Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 103 - Tall, Dark, Handsome Devil

The cold water hit Johnathan's face harshly as Alexander splashed the whole glass on him in anger. He jolted up in a flash but soon realised he'd to fake a shocked state. "What happened? What was that?" He stuttered, pretending to be surprised. Alexander's lips twitched in a wrathful smile, and his eyes burned with fury. 

Before Johnathan could blink, Alexander's fist landed on his face in a hard punch. Johnathan didn't see it coming. It was so sudden he couldn't dodge it and fell off the sofa. Grunting in pain, he looked at Alexander pasting a confused expression on his face. 

"I don't have time to waste, John. So open your mouth before I put a hole in your head with my gun. Where's my daughter?" Alexander cut straight to the point, and Johnathan's face went pale. 

"What are you talking, Xander? I'm sorry I didn't follow," he said, but couldn't hide the fear in his voice.. "I was drinking coffee with Felicity, and suddenly I felt dizzy. That's all I remember. What happened here?" He asked, sounding clueless as his eyes roamed around the hall. 

He feigned sincerity, trying his best to appear innocent, but Alexander was not buying his act. Another punch and Johnathan's nose and lips started to bleed. Alexander grabbed him by his shirt collar and lifted him before pushing him back onto the sofa. Johnathan cowered back in fear as Alexander placed his foot on the armrest. 

"You felt dizzy because there was added drug in that coffee. But strangely, my wife is still in a state of unconsciousness while just a glass of water woke you up," he said in a calm voice. "She made that coffee, how would I know anything about the drug?" Johnathan was too quick to ask. Alexander hummed a response while Sebastian sat sideways next to Johnathan and adjusted the barrel of his gun. Johnathan gulped nervously. 

Alexander removed his foot from the armrest and walked back to Felicity. He tapped her cheeks, called her name, but didn't get any response from her. "Doctor will be here in ten minutes," one of his men informed Alexander. He ordered them to take care of the dead bodies first. 

Alexander was a well-known, successful, legitimate businessman in the world. He didn't want to involve the police in this mess as it would take time for them to investigate the killings and his daughter's kidnapping. Besides, as a Mafia leader, he could take care of his problems much quicker. 

He took out a handkerchief and dabbed against Felicity's face, wiping the water drops. Tucking her hair behind her ears, he softly kissed her forehead. When he looked at Johnathan, all the tenderness vanished from his face, morphing him into the devil everybody knew him as in the Mafia world. 

"You showed your face after years, and chaos evoked in my peaceful world. My men let you walk into my house without taking away your gun, they were attacked and killed, my wife is still unconscious, and my daughter disappeared," Alexander said as he paced back and forth. He shoved his hands into his pant pockets and stopped in front of Johnathan. 

"I wonder, why were you not attacked when they killed all my men? Why did my enemies feel so generous and decided to spare your life? Unless you are with them administering this whole conspiracy?" He asked, but it was a rhetorical question. 

Johnathan laughed, shaking his head. "You're crazy, Xander. You're assuming things I don't even know. Why would I harm your family in the first place?" He asked, pretending to be offended while Alexander clenched his fists in anger, ready to disfigure Johnathan's face. 

The arrival of the doctor interrupted them, and luckily it bought Johnathan some time to think about his escape. Alexander waited impatiently while Sebastian and others checked the team of doctors before letting them attend Felicity. The female doctor in her late forties gave them a disapproving look but didn't dare say anything after seeing the guns in their hands. It wasn't that hard for them to guess what had happened there. 

"It's necessary because we need to be cautious about who to trust. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, doctor, hope you understand," Sebastian apologised once they passed the security check. He showed her the way in, followed by a female nurse, a male and a female doctor in their early twenties. 

Sebastian glanced at Alexander and read the unasked question in his eyes. "Her assistants or interns, something like that," Sebastian provided, and Alexander nodded. 

Alexander carried Felicity to their bedroom and placed her on the bed carefully. "She's drugged, but I didn't find any track mark of injections," Alexander shared with the doctor. He was glad the doctor still checked for the marks on her body. 

"Goodness! She's beautiful," the young male doctor whispered, looking at Felicity and his young companions agreed. 

After a thorough checkup, the doctor confirmed that Felicity indeed was given sedative-hypnotics. Her lips were dry, and beads of sweat formed on her forehead. Much to Alexander's relief, the doctor reported that Felicity would sleep some more, and other than that nothing to worry. 

Alexander wanted her to open her eyes and look at him. He was going crazy as he couldn't see her smile, and he yearned to hear her voice. As if sensing his inner turmoil, the doctor spoke. "She might suffer a severe headache after waking up. I advise you to let her sleep it off, and she'll be fine," said the doctor. Alexander shook his head, "I don't have time, doctor. We need to leave as soon as possible. Please wake her up." 

Contrary to the worried look on his face, his commanding voice sounded too harsh, and the doctor couldn't hide her uneasiness. He was as intimidating as the devil. Meanwhile, the young females admired his godly features. He looked hot with his ruffled hair, untucked shirt, and sleeves rolled up. He was the perfect definition of 'Tall, dark, and handsome'. 

"The sedative is too strong, and she might also suffer from a stomach ache, dizziness, burning or tingling in the hands, arms, feet or legs. Her body will be uncontrollably shaking because of weakness. Please take my advice, it's better if she sleeps," the doctor said, trying to convince Alexander but in vain. "Wake her up," he spoke slowly, but the tone he used left no room for further discussion, and the doctor had no choice but to comply. 

Sebastian came rushing to the room with a piece of new information. "It's a good thing that we backed off and returned home. We wouldn't have met any of the Baresi brothers there. It was a bait to keep you busy elsewhere when they attack your family," he informed. His shoulders slumped in defeat as he inwardly blamed himself for ever believing his cousin. 

"They wanted to kidnap your son, and you would've never returned home alive. It would be so easy to blackmail your father with your son's life once you're out of the picture. They planned to kill two birds with one stone. You know what I mean, right?" He reported while Alexander listened, eyes planted on his wife as the nurse hurried with a wet, warm towel. 

"We went the wrong way while they fled in the opposite direction with your little girl and Deacon was not reachable," Sebastian said, and his eyes lowered in shame as he revealed the last part of information about his cousin. He left the room silently, and Alexander watched the nurse wiping Felicity's face, neck, arms and legs. The young doctors tried to make her drink water under the supervision of their senior doctor. 

Alexander needed to get back to Johnathan, but he didn't want to leave Felicity alone. He couldn't trust anyone now. He walked to the bed and touched Felicity's cheek with the back of his fingers before addressing the doctor. "If anything happens to her, none of you will walk out alive," Alexander said, without taking his eyes off his wife. The doctor didn't miss the promise in his threat. 

He kissed Felicity on the forehead and walked out of the room. Immediately, two men with guns in their hands took positions in the room, monitoring every move of the doctor and her team. 

Alexander rushed out of the room to where Sebastian held Johnathan captive. He grabbed Johnathan's collar with his right hand, yanked him up from his seat, and pushed him hard onto the floor. Johnathan yelped in pain as his face collided with the hard floor. Alexander continuously kicked him in his abdomen without wasting any more second. He was raging in utter fury. 

Kneeling in front of his target, he punched him in the face again and again. Helpless, Johnathan cowered back trying to cover his face with his arms. 

Everyone could see that Alexander was losing his patience. He stomped one of his feet on Johnathan's chest before snatching the gun from Sebastian's hand.

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