"I didn't think you were going to come..." she says without turning around to face him. Her little fingers are playing with the flowers of her garden, she always loved flowers.

Reo takes a step closer and when he's finally right next to her, he sighs, loudly.

"What was that about ? You're breaking off the engagement?" He says, his eyes are dark but he's not mad, just annoyed and quite surprised.

The short woman in front of him finally turns around and shows her beautiful face.

Urie had always been beautiful. She was one of these woman that never needed make up. Every feature was art. Her dark hair was always flat and falling down her back in a braid. Her long bangs sometimes gave her gaze this mysterious vibe.

She smiles at him, slightly closing her eyes.

"I did." She admits. Her lips curling into a small smile. She walks past him before slowly sitting on one of the benches in her garden.

He rolls his eyes.

"You can't possibly do whatever you want like this. It's not how it works Urie!" He shouts, his voice is almost trembling and she looks actually surprised about it.

"Do you love me then?" She asks, the look on her face describes her seriousness. Her smile has disappeared.

He chuckles, amusement all over his face as he walks towards the bench she's sitting in.

"So you still dream about this crap?" He says, mocking her.

The young lady never leaves his gaze as she speaks.

"And you're still mocking it"

"Yes! Yes! Because it's ridiculous."

"It is not."

"You need to really cut the bullshit and grow up. We're different from all the people out there. They don't have our priorities!"

"I do not care one bit about these priorities Reo!" She screams, tears threatening her eyes.

She gets up and starts slowly walking towards him.

"This life! I have not chosen to have it! This lifestyle! My family forced it on me! I never wanted this! But I accepted all of it! All of it not because I had no choice-No! Because of you! We made a promise to only have each other! I was okay with marrying you so that you gained all the power you wanted from my family but this isn't you anymore Reo!"

Reo takes a step back, shocked by the tears rolling down the cheeks of his ex-fiancé.

"How have I changed..." he asks... his voice is weak but his eyes are defying. He doesn't want to admit that what she is saying is true. But sadly it is.

"You don't know?..." She asks back. A sad smile on her face as she stays there, staring right through him. And this familiar gaze, she knows it always gets to him, and it did. He looks away.

"You have changed so much... since your father's death Reo your heart is of a rock. You kill with a smile on your face while, two years ago you were so desperate everytime your father ordered you to kill anyone... You enjoy taking other people's bundle of joy... you don't even care when your men bully women and little kids... who are you?"


"I really wished I could make you come back, the real you who puked at the smell of blood, who fought his father every single time he sent people blackmail poor people about their debts...."

"Stop." He says, turning around.

But she doesn't. She walks towards him and with one hand on his back she continues.

"So yes, I broke off this engagement. Because I'm afraid if we finally ally our powerful houses by this union, you'll get even more greedy for power, you'll stray further away from the real you."

He suddenly turns around and grips her wrist. His cold dark eyes lost in hers.

"You have no say in this Urie. I'm doing all of this because it is my duty. Like it or not, I'm the most powerful man in this country as of right now. And I won't let you or anyone get in my way. And yes, I changed! I was bound to anyway, that weakling you knew years ago is now dead! If I stayed the way I was, I was bound to die anytime. And I can't die. I can't! So stop being a crybaby and-

"Get out." She orders, as she jerks her wrist off his grip.

"Fine. But just know that this engagement is still on. I will ally both our houses and I do not care what I have to do to have you stay still and do your part, woman!"

Her eyes are wide. She's furious.

"Woman?!" She shouts as she gets closer to him, rage filling her gaze.

"Are you fucking kidding me Kobayashi Reo?! How dare you look down on me?!"

"Then why are you provoking me?!"

"Because I can!! You idiot!" She screams before slamming the door behind her.

He is left alone there, closing his eyes slowly, already regretting this whole conversation. Urie was always his closest friend, despite their families literally hating each other, his dad encouraged him to seduce the little girl and have her make her family step down. She fell for it and the engagement was made official after 6 years of long debate and cold tension between the two clans.

But she always wanted more... she wanted something he could never give her. His feelings. If he ever had any. He was always scared to death of his father who was known to be ruthless. He trained him hard, never missing an occasion to beat the shit out of him if he ever tried to stray away from his Yakuza character. But it always happened, believe it or not, at one point this famous and ruthless criminal was a soft weakling who couldn't kill anyone, but only learned how to never shed a tear and perfectly hide it. Only Urie knew his weakness...


Still in the darkness, sitting across the spot where Kanna is sleeping, Reo admires the young lady with a weird look on his face.

His drug in his right hand, he continues to smoke while watching his prey's chest rise and fall down repeatedly. She's sound asleep.

He throws his hair back before closing his eyes and feeling the high from the weed win him over.

"What the fuck am I doing..." He asks himself.

At first he thought about fucking the brains out of the chick and then go back his way as usual but she is just that "different". She weirdly reminded him of Urie... she was always a stubborn woman and they both have this stupid defying look.

He opens his eyes again. Feeling the stupidity of the situation annoy him. Now the chick is in his house, on his floor, sound asleep... what the fuck?

He should've left her there, with David. At least she would be in a better situation... but he didn't want to. These guys from Edo saw how familiar she was with him. He knows they already thought about dealing with her to get at him later on. And he didn't want that... why? Good question.

"I only wanted to fuck." He lies to himself.

But a part of him knows that he can't deny the crazy attraction he feels for this woman. She is actually very beautiful, it's insane.

As these thoughts cross his mind, he's already kneeling next to her. The room is in the darkness, but the light of the moon makes her pale skin stand out.

She's beautiful... very... her brown and slight curly hair falls in a cascade from her neck to her little chest. Her breathing is slow. Her lips are slightly parted and he stays there, admiring her.

She's beautiful.

Without even realizing it, his hand is on her cheek. He's admiring her long lashes then herdry lips intently. He hates to admit it but she definitely gets to him... he's definitely attracted to her.

As he's lost in his confused thoughts, he realizes she's awake. Looking at him through her long lashes. She doesn't scream, she doesn't frown.She doesn't even look surprised. What is happening?

She then speaks... whispers actually.

"I guess you're done..."

"With What..." He whispers back

She continues:

"Playing with your own feelings..."

He mockingly smiles, before leaning closer.

"I do not have that, woman."

"Then why are you here?" She adds, again this same defying look on her face that makes him go crazy.

He smirks.

"You're in my house"

"You want me." She then says. And his smile vanishes. He's not mad, but his face is serious.

"You want me." She repeats with that same unbothered look.

"Do you know who I am?" He suddenly asks. His hand sliding from her cheek to her neck. He starts applying pressure around it.

She doesn't look the slightest scared.

"You're Reo Kobayashi. Yes. And, you want me." She adds.

Her eyes are nonchalant and he can't help but feel so drawn to her... especially these lips that are so defying and calling for him.

"Do it." She says, her eyes lost in his, while his are stuck on her lips.

He gulps. Everything, literally everything draws him to her. He hates it... he hates this so much... not having control... why can't he just have his way with her like all the other women he's brought to this room?!

He suddenly rolls his eyes and leans back. The next minute, he's on his feet and walking away from her, and she lays there, still probably confused about what just happened.


I haven't been able to sleep after that. My heart heavy in my chest, just remembering how incredibly attractive he was bare chested, and both our gaze lost in the other.

I'm sitting on the bed, my knees to my chest as the sun is already high in the sky. My watch tells me that it's 10AM I've been awake since 3... but strangely I don't even feel sleepy.

Lost in my thoughts trying to understand what the fuck happened last night.

So he is attracted to me... that explains why I'm still alive right now. But I still don't understand why he's keeping me locked in this house. He could've had his way with me yesterday and then just let me go right?

As I'm trying to understand this very confusing human, the door flies open.

Two women walk in and just start cleaning without ever throwing a glance at me. I guess they are used to their "master" receiving females in this room.

I hop on my feet and walk towards the door as I'm thinking of getting away. But that's just not possible. In front of the door, two of his men. When one notices me, he turns around to face me.


"Where is he?" I cut him off.

"He has gone out. You are to wander around the house however you want but we cannot let you outside. The women in your room right now will help you with everything you need"

"Really? Cause all I want right now is to get the fuck out of here." Sarcasm filling my voice, but I really don't care, why am I here again?

"That's impossible."

"Fine then I'll go myself..."

As soon as I walk past them, a gun is drawn to my face and the blade of a sword just under my chin. I feel my body automatically trembling and then they speak.

"We are to execute you if you ever try to escape Miss. We were given specific orders I'm afraid." The other minion speaks.

"I'll stay." I say, they then draw back their weapons.

Without ever looking at them, I walk back inside my room. The women dressed in traditional dresses are facing me. They are already done cleaning.

"Would you like to take your bath ?" One asks, walking closer to me.

"Yeah..." I answer way too quickly.

Inside the huge bathroom I close my eyes and enjoy the bath. Where could he possibly be? On a mission? A reunion? Will he come back ?

It's really killing me. I'm imagining the worst. What if he's injured? Living the way he is, it must happen everyday right ?

Why am I worried about him anyways? I should worry about my own damn self...


- Kobayashi Residence.

"We have to do something... this has happened too many times." An old woman says.

"The Edos will continue defying us if we don't scare them. Nobody doubts this family and nobody should doubt you Reo." She adds, while the others around the table silently agree.

The whole period of the meeting, Reo can feel all eyes on him. He should be used to it, but it always makes him uncomfortable. It sounds bad to know that so many of his family members want him dead.

Especially his uncle Nagito. Him and his father were never on good terms, they spent their lives fighting for this spot he currently is in.

He actually knows very well that he has stepped down from his greed because of his grandmother. This woman has always scared everyone. She was as ruthless as her son, his father, or probably worse than him.

She didn't ever blink an eye killing and doing what she had to for her clan. But the thing people admire so much about her is her great value for the family. She would never kill any family member and would never allow it. So his uncle is stuck as long as she's alive.

He knew very well that she would never let him have his way if he ever layed a hand on his nephew.

During the whole meeting, him and Nagito just stood there glaring at each other. And when it was finally over and when people were starting to walk out, surprisingly he approached him.

" My dearest nephew! You seem surprisingly well for someone who just lost his fiancé. How do you do it?" He's clearly provoking him, with this familiar smirk on his face.

But he doesn't give him the satisfaction of getting to him. He smiles back.

"My father always taught me that a Yakuza should never show his emotions. That and many things, like always smiling back at our enemy. It gives you power." He adds

The smile on the old man's face gets wider.

"I'm glad to see that brother has trained you so well. I'm just a bit disappointed to see that you still can't have all the houses respect you as the Oyabun. Did he not teach you how ?"

Reo frowns. He always disliked when this man talked about his father.

"Do not worry about it. I have already dealt with them. Matter of fact, worry about your own issues, cousin is sick I heard? He should take better care of himself if he ever wishes to ever be in my spot if something ever happens to me. Not that it will though."

The smile on the old man's face disappears and he's just glaring coldly not enjoyinghis last statement the slightest bit.

Reo smiles again, salutes and walks out. In the hallway, Kento, one of his father's most faithful man is waiting for him.

"Nice clap back." He says with a smile while Reo rolls his eyes before walking past him.

"I'd be the happiest when he will be "dead" silent in his grave." He speaks, an evil smirk on his face.

"You can't ever touch him, I assure you, you don't want Lady Kobayashi ever dealing with you."

Reo laughs before walking inside his car, he follows and sits in the front.

"This woman adores me, I'm not worrying about it." He says before leaning further in his seat. His eyes closing slowly.

"By the way Reo, talking about women... word got around that you have yet again brought a woman to your house?" He asks, his tone is serious.

He opens his eyes a little, confirming his interest in the matter.

"Nothing new." he says.

"Sure isn't. But, you know, I don't really care the women you choose to be involved with, I'm certainly not your father. But you should be careful because others clearly do..."

"What do you mean?"

He turns his face around to look at him in the backseat. His face is serious, dark.

"All I'm saying is you have a lot of enemies. Before her tragic passing, Miss Urie also encountered lots of dangers along the way because of her affiliation with you."

"I know that." He says coldly.

"I know you do. I'm just making sure you don't forget."

"I don't need you to remind me of anything."

"Oyabun... we still aren't sure Urie-sama's death was really a suicide. You have a lot of enemies. That is all I'm saying."

As soon as he's done speaking the window in the back shatters. Reo gave it a taste of his angry punch. He hates it. He hates the idea that Urie is gone because of him. Even though he knows it is true it is hard to admit that your childhood friend, the woman that never thought of betraying you ever is gone forever... she didn't have to die... he was supposed to protect her...

After her death her parents made it clear that they would never sign a deal with the Kobayashis again. They also firmly believed that her death was his fault...

He would never have the chance to ally with a powerful house like theirs again. He lost a lot... and he knows there are lots of people who would benefit from seeing him lose influence and power.

He was right... he is bound to be alone anyway.


It's already late at night and I finally hear the door open. He steps inside looking as handsome as ever. He is wearing a traditional kimono for men, the symbols of his clan are drawn on the shoulders and the back of the clothe. His hair is braided revealing his handsome features.

He finally notices me but doesn't say anything and starts removing his clothes. I walk closer.

"You have some guts to come in my room as if it's a normal thing to do."

I smile.

"You already know I'm not scared of you."

"You should." He says, before the upper part of his kimono falls down revealing his muscular back.

Seeing him like this, with only his pants on reminds me of yesterday... I walk closer but he turns around.

"What do you want?" He asks. His eyes are cold and dark, he clearly is in a bad mood.

"W-well... you keep me in this house, ask your men to draw their weapons at me if I ever try to leave. I, at least need an explanation."

He stares at me, his breathing is heavy. Why does he seem so bothered?

"Well congratulations. You can leave now." He spits before turning around, walking back to his closet.

I stay still for minutes. Trying to register what he just said. Moments later, anger starts gathering and I walk quickly towards him.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I scream.

He turns around, equally pissed.

"I'm letting you go! Leave! That's what you wanted right?!"

"I-... why?!"

He looks surprised for a few seconds then annoyance paints his face.

"Know what you want woman..."

"I know what I want!"

"Then what is it!?" He asks, his voice angry.

I stay there... lost in my thoughts. Really, what is it that I want from him? I thought I hated him but all my actions betray my real feelings about him.

And why am I so bothered that he suddenly wants me to leave? After all, that's all I wished for this whole day.

"What is it!" He repeats, his face inches away from my face.

And I suddenly feel my heart pounding hard in my chest. I just know my cheeks are red... Iknow, just by staring at his lips that my face is betraying me. He knows what I want... he just knows.

I hear his breathing get louder and louder. He clearly also wants this... we're just left there, wondering who will have the guts to cross that line.

"Do it" my heart screams

"Do it" he hears a voice scream repeatedly in his head.

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