Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 104 - Chasing The Morning Mist Away

"You know me, John. I'm the worst person to mess with, and as you can see, my patience is running out, so don't push me to my limits. Besides, I don't have time to tolerate your shit, and this is your last chance, John," Alexander said, pointing his gun at Johnathan's forehead. "You either tell me what I want to hear or keep your mouth shut and die," he said in a menacing tone while his fingers tightened around the trigger. 

Johnathan gulped in fear, begging Alexander to believe his innocence. Lost in his fury, Alexander would've already shot Johnathan if not for the soft voice whispering his name behind him. He heard Felicity calling for him in her weak voice, and Alexander looked over his shoulder to see her standing at the door to their bedroom. 

Her left hand was on the door, seeking strength to support her weak body. Her face held a terrorised look as her eyes landed on Johnathan's dishevelled appearance, splattered on the floor. His nose and lips were bleeding, and his perfectly styled hair had turned into a ruffled mess. His once perfectly ironed wrinkle-free suit was now badly rumpled. He was hurt severely and groaning in pain. 

The attending nurse rushed to Felicity's side and wrapped one arm around her waist to support her weight. "I'm sorry, sir, she's not cooperating. I tried stopping her, but she refused to stay in bed after hearing the commotion taking place here," the doctor said apologetically in a nervous tone. 

Felicity brushed the nurse's hand off her waist and shook her head in refusal while the young doctors offered help. Her gaze shifted to her husband. "What happened, Alexander? Why do you have your gun pointed at John?" She asked as her gaze moved back and forth, shifting between her husband and Johnathan. 

"Why, Alexander?" She asked in a shaky voice while her eyes stared at him in disbelief. She tried moving forward, dragging her numb feet to reach her husband. Alexander swiftly moved, covering the distance in a few long strides. She held on to his arms for support and Alexander cursed under his breath as Felicity's eyes roamed around, scrutinising every corner of the house. 

There were no dead bodies as Alexander's men cleared the mess. But still, Felicity could make out the leftover stain of the blood, the gunshot holes on the walls, doors, the shattered window glasses on the floor, and the ruined furniture in the hall. 

She studied Johnathan's face and looked at Sebastian standing next to him with a gun. She remembered having coffee with Johnathan before everything went black and sucked her senses into oblivion. She gasped in shock, and Alexander pulled her, embracing her in his arms as she trembled in fear. He could already read the thoughts running in her mind even before she voiced it out. 

"Where is Hera, Alexander?" She whispered, and it broke Alexander's heart to hear her panicked voice. 

The ache in his chest intensified so much that his arms subconsciously tightened around her delicate form, wishing he could absorb every source of the pain from her body. 

The soft groan of protest made Alexander open his eyes, and the angel in his arms smiled, chasing away the mist of images from the past. 

"I'm not running away from you ever, stop squeezing me to death," she said in her seductive morning voice. 

Blinking the sleep out of her eyes, she focused on him while she shoved herself deep into his arms, moved her face closer to his and planted a kiss on his lips. "Morning, my life," she said while Alexander gazed into her Hazel eyes. "What time is it? Please don't tell me I overslept," she spoke in a whiny voice, stretching her arms lazily. 

Alexander grinned, "No, you didn't. It's only time for breakfast," he said, teasing her. She huffed, pouting at him. "Do you want to sleep some more or would you prefer breakfast in bed?" Alexander asked his wife, and she shook her head. "I'll take a shower and get ready. It's already late, and the staff must be waiting. I'm also a bit nervous about today's event," she confessed, wrapping her arms around his middle. 

Her father was a successful diamond Marchant, and she was the only heir. She not only took over her father's business successfully but also made it to the top. Her designs ranked in the top five throughout the world. Even the Kings, Queens and every royalty around the world favoured wearing her custom made crowns. 

Alexander left a kiss on the crown of her head. "You don't need to be nervous, Sweetheart. You'll win everyone's approval like you always do. When you put your heart into your efforts, nothing can stop you from accomplishing your dreams," Alexander said, boosting her confidence. With a heartwarming smile, she kissed him before disentangling herself from his embrace. 

Alexander patiently waited until she disappeared into the bathroom, and he heard the water running. He dialled Mathew's number and waited for him to answer, impatiently. 

What Mathew disclosed over the phone, infuriated Alexander. 

"I'm sorry, brother, but that bastard had left in the middle of the night, and unfortunately his private Jet took off before I could reach him. What was I supposed to do anyway? It's not like I have the liberty to touch him. You've issued orders that we are not allowed to attack or harm him in any way, remember?" Mathew asked without bothering to hide his frustration. 

Alexander snorted, he was beyond frustrated. 

It was true that Alexander didn't have the privilege to kill Johnathan. He'd given his word to Alastair's father. He wouldn't touch Johnathan unless he dared to cross Alexander's path again. 

"We'd enough excuse to harm him, Matt. The bastard broke the rule and was lurking around my son. My charity ended there because he was only allowed to live until he stays away from my family. You let the perfect opportunity to slip off your hand," Alexander barked into the phone. Mathew didn't know how to defend his actions.

"I should've called you right after discovering the information about his location. It was my fault, and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have waited," he said, admitting his mistake. 

Alexander brushed his hair back with his palm and tried to control his temper. He knew Mathew wasn't at fault and he didn't deserve his anger. It was another lucky day for Johnathan, and the bastard would live for a few more days. 

Mathew reported everything and confirmed that his son was completely safe. There wasn't any attack made, but Johnatahn's men had followed him and took some pictures, apparently to report it to Johnathan. Alexander gave some instruction, telling him to be on high alert. Not that he needed to ask Mathew to keep his son safe because he knew he would. Alexander could trust him blindly. 

He took a shower in another bathroom, got ready in a black suit and was waiting for his wife in the dining hall while his PA reported his schedule for the day. After approving the security arrangements, Alexander gestured the chef to serve the food to his team. It was the rule made by his wife long back. Maids, servants, office staff, whoever visited the house would never leave without having food. 

Alexander kept his phone aside and focused his eyes on the gorgeous lady descending the stairs. Dressed in a black form-fitting sheath dress, she took his breath away. Nipped at the waistline, it sat just above her knees and looked ideal for her hourglass figure, flattering her beautiful curves. Her slender, never-ending legs demanded attention as her black heels clicked against the white marble tiles. 

Alexander chose the dress in red, but she decided on the black because he wouldn't wear anything other than black and she wanted them to match for today's event. The white, exquisite pear-shaped diamond pendant held by a thin platinum chain rested excellently on her slightly exposed cleavage. He couldn't see her earrings as her long wave of hair flowing on either side of her shoulders hid them from view. 

She wasn't looking at him but was acknowledging the greetings of their staff members with a polite nod. Alexander grinned when she looked at him, silently commanding him with her eyes to join the breakfast table. She appreciated the efforts of their household staff. 

Meanwhile, Alexander wanted to ravish her then and there. But he knew, she would get cross with him if he ruined her makeup that was on point, and it's hard to pursue her after that. He had his eyes glued to her lips. Her natural beauty shone through the subtle makeup, but her lips were bare without any lipstick painted. 

Alexander beamed wickedly, eyes filled with delight because her bare lips meant he would get to kiss her thoroughly after breakfast. He couldn't wait. 

Suddenly, his phone went off, and startled, everyone looked at the disturbing device resting next to his plate.

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