Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 144 - She Wants To Kiss Him

Hera was fidgeting the whole time she sat in the moving vehicle. It wasn't Hunter's car, but Evelyn said they were friends with the one driving it and it's safe. Ever since Andrew's episode, Hera couldn't trust anyone and considering what Bianca and Samantha did in the party, she couldn't help but feel a bit on edge in their presence. 

Evelyn sat in the front passenger seat and was busy conversing animatedly with Liam, the boy behind the wheel. Hera sat in the back seat, sandwiched between two boys who were strangers to her while Bianca and Samantha took seats in the third row. 

Hera's back stiffened in alarm, and she looked sharply at the boy seated to her right as suddenly his hand made its way to her thigh, palm and fingers pressing hard against her flesh under her thick trench coat. Hera kept glaring at him, but the boy didn't seem to notice what he did. He laughed at something Evelyn and Liam said, and Hera thought maybe it was unintentional and innocent. 

Hera glanced over her shoulder to find Bianca and Samantha lost in their world, earpieces plugged into their ears. 

When he didn't attempt to remove his hand even after his laughter died down, Hera didn't think it was innocent anymore. She pried his hand off her thigh.. To her annoyance, the Jerk looked at her but didn't seem sorry at all. Through the peripheral view, she noticed the other boy beside her left when his shoulders shook in a quiet snicker. 

Hera didn't feel safe or comfortable anymore. For a fleeting moment, she even thought maybe it was another humiliating sick prank of the besties seated behind her. 

'Why did I agree to go with these strangers? Where are you, Hunter?' 

Hera moved to the edge of her seat, trying to get closer to Evelyn and prayed for the journey to end already.

A black jeep suddenly honked, overtaking their car and Hera sighed in relief as she immediately recognised its Hunter's jeep. It blocked their way, and both the vehicles came to a halt and as on cue, the door to the front passenger seat opened. A hand covered in the black leather jacket held the door open, and the black jean-clad legs with sneakers in feet stepped down from the jeep. 

Hera watched with her widened eager eyes as Hunter turned around, his long strides eating up the distance to reach her. The boys on her either side opened the doors and got down, making way for her. Thanking her lucky stars, Hera jumped out and ran into Hunter's arms before he could greet her. 

The force with which Hera collided into his chest made him take a step back because of the impact it caused. Her arms around his neck tightened as she pressed herself more into his chest. She sniffed him, inhaling deeply before tilting her head up to look at him. 

She smiled basking in the full attention, zeroed on her. Hunter kissed her forehead in greeting, and Hera noticed he didn't return the smile. He was busy studying her face, and she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. 

"Sorry, Love. As you know, we gave the staff their weekend off, so I didn't have anyone to drive you. I couldn't dare to trust Evie or Bianca's driving skills with you inside the car," Hunter said, making her grin wide. Hera heard Bianca yell at him offended by the second reason he offered while Evelyn tried to kick his thigh playfully with her heels. 

Grasping Hera's wrist in his hand, Hunter looked at Liam. "You said you're driving alone, Liam," he said, eyeing the other two boys and Liam looked a bit nervous. Hunter's tone was accusing, his stare not so friendly anymore. "Sorry, Ace, my friends didn't have the drive so last-minute changes to the plan," the boy offered his defence timidly. With a single nod, Hunter pulled Hera towards his jeep, and she gladly followed. 

Danny was on the driver's seat, and Evelyn didn't waste a second more before taking the seat beside him in the front. "Get in, Sunshine," Hunter said to Bianca, holding the door open for her but she didn't want Samantha to feel left out, so she preferred sitting with her in the rear seats. 

Hera grinned, recognising Jake and greeted him with a handshake. She sat between Hunter and Jake in the middle. She appreciated the gesture as Jake maintained a respectable distance between them. 

Hunter wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and Hera leaned her head on his shoulder. 

"You look super hot with this," Hera whispered into Hunter's ear pointing at the black bandana tied around his head. He chuckled when she blatantly checked him out from head to toe taking in his sinful good looks. He had dressed in black jeans paired with a simple V-neck plain black T-shirt. 

She could make out the lines of his solid chest and abs through the snug-fitting T-shirt. His leather jacket and the bandana added more to his bad-boy persona. 

"Do you like what you see, Goddess?" Hunter whispered, and Hera nodded enthusiastically. With her hand shielding her mouth, she whispered in his ear. "Of course, I do." 

"You two are annoying," Evelyn said without glancing at them and increased the volume of the music system. Hera could tell she was smiling though she sounded annoyed. But her brother was annoyed for sure, and his scowl was prominent. Evelyn played the song "Outlaws of Love" by Adam Lambert on repeat mode. No one tried to object because princess Evelyn gets away with everything. 

"Are we getting closer? Closer?

Nights are getting colder, colder." Adam Lambert's voice resounded through the speakers, so romantic and perfect. Hera mouthed the lyrics and smirked when Hunter rolled his eyes, slight pink dusting over his cheeks. 

"Are you blushing?" She whispered, and he shoved her away, scowling at her. 

Hunter noticed how her gaze lingered at the visible shape of his washboard abs and bit back a smile. Hera caught him smirking and brushed the back of her fingers over his jaw. He hadn't shaved, and Hera always loved the rugged look on him. The slight stubble on his face made him look so matured and more handsome. 

He caught her hand and stopped it from exploring further when it brushed the corners of his mouth. Hera smirked noticing him swallowing, the bulge of his Adam's apple moving slowly. It looked so hot and attractive, Hera wanted to kiss and run her tongue over it. 

As if reading her mind, Hunter shook his head. Jutting out her bottom lip in a disappointed pout, Hera looked at him expectantly. 

"Everywhere we go we're looking for the sun," Hera suddenly decided to sing along and unashamedly used her tuneless voice trying to sound as discordant as possible and screamed into his ear. She laughed when it annoyed Hunter, and he covered his ears with his hands, trying to block her voice. 

Moving his hands away, she whispered again, "I want to kiss you." 

Hera dramatically sighed when Hunter ignored her and started a random conversation with Jake. 

They reached the industrial estate in Dagenham and Hera was shocked to see hundreds of spectators though the Council decided to crack down on illegal racing in their area. Bike racers were test riding, making sure everything was working fine with the machine. The bikes looked more attractive than the bikers. 

'But my Hunter looks the most attractive.'

Hera thought, eyeing the said attractive boy beside her. Hunter was on the phone checking where Eric and Michael were. She waited until he ended the call and nudged him in the side with her elbow. 

"I put so much effort into getting ready for you, and you didn't even spare a proper glance at me," she complained. Hunter smirked, making an elaborated show of checking her out. His hand reached over her head, and Hera protested when he pulled her hair tie and freed her hair. 

Her hair had grown an inch or two, and that observation made him happy. It danced around her face, like the waves swimming in the ocean, and it made her face glow like the milky white full moon in the dark sky. Hera laughed when his fingers held the single strand of her hair because she knew whenever he secretly measured the length of it. 

Her laughter pulled his attention back to her face. The soft skin of her bare face looked so fresh. Her large, forest green resplendent eyes were her perfect jewellery, and that little heart-shaped mouth with her full lips painted in dark pink Hunter couldn't wait to taste them. 

She swatted his hand away when he tried to touch her lips. "You'll ruin my lipstick," she said. Hunter scoffed in return. "And here I thought you wanted to kiss me," he said, rolling his eyes. 

"Maybe later," she said and winked. "But now, tell me how do I look?" She asked, widening her eyes for the added effect. Hunter chuckled at how cute and innocent she looked.

"Well," he paused and shrugged. "I can't see anything beneath this knee-length trench coat of yours. Have you worn anything inside or are you naked underneath it?" He whispered, leaning to her ear.

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