Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 143 - She Can't Wait To Show Him

Andrew took a step back and found his back colliding with someone and turned around in a panic to see it was Jake. He glared at him with accusing eyes, and Hunter laughed, liking his helpless situation too much. Even though he was afraid for his life, Andrew couldn't help with the anger and jealousy he felt for Hunter. 

Hunter clicked his tongue, shaking his head in mock pity. "Aw, he feels betrayed, Jake," Hunter cooed and slapped Jake on his back. It was more of a gesture of appreciation for the help he contributed. "You're such a prick, Jake. How can you double-cross him like this? The poor boy is devastated because of how you helped me trap him," he stated the obvious. His friends laughed at Andrew's misery. 

"If you touch me, Ace, you'll have to face my father, and my lawyer will drag you to the court. None of you will survive after that, and I'll make sure of it," Andrew said through his gritted teeth, trying to threaten Hunter. The latter only snickered at the former's futile attempt as if he cracked a ridiculous joke. 

"When I set my mind on something, even my father wouldn't dare to interfere because he knows I wouldn't listen to anyone and nothing can hold me back, and you think yours will stop me?" He asked, his face a mask of fury as his large eyes widened to their fullest and headbutted him across the face with full force. 

Andrew didn't see it coming, and he staggered, swaying a little before falling on his butt, grunting and cursing in pain. 

"Ace, I said you can't sport any trace of injury on your body. Keep this in mind, no cut, no wound, no scar, and no damage. I don't want his so-called lawyer to get his hands on any evidence," Eric said, mocking Andrew for mentioning his lawyer. Scowling, Hunter turned to face Eric. 

Perched on the hood of his jeep was his dear friend, feet dangling back and forth while his hands clamped the edges, supporting his body weight. His smirk disappeared while a scowl replaced it and he glared at Hunter in disapproval. 

"Don't tell me you're still against the idea of killing him," Hunter said, sounding annoyed and without warning turned around to kick Andrew, jamming his foot right into the boy's testicles. It hurt so much, Andrew couldn't even scream. He sobbed breathlessly and doubled over in pain. 

"If he dies, disposing of his body would only be an added nuisance, and I don't want to deal with that, Ace," Hunter heard Eric whining behind him. He rammed his foot again and again until he felt satisfied. "You dared to touch my girl that too against her will," Hunter said, crouching down to his level. His fingers curled into Andrew's hair and yanked his head back. 

"You think you deserve to live?" He asked and shook his head, answering himself in a no. His hands reached out, grabbing the bat from the ground, and Andrew's frightened eyes widened as Hunter swung it to the side of his head before it came crashing down on his face. "It wouldn't satisfy me until I break every single bone in your body," Hunter admitted. 

Andrew cried, begging him to let him go while Hunter smiled, seeing him writhing under his feet. He so wanted to crush his skull with his boot. "You fucking bastard, did you stop when Hera cried, begging you to stop?" He asked and rammed the baseball bat into his knee. Everyone heard the bone crack while Andrew screamed his lungs out. 

Danny tsked, shaking his head in mock sympathy. "No, Ace, he didn't," he helpfully supplied the answer which Andrew didn't give. Michael grimaced at the blood, oozing down Andrew's face and his knee. "Fuck, he looks so ugly. Kill him before I throw up," Michael said much to Eric's annoyance. 

"Gladly," Hunter replied and raised his bat aiming at Andrew's head, determined to split it open into two. Before he could bring it down, Eric and Jake held his hand, restricting it from meeting its target. Andrew sighed in relief but didn't get the time to inhale the air back into his lungs as Danny's bat met with his ribcage. 

Hunter glared at Eric, only to get shoved back. "I think you've caused him enough damage," his best friend stated. Hunter shook his head in disagreement. "He didn't die yet," he said indignantly, but Eric didn't budge from his place, successfully blocking Andrew's form from Hunter's view. Michael groaned, and Eric glared at him in a warning. 

"What? I didn't get a chance to show my baby's talent yet," Michael whined, pointing at his baby, the dagger in his hand. 

Hunter yanked his hand out of his friends' grasp. "Eric, I only agreed to keep the violence to PG level because you wanted him to get expelled, but I didn't see that happening. So as you promised, he's mine to punish now," Hunter reasoned, charging towards Andrew. "And this piece of shit even dared to mock Hera and accused her of lying," he said, kicking him in his broken ribs. 

Andrew was on the verge of losing his consciousness and Eric pursed his lips in frustration when Hunter and Danny simultaneously hit Andrew. The former's blow aimed at the right ankle while the latter's at his left ankle. 

Michael walked back to the jeep to fetch a water bottle and emptied it on Andrew's face bringing him back to consciousness. Hunter snatched the dagger from Michael's hand and grabbed Andrew's wrist with his free hand. Jake looked away, and Eric cursed while his other two best friends cheered for Hunter to do whatever he planned to do. 

"Let him live, Ace. I told you Hera wouldn't approve it," Eric said. "I promise I'll make sure he leaves the school. You won't ever see him," Eric's voice held undoubted promise, and he looked determined. Hunter glanced at Eric once before turning his attention back to his target. 

His friend's watched him placing Andrew's hand on the ground, fingers spread wide. The dagger pierced into the skin tearing the flesh before breaching past the hard bone as Hunter smashed it applying full force. He had cut the middle finger of Andrew's right hand. 

Eric knew, his mention of Hera's name had worked in his favour. Hunter returned Michael's dagger and watched quietly as his friend washed it clean with water. Danny literally pissed on Andrew's face before following Hunter to his jeep. 

"Jake, you leave with them, please," Eric asked his friend. "Michael and I will be back once we take care of this mess," he said to Hunter pointing at Andrew's half-conscious form. 

"This is his last chance to survive. If I see him again, he's dead," Hunter promised, and Eric nodded his agreement. 


'Street racing! Oh, God, isn't that illegal? What will I do there?'

Hera scowled but didn't say anything in return to what Evelyn just mentioned. She knew Hunter liked bike racing too much to her annoyance. But this would be her first time attending or witnessing it. 

They had late lunch and decided to head back as Evelyn wanted time to get ready for the racing event. "You came from the beauty salon just a while ago, Evie," Hera said, teasing her. 

None of the boys were around when they made it home, and Hera ran upstairs to get changed quickly. Not that she needed time to get ready or apply make-up. Her face was glowing because of the facial mask and massage she underwent in the beauty salon, and Hera wasn't interested in an artificial made-up doll face. 

She had plenty of time to spare as the girls would no doubt take their own time to get ready. Hera couldn't wait to try the dress on in the privacy of Hunter's bedroom. She locked the door and rushed to the bathroom to take a quick shower. 

Putting on her new dress, Hera ran her palms over it, smoothing the lines and loved the way the soft texture felt against her smooth skin. Placing her hand over her mouth, she grinned. 

"Oh, my God!" Hera whispered to the empty room as she saw herself in the full-length mirror in the bedroom. Holding the flare of her dress from both the sides, she twirled and giggled loving the way it flew around, spinning along. "I can't wait to show you, Hunter," she said aloud, admiring herself and clapped her hands in excitement. 

Hera changed into the new outfit she bought for their night out and slid her feet into the new pair of leather boots. She tied her hair into a tight ponytail and smeared her lips with the dark pink lipstick she borrowed from Evelyn. The colour looked gorgeous against her milky-white complexion. 

Satisfied with her appearance, Hera wrapped a black scarf around her neck and covered herself in her new black trench coat with satin belted lapel. 

When Hera came down to the living hall to meet others, she was stunned at what she saw. Evelyn, Samantha and Bianca looked like hot models in their black leather jackets and ripped jeans, feet clad in high heels. 

'I can never look better in their presence, can I?'

Hera thought disappointedly.

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