadn't contacted her ever since they parted ways on that fateful day on the island.

Ryan had become their spokesperson since she had let her personal assistant go. Whenever anything needed to be communicated Ryan would call her on behalf of Jordan. The last time Ryan called she told him that she had an appointment with her OB in a few days and told him to relay the message to his boss. Since he wasn't interested in being a father, she knew that he wouldn't show up and was just trying to rub him the wrong way.

On the day of the appointment, Lana got ready and drove herself to the doctor's rooms. She was sitting in the waiting room reading a magazine when she felt him before she saw him. His strong fragrance wafted through the room and mesmerized women with its captivating scent. It was the magical combination of intrigue, mystery, and desire.

Lana kept the magazine in front of her face; unable to move. She heard his footsteps approach her and he sank onto the seat beside her. "Good morning Lana." She recognized that drawl of his as soon as he opened his mouth.

She lowered the magazine, her fingers trembling slightly. "Carter..what are you doing here?"

"Are we not here to check on our child?" As he leaned forward, he smiled faintly. She couldn't help but admire how good he looked right now. He was dressed in a pair of jeans and a dusty pink v-neck sweater that only he could pull off.

"Yes. Guess we are." She put the magazine back on the table and rubbed her sweaty palms on her black jeans.

"So there's the answer to your question." He looked at her with a smile all suffused by love and longing.

"I wasn't expecting-I didn't think that-" It was the look he gave her that made her stammer. How she missed staring into those arctic blue eyes-

"Carter?" The nurse called out as she checked the name on a clipboard.

"That's us." He stood up and held his hand out to her. She hesitated briefly but found herself holding onto his soft, warm hand. She felt like a jolt of lightning shot through her body. He still affected her.

"This way please." The nurse led them into the examination room and closed the door as she left them. Lana knew the drill so she bent over to remove her shoes.

"Let me do that." He lifted her onto the bed and knelt at her feet to remove her sneakers.

"Good morning Lana-" Dr Andrews burst in, "oh I see we have a visitor with us today."

"Uhmm..yes-this is my-uh-

"Husband." Jordan's face into a charming smile as he held out his hand to her. "Jordan Carter. Pleasure to meet you Dr Andrews."

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine." Dr Andrews swooned as she held onto his hand. "You look better in person..so much better.." she swooned. "We're glad that you could make it. We missed you last time."

Lana cleared her throat. "Can we get on with it?"

"Of cos! Yes. By all means." Dr Andrews put on her gloves and preceded to examine her patient.

Jordan stood by Lana's side as the doctor did an ultrasound and showed them their bundle of joy. "The heartbeat is strong and everything seems to be in order. But I just need to do a few more tests just to be sure."

"That's our..our baby..." Lana's eyes glistened with tears as she squeezed Jordan's hand and pointed at the screen with her other hand. Jordan pulled out his phone and took a photo of the blob on the screen. Well, it looked like a blob to him.

"Seems like it.." Their eyes locked and for a moment they re-connected. There had been in the gaze a conflict of emotions, strong and baffling. They were both emotional after seeing their baby and it was new to both of them, they didn't know what to do with themselves.

"When is the next visit?" He glanced at the image in his hand and blinked back tears.

"Should be next month. I'll get my assistant to confirm." Dr Andrews wiped the gel of Lana's stomach. "In case you're both wondering..and too coy to ask.." she gave them a knowing look, "it's perfectly safe for you to have sex until I tell you otherwise."

"We-uh-I-" Lana's face turned crimson and Jordan couldn't help but laugh at her discomfit.

"Thank you for pointing that out Doc. I didn't know how to ask but you've put my mind at ease." Jordan clutched his chest dramatically. "Did you hear that sweetheart? The doctor has given us the go-ahead..so it's on tonight baby." He winked at her, with a mischievous smile.

"Just as long as it's not 50 Shades sex then by all means...indulge.." Dr Andrews said as a parting shot.

Lana sat up and pulled down her t-shirt, unable to meet Jordan's eyes, suddenly feeling exposed. He helped her put her shoes back on and rose to his feet.

"Thanks..you didn't have to do that though."

"I know. I did it because I wanted to." He said as he put his hands in his back pockets.

"Of cos.." Lana pursed her lips into a thin line. No one could force Jordan Carter to do anything.

"So where to from here? Have you eaten?"

"Home." She hopped off the bed and grabbed her bag from the chair. "I'll eat once I get there."

"Good. I'll drive you." He stated as he held the door open for her.

"I drove myself here so that won't be necessary-"

"Yes, it will. I read that some pregnant women are prone to black-outs so I'm not going to take any chances." He took it on himself to expound. "actually I'd prefer it if you didn't drive at all until the baby is born..actually I don't think I'd want you to drive around with my son-"

"If I can remember correctly, you weren't ready to be a father." She spat out as they stood in the car park.

Her words evidently annoyed him and he frowned angrily. "What do you want from me, Lana Logan?! Is this not making an effort on my part? To be here for you-for our child?! Nothing I do is ever good enough for you!"

"You haven't called me once to check how I'm doing!"

"There wasn't a reason to-"

"I spent the holidays alone-"

"That was your choice, Lana! Don't blame me for your doltishness!" The fire had been waiting for weeks for a match, and now the flare-up had come.

"Doltishness?! Doltishness??!" She sputtered, her cheeks puffed up like her face was about to explode.

"Yes! You're acting b-" he pulled his hair as he caught himself just on time. 'You're behaving like a spoiled brat-just like your mother!"

"And you're acting like a total jerk-just like your father!" She screamed in his face.

"Hey! Hey!" Jones cut in between them. "Play nice kids." He pushed back against Jordan's heaving chest. "Calm down okay?"

"I'm out. Make sure brat girl here gets home." Jordan's car door slammed shut and his tires screeched as he drove off.

"Please give me your car keys?" Jones put out his hand. Lana handed them over silently and stormed over to the passenger side, yanking the door open.

"It's going to be a long day.." Jones muttered to himself before he jumped into the car.

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