*Fast-forward one year*

"Where are you going?!"

" Away from you Reo!" I scream as I take my bags and start running down the stairs, knowing damn well he'll easily catch-up.

I feel him grip my arm and he violently turns me around. The look on His face isn't really the one I was expecting. I thought he was going to be furious, but his pupils are soft, he seems hurt... he looks desperate.

"So you're leaving me?..." he asks. His voice soft and strangely calm.

"We can't possibly continue this game. You're you, you're never going to change, and I am so sorry I tried to change you... but I need air now... I need to get away from you Reo, from you and everything..."

"I'm not letting you go unless you tell me you're coming back to me..."


"Say it..."

Then we stood there for minutes, each gaze defying the other. How did we get here? If one year ago someone told me this man would be the one chasing me down the stairs and begging me to come back to him I would laugh till I pass out. But it's true... looking at him right now, everything tells me that he loves me... but he cannot possibly change his nature... not for anyone, even me.


I slowly open my eyes. I'm feeling dizzy... everything around me is dark and I take a few minutes to remember what happened to me...

Oh there it is! I got kidnapped by the Edo clan. I look around, I can't see shit. But I hear some voices outside.

What could the Edo clan possibly want from me? As I'm thinking, I realize my hands are tied and I'm sitting on a chair. The men outside are laughing and talking like it is a situation they are used to.

I feel fear overwhelm me when I hear one talk about me.

"She's quite the babe too!l he says before laughing along with his buddies.

I stay silent and listen carefully.

"We can't possibly touch her though... they said it's the Minister's daughter. If we touch her, the boss can't get his money, and I really don't wanna get my finger chopped off." Another one says.

And I'm in shock. What the fuck is going on? So all this happened because they mistook me for Yui? And what could they possibly want from Mister Kano? Why would he ever be linked to a prominent Yakuza gang like Edo?

I try to calm myself down. As long as they think I'm Yui they can't possibly hurt me. I just have to play along as long as I can.

"Where's the boss though? It's been hours..." one asks.

"You dumbass... today is the reunion. He's meeting the Oyabun inside..."

My heart skips a beat. The Oyabun? Like... The real? Reo is here? I feel fear disappear and excitement win me over.

"Hey! What are you guys doing?! Where's the girl?" I hear from a more hoarse voice.

"She's inside, boss."

And I hear keys then the door opens. It takes a few seconds for the light to adjust but then I see him.

He's short, a big mustache, very small eyes, expensive looking rings on his fingers and sides of his neck show the beginning of colored tattoos.

Realizing I'm awake he slowly gets closer and stands before me.

"Well well, you are very much awake I see. I hope you haven't heard anything compromising have you?" He says before glaring at his minions by the door who then look away. Only one speaks.

"She hasn't, we were only talking about her nice looking ass."

He finishes with a disgusting look at my legs barely covered by my skirt. This time, it's my turn to glare at him.

The boss gets closer with a smile on his face.

"He's right though... you are quite a beauty miss Kano."

I can feel him scanning my whole body and his smirk gives me an idea of the disgusting thoughts he's having about me.

"Give our precious Minister a call. We'll have him pay us what's due, I don't know what makes these politicians think they can just borrow money from us and run with it. For years at that." He says before sitting right in front of me.

I stare hard at him and I can't control my curiosity.

"Why would my father ever ask for money to you people."

He seems amused. He laughs hard, very loudly.

" You people? Haha! The best one yet!"

He laughs again and finishes with an amused look on his face.

"You would be surprised by how many politicians come here and ask for our financial support, princess." He says before his minion gives him the phone.

"Hellooooo His excellency Kano!... Oh yes I know you are a very busy man Sir, I just thought you might want to know that your precious daughter is in our custody and we might accept to release her if we receive the money you've been owing us for years now. I heard your house is big, your wife is also wealthy so it shouldn't be this complicated to pay our money back right?"

I look down, I'm trying to hide my nervousness the best that I fucking can but it's impossible. What if Mister Kano and Yui are both at the house?! What if they figure out they took the wrong person? My fate will be determined by how Mister Kano reacts...

I throw a quick glance at the old man again and he's sadistically smiling. Hmmmm, I do not like it...

"Oh... so you're daughter is home?..." he speaks. I can almost hear my heart shatter. I am uncovered.

He hangs up on the phone and approaches. Never leaving my desperate almond eyes.

"Well, would you look it that? Mister Kano said his daughter just came back from her work? I am sorry but I have to ask, who the fuck are you then?" He asks.

When I feel his disgusting hand approaching my face so I decide to spit on his face. He takes a step back. Surprised, but very much annoyed.

"You fucking whor-

"You better get the fuck away from me. If you touch me I swear I will ruin you."

After cleaning his face he laughs again.

"I would love to see that."

He takes a few steps ahead and I know he wants to touch me. I know what he intends to do to me... And I am not letting this disgusting pig have his way. As I feel his hand on my cheek the impossible happens and he falls down, loudly. A brick in his face. What the fuck ?

I look around to put the pieces together, and understand what could have possibly happened, then I see David... joy consumes me, then crashes again when I see who's behind him. The Oyabun. He's staring at me with an amused look on his face and I feel anger fill me.

"You fucking-

I'm cut off by the minions of the old man who pull guns out of their pants.

"What the fuck?! It's the Oyabun?! Boss?! Boss ?!"

"Shut the fuck up you stupid fuck!" He says before slowly getting up, his nose is heavily bleeding but he seems to not care, he glares at the Oyabun and David.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing in our territory?!" He speaks and I can't tell who he's talking to.

"Get over yourself Himaru, the new rules are meant to be respected. You cannot just kidnap random people. You wanna get your othe finger chopped off?!" David says, while entering the big room.

He walks towards me like it's nothing and when he's facing me he gets on one knee and scans me, looking for the slightest injury. Then he looks at me.

"You Okay?" He asks softly and I feel like I'll cry but I don't want to cry now, in front of all these criminals and especially in front of "him".

"Yeah... I'm good... How did you get here? Why are you with him?" I ask, before throwing a quick look at the Oyabun who is still standing by the door looking right at me with his same, annoying, nonchalant gaze.

But David doesn't answer. He releases me from the ropes and throws a very angry look at me.

"YOU did this!" He says before helping me up and leading me to the door.

"And you Himaru, I won't forget this! She clearly was with me. Your dumbass minions saw that too but they still attacked. What if I fought right back?"

I look at the whole situation with a confused face. So David is familiar with these people? Is he also a Yakuza then? Is he really close to Reo? Is that why it seemed so easy for him to make me see him again?

I look up again and Reo is right in front of me. Right behind him, his men are standing there, ready for whatever. He always seems so powerful, so unreachable, it's scary.

He's calmly looking at me. I can almost tell by his amused pupils that he finds this whole situation funny and it angers me even more.

I release my hand from David's grip and walk out. Furious. I feel stupid, I feel like I have been manipulated, I feel helpless and worst of it all, I feel weak. I wanted to make him pay, ruin his life, hurt him like he did me, in any possible way. And now he's the one seeing me in my most pitiful state. Looking down on me, looking high mighty as ever...

As I walk out I hear David still arguing with the old dude. The sound of steps getting closer, and I know it's him.

"Is this how you intended to ruin me?" He asks, I don't even have to turn around to knowthat he is smiling.

"You can't talk to me." I say. My eyes closed, trying to calm my heart down. But he insists.

"I am Reo Kobayashi. I talk to anyone I desire to talk to." His voice is calm but I can feel the excitement in it. He clearly enjoys throwing his power and status in my face.

I turn around, a frown on my face. I want him to see how much I just hate him. But he just stands there, emotionless. Not the least worried about my hateful gaze.

"So then what?! I do not care who you are. Do not think you can just talk to me after what you've done to me!" I spit, hate filling my voice.

He slightly leans his head on one side and fakes curiosity.

"And what could I have possibly done to you."

I stare, hateful for a few minutes. Then I get closer to him. As I'm one inch closer to his face, I can feel his men turned my way ready to strike if anything. But he himself does not flinch the slightest.

"You want to lie right now and tell me that you had nothing to do with my apartment burned down with literally every existing information I've gathered about you?"

He still doesn't flinch. But I can see him getting serious. And he leans his head back up, then leans dangerously closer to me.

"I don't ever need to lie. About anything. To anyone. Ever." He speaks, so formal.

And I can almost tell he is not lying. Then who was it? No... it has to be him, that is one hell of a coincidence, my apartment burning down the exact same day I get a warning from him? Who would buy that?

As I try to argue, David comes out and looks at us for a second then gets closer to me.

"Kanna lets go." He orders, his hand on mine but I jerk it off.

"Why the fuck are you with him?" I ask, my eyes fierce.

His eyes tell me that it is not the right time to talk about it, but I don't care. I almost feel betrayed.

"So what?! You guys are partners?! You are from the Kobayashi family?! Or maybe one of his most faithful minions."

"Can you shut up? Come on let's g-

"Don't touch me. I'm not done here."

I look up to Reo and he didn't move. Emotionless as ever.

"I have to speak to him." I finish, never leaving his sight. But David seems annoyed.

"Cut the bullshit please, your friend is probably worried like crazy right now, you have to-

As he's talking a black car parks in front of the Oyabun. One of his men opens the door for him and he looks at me.

He's defying me. He's asking me to get inside if I can. To risk it all if I really want the answers... it feels like a reckless thing to do. To go with him, in his car, not knowing where he would take me at all... but I don't care. I lost my job, after today I probably can't ever show up at Yui's house again, and I, as of right now, don't have a single friend who I can trust anymore.

I brush off all these thoughts, build up my courage and walk past him, getting inside the car.

"Hey where the fuck do you t- David tries to follow but Reo's men block him.

In the car, I see Reo's smirk. And the next second he turns to David and opens his mouth. I can't hear shit. I'm too far. But David has calmed down and Reo is walking to the car.

I see him sit and his men close the door. Next thing I know the car starts and we're leaving. Where? I could honestly care less... I don't know why but I have a feeling that this man wouldn't hurt me. He could've, all these times I've been in his face, disrespecting him, talking back, defying him, glaring. But he just stood there...

But I don't doubt that if he has to, he would check me, by any mean necessary. And I am definitely not about to test his anger.

The ride is silent. I can see my annoying hands trembling. They don't even put the radio on or the music. Only the sound the bumps on the roads or the car honks fill the car.

I discretely stare at his reflection on my window. He's looking right in front of him. Always so formal... always so unreachable...

A ringing phone breaks the silence and I watch him slowly pick up. He doesn't even greet the person calling. He stands there and nonchalantly listens. After a few minutes he hangs up. Before I know it, his hand is under my jaw. His fingers pressing both my cheeks and he turns my face to his.

"What are you doing." I ask. Shocked by his sudden actions.

His look is still emotionless but he stares right through me.

"Are you scared now?" He asks. His other hand running down my hair. He scans my face with amusement and I can't help but curse at my loud heart pounding in my chest.

"Lovely melody..." he adds. Pointing out that he also hears the loud sound my heart is making.

"Get off me!"

Surprisingly he lets me go but still he'a still looking at me.

"Your apartment has been burned down by a minion from the Edo clan."

I look at him, in shock.

"Why would they ever do that? I never-

"This is what happens when you stuff your nose in business that have nothing to do with your little work." He responds, coldly.

And then I remember. I had a few files about the Edo clan but nothing great really, just a few documents with a list of a some members that were involved in a smuggling scandal a year ago. Is that why? But I never even seriously studied this subject, I was too absorbed on his.

I look at him surprised and I can tell he's not the least amused by the situation. I can't possibly tell him "I'm sorry" "I made a mistake" "I'm done trying to ruin your life now". Like hell, I'll probably get shot on sight if I do. So I'll just jerk it off. And big pretend.

"Why would I believe you." I say, defying him again.

He doesn't say a word and leans back in his seat. He closes his eyes and never answers.

Why do I feel more threatened by his silence ?

Weirdly, the moment he closed his eyes, the car started rushing through the road.

What is happening? The driver then speak:

"Oyabun we have a problem..."

"What?" He asks, without even opening his eyes.

"We're being followed..."

"By who?"

Then his phone starts ringing. And he just lets out an annoyed sigh before picking up.

"I am tired. So get it over with within 5 minutes. I do not care the damage I don't want to deal with anyone this late at night."

I quickly look at my watch. It's 02 AM. I can't believe this.

So he's bringing me to his house?! What the hell?!

He hangs up and looks at me.

"Your friend is persistent." He says

"Wha- who David?!" I look back but I can't see much, the car is far ahead...

"I could kill him..." he says, never leaving my eyes. Again, he's playing his favorite mind game. Testing me and trying to see if I'm going to fall for it and beg.

But I'm not, I don't want to give him the satisfaction of getting what he wants when he always does. I'll play along and make it harder.

I smile, and my eyes are defying.

"Why kill him? Kill me, if you can."

And excitement fills his pupils again. I can tell he loves it. But what exactly is he going to do? Kill me? I could care less. But I know he won't. I just know, right?

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