It's winter, it's cold and the areas of entertainment are busy. In one of the many bars in the area, while girls are busy dancing and singing along to the jazz artists on the scene, a woman is quickly walking up the stairs to the vip lounge.

Next thing, the door flies open and a furious Urie appears, she quickly enters the room before gripping the man by the collar of his shirt. Searching for his eyes she angrily growls:

"How could you do that?! How could you Reo??!"

The man doesn't seem the slightest surprised by her barging in and acting the way she is. It's Urie, she's always been this hot headed when she was mad. But today? He really didn't want to deal with her.

Oh well the woman also just wouldn't let go.

"How could you?!" She repeats.

Her eyes sadly noticing the pitiful state in which he is. He certainly was wearing worthy jewelry on and a very expensive suit but his eyes... his actions were cheap. Just unlike him...

He proceeds to look straight at her, his gaze painted with a nonchalant aura.

"You shouldn't be here."

She scornfully eyes him before letting go of his collar.

"You killed him!"

"I did what I had to do"

She turns to face him again with a hateful look.

"No the fuck you didnt! You did it because your dad told you to! He was a good man! He had a family and all he did was be at the wrong place at the wrong time! You promised me you would protect him!"

He then rolls his eyes before picking up a drink and leaning back in his seat.

"I did what had to be done. You knew he was doomed anyway... I don't know why you're making all that noise for such an irrelevant individual..."

The woman walks towards him, grab his drink then throws it in his face. He glares, and she glares back, hate and disappointment filling her gaze.

"How fucking low have you become?"

"Shut up.."

"No I'll keep talking. Someone needs to say it, and I will. You have become the person you were so afraid of becoming once. A coward, a soldier for your father's disgusting morals. You knew how much this man was scared for himself and his family but he still had the guts to give you the informations you were desperately looking for... you promised to protect him Reo..."

He suddenly stands up, the content of his drink slowly dripping down and wet his clothes. He clearly is annoyed.

"I do not care about what you think about me Urie. If you are so disgusted by me you can fucking leave. I don't need you! I'm doing what I have to do for my people! If you think breaking your heart will take away the happiness I feel when I'm considered less of a weakling by my father you can do that! But don't you dare stand in my way. Unless-

"What?! You're going to kill me too?!"

His eyes go desperately wide, probably only realizing what he has just thrown in this woman's face. He looks down


"Fine. You don't need me right?! Do what you want! If that's what makes you happy! If that's what makes you smile proudly every time you look in the mirror, you can do that! But I am done... I'm done holding on to my best friend when he is not even here anymore... this is not you." she then turns and starts walking away but he grabs her arm.

"Stop walking away from me..." his voice is desperate...

She turns again to face him and looking at his shining eyes, swimming in tears, her heart shatters. Somehow, somewhere... her best friend is still in there...

Without thinking she cups his face and he leans down to her lips. They kiss... long... passionately... eyes closed...

Come back to me Urie. He thinks.


As his face is slowly leaning towards Kanna, his eyes open wide and he walks away. Why did he remember that? Why is he suddenly thinking about Urie so hard? He never loved her... right?

His hands are grabbing his hair while his eyes are closed, rethinking and overthinking. And while he's lost in his thoughts, the door flies open and he hears loud steps running out.


He turns around, his mind lost and confused as fuck but then he stops. Why should he run and follow her? Why should he ever stop her from going away from him?

Matter of fact it was a good thing if she could ever get away from him before they got to involved with each other.

She didn't want the drama, the dangers and the toxicity that came in his package.

*Let her go* he thought, before closing the door and slowly walking in the bathroom lost in his thoughts again.


As I was running away from him, I could hear the shattered pieces of my heart shake in an awful melody. I just had to get the fuck out of there... it was a bad idea, it has always been a bad idea to go to him...

Him, his evil smirk, his beautiful almond eyes, his his powerful aura... all of it...

And as I thought about every single characteristic I loved about him, the rhythm of my race slowed down...

But I was already outside... the fresh air hitting my face and dancing with my hair. My heart was still beating very fast but sourness filled me.

I just realized... what a weak bitch I was...

Grabbing my hair and growling loud of anger, punching the air and fighting against the tears threatening my eyes, I hate myself. I hate myself so much.

I lost my job, my researches, probably because I started gaining interest in his world. He enjoyed every minute of it, taunting me, playing me. And I fell for it. What a stupid bitch.

As I am internally cursing myself out, a car parks in front of me. I look up and a man is holding the door, waiting for me to get in.

"What is this for again..." I speak, trying my best to hide the sadness in my voice.

"Oyabun ordered to get the car ready for you before coming back. He said to drive you back wherever you want to go. But you have to leave."

"So he's kicking me out?!" I say, utterly offended, but the dude just doesn't seem to notice.

"Technically yes, but you wanted to leave anyway right?"

"Fuck you." I roll my eyes before walking towards the car. As he closes the door I glare at him again but he seems unbothered.

I hate that they treat me like I'm just one of the many women Reo brings out here. This dude brought me to his house, forced me to stay, entered my room and touched me, then rejected me, and kicked me out. How terribly awful.

I'm trying my best not to think about how much I hurt right now. When we almost kissed I felt so happy... that's literally what I wanted all this time, even though that is what I fought to not realize. And this cold and nonchalant man just pushed me away, just like this...

I'm a emotional roller coaster right now. I need to get back on track with my life as much as I can. I don't have a job, nor do I have a place to stay...

"I don't have a place to stay." I repeat loudly before looking up at the hateful chauffeur. He doesn't seem surprised and sighs.

"Oyabun already dealt with that."

"I don't need his fucking money..."

"You don't have that much of a choice if I may add. At least stay at the apartment he payed for you before bettering your... situation and getting out by yourself."

This S#%^¥ his nonchalant tone gave such a distasteful and annoying vibe.

But I had to admit he was right. I should at least stay there for today, then when I find another place, less cheaper and alright I'll get the fuck out.

I lean back and sigh. How the fuck did my life become so miserable that I have to depend on a criminal...

We get to the apartment and I can't help but feel impressed. It's huge, the furniture is expensive looking and everything just looks comfortable.

The chauffeur turns around to face me and hands me the keys.

"Here, this is yours now"

"There are no tiny cameras to observe my every movements and check if I ever say something about you guys right?" I say with one of my eyebrows up, a suspicious look on my face.

He stares back and says nothing before walking out and it scares me even more.

"I shouldn't be here..." I say before locking the door with a sigh. I then walk around and inspect every single corner of the gorgeous place.

In every way possible it just looks like a place I could never afford... ever.

I find the bedroom and my lazy self falls back, sleepy. It has been a very unpleasant day for me.

I open my eyes again and admire the roof lost in my thoughts about him.

All my researches about him said that he was a dangerous man who would kill whoever was insignificant. A man who had blood on his hands... he killed anyone, witnesses man, woman or kids, and even kidnapped them if he had to.

But why would such a dangerous human being treat me so... good?

Ever since I've met him I've lost my job, my house, I've been unable to contact any of my friends. I've literally been cornered. And some voice in my mind tells me that that is just the taste of the reality my life could become if I ever get too involved with him.

That night, I asked myself a million times if it was worth it... now knowing clearly my feelings should I take the risk? Is it worth it?...

I need to stay away from him, as much as I can.


"Miss Urie is dead Oyabun... we have just heard the news..." Kento announces... his face low and clearly affected by the news.

Reo just stares, silent. He doesn't know what to say, do or even how to react... Urie? Gone?

He never, ever considered the possibility. Why? Because it could never happen. He swore to protect her... she shall never be affected by the problems and the dangers of his world...

But now what? She's dead?

His heart is aching... he could feel it but he acted like he didn't. His eyes are dark... murderous...

"Who did it?" He asks, his face staring at the ground but his hands uncontrollably shaking from anger.

The man sighs then turns again to face him... the news will destroy him.

"She killed herself Oyabun-sama."

Before he can even look up to see his reaction, a table flies his way and he just narrowly misses.

The man is in pain... utterly... and there is literally nothing anyone can do about it when he gets like this... only Urie could help... but gone, he is alone...

That whole day the Oyabun stayed destroying everything around him, screaming and fighting literally anyone brave enough to try to calm him down.

But no one could... it took time... a lot of time...


It's 3 AM, Reo opens his eyes, panting and breathing hard... he's dripping in sweat. He can't sleep... it always happens when he thinks about Urie.

When she left he literally lost a part of himself that he was holding on to for so long. She made him less of a coward... less sick of his life and his bloody world. When she left he was never the same...

He gets up and starts walking around. His eyes are closed as he notices the slight familiar scent Kanna left behind...

He hates to realize it but he really enjoyed her being around... she has this vibe that reminded him of Urie. The woman is also utterly beautiful. He knows he is attracted to her, he knows damn well he wouldn't like it if any man were to eye her but he isn't in a position where he could just have her...

It's barely been a few days since he's met her and it's ridiculous how possessive he's starting to feel over her...

He needs to stay away from her as much as he can.

- A Month Later -

"Excuse me... where are located the boots?" One costumer asks. And I fake a big smile before moving her and showing her.

I've been working in this shopping center for a little over a week now. Finding a new job at a News Company was really rough. The fact that it is mentioned that I was fired in my CV now really doesn't help. They all ask why I was fired and when I explain the whole apartment burned down situation, I just know I sound like a total crazy liar but who cares.

As I sigh for the 972th time since I've started this job I see a familiar face walking inside the clothing shop.

It's David... and he seems to expect to see me here as he walks towards me as soon as he sees me.

"We need to talk Kanna..." he says. His eyes staring intently at mine, he's nervous. Why? What is happening? Why is he here?

I turn to my boss who smiles and lets me know that it's no problem. She's always been nice to me after I explained my current situation minus the whole Yakuza thing.

"Thanks, I'll see you later."

I walk out with him and he guides me to a coffee place. We sit and he finally removes his heavy coat. Then I notice his bandaged hands and the injuries around his neck.

"What the fuck happened to you David?!" I shout as I get up and run closer to him. But he shoves my hands away.

"Are you living in Azabu right now?" He asks

"Yes but your hands what-

"Why would you ever Kanna?!" He screams

"I don't have the luxury of being picky about where I stay right now David! And why are you injured?!"

"You should've came to me!"

"I don't even know if I can trust you right now are you serious?! You're linked to the Kobayashi clan and till this day I still don't know how, you disappear and reappear to check -and judge me about how I live after chaos hit my home! Are you kidding me?!"

"I'm not judging you Kanna, I'm not..." He lies.

I roll my eyes and lean further in my seat.

"So why did you want to see me?"

"You have to get out of Reo's life..."

I laugh

"You're kidding right?! I've seen him 3 times, he locked me in his house and the kicked me out with no explanation. I definitely am not in his life at all."

"You're dependent... he's providing you a home... and it has been going around these days..."


"His grandmother, lady Kobayashi... she's ruthless... you do not want to meet her."

"Why would I ever?"

"Because she's heard about you... and when she hears about a woman in the life of Reo she gets involved... and when she does... crazy things tend to happen to the woman."

" So What? She's going to ruin me too? Wow... I'm scared. As far as I know David. I really don't have anything more to lose."

"You do." He says.

And his face scares me. And I immediately know what he is talking about. This woman will kill me.

"I'm just here to warn you..."

"And how did you know that."

"Because she's my grandmother too. When she knew about our affiliation she wanted me to warn you."

"So that's why you are here."


"You're her little soldier" I add before getting up, disgusted to have been played all this time.

As I walk away I hear him follow me.

"What will you do now?" He asks

And without turning to face him I answer:

"Far away, from him and you, both of you."

But then in front of the sidewalk a familiar car parks and my heart starts throbbing hard in my chest. He's here... a whole month without seeing his face and I hate to admit how happy I feel to see him...

He's not looking at me, he's glaring at David. He looks pissed... what in the hell is happening?

I try to look back and ask David but then he stops me. His hand on my waist he slowly guides me to the car.

"No! What are you doing!? We were talking!"

"Sounds Familiar." He says, and I feel like floating as he shows again this evil smirk.

I can't believe I'm back in this car... I can't believe I'm back in this situation again... I also can't believe how happy I am to see him again... but should I really be this happy? Why am I currently hearing a little voice in my head telling me to run while I can? And why am I not running?

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