"You're interesting, woman." He says, his dark pupils captivating mine.

He's just inches away from my face and I can feel his warm hand slowly form pressure around my neck. My heart is beating fast, but not from fear. I enjoy his intoxicating perfume, being this much close to him is quite intense.

My mouth opens then closes a few times. Powerless. His gaze exposes me... I feel like I can't lie to him, I can't pretend. This whole individual is intimidating. He doesn't have to speak or frown to make you afraid and powerless.

Still looking at me, his eyes are suddenly on my lips. He's watching it open then close weakly and his annoying smile appears again.

"Aren't you scared of me?" He whispers, the pressure of his fingers tightening around my neck, my heart skips a beat but I try my best to stay content.


His grip tightens, he knows I'm lying. And something tells me that he particularly detest liars, but who cares? I'm not ever going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he intimidates me. Even though I know he can definitely tell.

"Woman, do not lie to me." He puts a certain amount of pressure on every single word. And I suddenly hear the car stop.

The windows of the car show that we are parked in front of a big mansion. Probably his house... Oh My God... What the hell am I doing now? There is no turning back. But I could care less.

"I'm not lying... you're intimidating. Not scary." I finally admit, throwing a look behind him trying my best not to look at him. This close, I feel so weak and nervous.

He looks at me for a few minutes then leans back. The door opens behind him, his men are already gathered in front of the car, he gets out then turns and stares without a word. By the look on his face I can tell he's waiting for me to get out. So I oblige.

I get out of the car and he already started walking. His men don't even look at me. I find it odd but I wouldn't ask why.

When we get inside, he goes up the stairs and I slowly follow him while admiring the big house.

It's huge, not really decorated as I thought it would be. It's very... traditional. As I'm staring as the collection of katanas and other old swords exposed on little tables I hear a door open. I rush to join him inside and instantly regret.

As I go inside, the door slams behind me and I know he's right there. The room is dark and silent. Only the sound of our breathing fills the big room. I hear him getting closer and my heart goes wild.

Am I scared? Am I eager to see what he will do ? Am I nervous? Am I enjoying all of this? I really don't know... I just know that right now I have nothing else to lose... so I'm going all for it.

"You said, earlier. That you weren't scared of me." He whispers in my right ear.

His hand sliding slowly along my arm, up my shoulder, then on my neck. His other hand is on my thigh. Slowly stroking my dress.

I'm really going crazy. What am I doing? Feeling all content and enjoying this criminal touching me as he pleases.

"W-what... are you... d-doing..." I ask, but the tone isn't right... it really betrays my secret excitement, and I feel embarrassed. But he continues, the hand on my thigh suddenly turning me around to face him.

His hot breath on my cheek, I feel his hand on my back slowly going down and the other one reaching for my chin. As I feel him lifting my chin to look at him, my heart shatters.

He's cruelly mocking me. An evil smirk painted on his lips, I should've known better. As my anger and disappointment gathers, he speaks with this same satisfied smile on his face.

"Is that why? You are attracted to this criminal, that's why you do not feel fear?"

He's not even trying to hide his amusement. And I feel so stupid. Yes, he is crazy attractive, yes, no doubt I'm attracted to him. And if he wasn't who he is and just a random guy on the street would I ever want to fuck him? Absolutely. But I had put all this on silent in the back of my mind. To concentrate on hating him... but now that I know that he wasn't the one who caused my downfall, I can't help but be confused.

The fact that he's innocent this time does not take away the fact that he's still a ruthless killer, and that he'd order his men to cut my throat if I ever cross a line... but the question now is, why isn't he doing it? Why is he leading me on, on this fucked up path?

I lean back, pissed as fuck.

"I know what you're doing. It's not gonna work." I say while turning my back at him, trying to find another way to get out of here than the door I saw him lock earlier.

The room is dark but I can hear him clearly walking slowly towards me. Something falls and I know he removed his jacket.

"Do not test my patience, I asked a question." He says. It sounds like an order and I know he's reaching his limits with me and my rudeness but I don't care anymore. I will not give in.

"Get over yourself ! Why would I ever feel attracted to you?!" I shout with all the nervousness in my voice loud and clear.

Next thing I know, I'm facing him and he slams my back on the wall, his two hands on the sides of my face. Obligated to stay still, I try to avoid his eyes but he forces me to look up.

This guy is a creep... he's smiling.

"There's nothing wrong with wanting me to fuck you, you know. Happens all the time." His voice is a whisper but the arrogance in it is loud and clear and disgust wins me over. I'm done with him.

"I'm-not-fucking-attracted-to-you." I pronounce, all the words as loud and clear as his previous statement.

It's dark but I know he's coldly eyeing me. Probably annoyed by my stubbornness.

I could give two fucks. He's not having his way with me.

"Then why are you here then." He adds, his face leaning closer, his dark eyes lost in the contrast of the darkness.

I gulp, quite loudly without knowing, then answer:

"Because I thought you burned my house down."

"Then why did you stay in the car after knowing that I did not?"

"I know what you're doing..."

"Answer." He orders

He might not know, but I'm the most stubborn woman this century has probably seen. And I don't care, he will not have his way with me.

"Do not get any closer."

He laughs, and leans back. The light comes out of nowhere and while I take seconds to adjust my eyes to the lighting, he's already in front of a closet, removing his shirt.

I watch him intently, silent. He's still chuckling. And then, when he removes his shirt I am stunned. Completely stunned by the amount of tattoos on his back. Dragons, Japanese, some swords, a woman or should I say specifically a geisha. All of his tattoos are colored and I can almost feel the pain he had to endure while having them drawn.

He turns around and notices me looking at his tattoos. He slowly walks towards me and I also notice the small tattoos on the front. Some words written in an unknown language that clearly isn't Japanese.

As I remove my eyes from him, I realize he's in front of me again. His eyes are curious.

"Have you never seen an irezumi before, woman?"

I look down at his naked chest and feel like touching the words on his flesh. But I won't.

"Never." I answer

He doesn't say anything. He just looks at me again, intently as usual.

I feel like this man just never speaks. Every time he says something, I feel like he is putting up so much effort to do so. Why is it?

I look at him for a few seconds before walking around and reaching his back. Admiring silently the tattoos on his back.

"Did it hurt?" I ask, suddenly realizing that my hands were on his skin all this time.

"Why do you care?" He says, brushing off my curiosity.

"Because I do." I admit. And then he turns to face me again. I feel weak by the look he throws at me. A serious look but a smirk that betrays the excitement he's currently feeling.

I stand there, my hand still on his flat belly. Eyes lost in his. My breathing is loud and my chest rises uncontrollably high and fast. What has this man done to me? I'm going insane by just touching him... I can't even imagine what his lips feel lik-

Oh My God. I've been staring at his lips for almost 5 minutes and his smirk has never left his lips. He knows I'm going crazy over him... he knows his simple touch can control my whole soul... I know he knows... I've barely been able to hide it. It's intense... the chemistry, the attraction or whatever you want to call it.

I feel one of his hands on my back, pulling me closer and his breathing on my neck. My eyes widen by surprise when I feel his teeth biting the pale skin on my neck. It's beautifully painful, and instead of screaming, I moan... too loudly. I feel him licking my neck then his tongue rolls up from my neck to my cheek. And while my lips are already open pleading and praying for him to finally do it, I hear a cruel chuckle.

I open my eyes, slowly and realize he's walking away and falling back in his bed, loudly laughing and mocking me.

Oh my God. I cannot believe I fell for it again... frustration, anger and disappointment fill my head... It's official. I hate him. He's manipulating me. I'll never fall for his dirty tricks ever again.

He laughs for a few more seconds then sits up. Still smiling.

"And just a few minutes ago you were swearing up and down that you were not attracted to me. That was quite something." He says, his pointed canines out with his beautiful and cruel smile.

I stand there for a few minutes, feeling ridiculous. Then I suddenly walk to the door. He doesn't follow me as I thought he would. So I continue, unlock the door and walk out.

Fuck him, fuck this fucking attraction, fuck this heart, fuck these hormones and fuck me, fuck everything. I won't allow myself to get manipulated by this man. He's dangerous, he's an asshole and I swore to ruin him. So I should stop letting my hormones rule me.

I run down the stairs we passed minutes ago and go out. When I reach the door, his men are still there, in formation. When I walk out, this time, they stare at me.

I feel a bit nervous but, sooo don't care, I've got to get the fuck out of here. Now.

As I walk past him, one grips my arm and then , I hear *his* voice.

Reo is by the door, he obviously followed me, his smile as disappeared as he's giving the order.

"Do not touch her."

I stare in shock while his minion gets away from me. And then Reo walks closer to me, his bare chest out, he's quite muscular, and he has a lot of scars, but that's not the point. What the fuck does he want?!

"Where do you think you are going? Little lost sheep." He says, walking closer. But I walk away.

"Get away from me."

"You're on my property."

"Then let me leave."

He stops in his tracks. Stares hard at me, up and down. Then, for the first time, I see a frown on his face. He is not too pleased about this.

But I don't care.

"I wanna go home."

He mocks me with a scowl.

"Why should I care what you want woman. You do not order me around."

"I am asking to leave!" I scream. Annoyingly feeling tears running down my face.

I don't like this. His power smothering me, I do not like feeling so weak in front of him. I want to leave, wherever away from here, and him.

I suddenly notice he's right in my face. And I can tell he is beyond pissed. As to why ? I don't know.

"You are not going anywhere woman. You should've never came in the first place."

"You do not tell me what to do!" I shout, irritated as hell, feeling uncontrollably helpless.

"I am Reo Kobayashi, I do what I want, woman."

Then he walks away, and I feel strong arms pulling me inside the house. He gives his men the order of not letting me leave the house. Proving again his power. What is he doing? What does he want from me?

I'm just a weakling... and I got myself in this situation in the first place.

"You should've never came to me." He says with an evil smile on his face. Then he disappears behind the huge door leading to his room.

And I'm here, getting dragged inside another room. I try to fight but they are too strong. Then, when they finally get me inside, I hear a lock.

No... so now I'm his prisoner! No no no! That is not happening!

Then I stood up, breaking everything inside the room, knocking the door, destroying everything in sight till I fell asleep, feeling totally helpless.

Ignoring that at one point, in the middle of the night, he came back and admired me sleeping with a mysterious look in his eyes...

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