Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 182 - She Could Never Be Wrong

Fifteen Years Ago: 

Alexander remembered his conversation with Felicity before he agreed to spare Johnathan's life. 

In their temporary bedroom of that rented villa, he found himself torn between staying with Felicity and going after Johnathan's life. 

She was so fragile that she could hardly stand on her feet. Though Alexander couldn't wait to kill Johnathan, he had to spare his life for a few more minutes. Right then, Felicity needed Alexander's presence the most. Being the dutiful husband, Alexander chose to stay with her. 

Alexander's eyes met Johnathan's for a brief second before he shut their bedroom door close. Blood boiled in his veins, for he saw his enemy still breathing safe under his roof. 

As soon as he closed the door, he called Sebastian's phone, instructing him to keep an eye on his culprit. 

"I'm standing a few feet away from your bedroom door, boss," Sebastian said in an incredulous tone. He found it ridiculous speaking to Alexander over the phone when they were both under the same roof. Ignoring his jab, Alexander ordered not to kill Johnathan yet. Sebastian didn't sound pleased to hear that. He spared a glance at the said prey and cursed. 

Shaking his head in disappointment, Sebastian reported about the Baresi brother's new location. He had his eyes planted on Johnathan, measuring his every little movement. He didn't shift his gaze off him, not even for a second, watching him like a hawk. 

"Where's Deacon?" Alexander asked. Sebastian had yet to reach his cousin because the pest had gone underground. He couldn't trace his location. Ashamed of himself, Sebastian informed him the same. "I don't give a fuck, Romano. Wipe out the entire world if you've to and get me that son of a bitch. I want him at any cost, and I want that Motherfucker alive," Alexander barked into his cell phone. 

He noticed how Felicity flinched at his harsh tone. As soon as he realised she had been silently shedding tears, he ended the call. Setting his phone aside, Alexander hugged her tightly, kissing her head. He shushed her, whispering soothing words as he would do to his three years old son. Alexander wiped her tears clean from his shirtsleeve and kissed her on the forehead. 

"It's my entire fault," she said, sobbing into his chest. "I lost her because of my negligence. She's not here, is she?" Felicity asked, her voice full of guilt. Alexander shook his head in disagreement and wiped her tears. "Stop crying, Felci. It's not your fault. Everything will be fine. I promise I'll bring her back," Alexander assured, pulling the distressed Felicity more into his arms. 

She'd been crying, blaming herself for Hera's kidnap. 

Alexander wanted to march out of the room and slit Johnathan's throat. The bastard managed to shatter her peace. 

"Do you think John is involved in this?" She asked with uncertainty. He could tell she was afraid of finding out the truth. Could he blame her, though? Johnathan was their friend and Alastair's brother. Alexander smiled sadly at her. "I know he's involved in this as much as the Baresi brothers," he revealed, and Felicity nodded, believing his every word. 

"I don't want you to kill him. Let him go, Alexander," she said. The firmness in her tone displeased Alexander, and he scowled at her. 

"Felci, you're not thinking straight. Please let me handle this my way?" Alexander asked, half begging and half demanding. "Forgive him, Alexander, for my sake. Let him go for Alastair's sake," she argued her way into convincing him. 

"Alastair has gone through so much. I don't want to cause him any more pain. If you don't let John go, he would know the truth. He will blame you for everything, and I don't want him to think you betrayed him. Let's not hurt him, Alexander," she spoke logically. Alexander looked thoughtful for a few seconds, and Felicity found a small ray of hope. 

Alastair was no more on talking terms with them, and Alexander had not yet forgiven him for hurting him. But she knew Alexander would do anything for his best friend even though he was angry with him. 

"Felci, I haven't found Hera's location yet, and if I let him go before that, he'll create problems. He could go and help my enemies again," Alexander voiced out his doubts. "Then let him stay with me. I'll keep him here until you bring Hera back," Felicity replied in an instant. Alexander jumped to his feet, snatching his hands back from her grasp. 

He looked furious all of a sudden. Obviously, Felicity's ridiculous suggestion triggered his anger. 

"Don't be stupid, Felicity. I would never trust anyone else with your safety after this, let alone leave you in that bastard's presence. He almost killed you," Alexander said in a shaky voice. Felicity shook her head in disagreement. "You don't know that for sure, Alexander. He only drugged my coffee. Don't judge him so soon," she said in a disapproving tone. 

Alexander knew she would adamantly stick to it when she gets defensive about something or someone. 

"Alright then, he'll come with us until I find Hera and then I'll let him go," Alexander tried to bargain. Felicity reached forward to hold his hand, and he obliged, joining her on the bed. "Alexander, hear me out before reaching any conclusion," she said, requesting him. He nodded and waited for her to put forth her thoughts. 

"If I go with you, you'll get distracted worrying about my safety all the time. I know I'll be your priority undoubtedly," Felicity stated. 

Alexander waited for her to finish, a bit impatient though, but he listened. 

"Hera should be our priority, Alexander. I don't want you to make any hasty decisions or mistakes and risk losing her. Let me stay back, and I'll promise I'll be careful. Nothing will happen to me, and I'll make sure John wouldn't leave until you come back," she said, hoping he would comply with her advice. Her tired eyes widened as she tried to focus on his face. 

Alexander smiled and hugged her in a tight embrace. "Do you agree?" Felicity asked, unsure but hopeful at the same time. "I always knew how selfless you are. I'm so proud of you, angel," he said. Cupping her face in his large palms, he kissed her. Felicity reciprocated everything she felt and received from him, his kiss, his love and his pride. 

"You'll never distract me from my mission, Felci. You're my backbone, my strength, my light in the darkness, my saviour and my angel. If you don't come with me, then I'll get distracted worrying about you," he confessed, gifting her a heartwarming smile. "Don't argue with me on this, darling. I won't survive if anything happens to you," he admitted without any remorse. 

Felicity knew it wouldn't be easy to convince him, but she was never the one to give up. She kissed him with all her might before pulling away. Alexander frowned at her because something in her gaze tore at his heart. He felt as though she was telling him goodbye. 

"Think about our little boy and our baby girl, Alexander. One of us has to stay alive for them. If both of us died, what would happen to them? I want them to have at least one parent, if not both. What happens if you die protecting me? It's not the time to be selfish. It's time for sacrifice, Alexander," Felicity said and paused to breathe. She noticed how Alexander seemed speechless. 

'He is considering my words.' 

"I know our parents would love our son to the moon and back. They would keep him safe no matter what. But what about Hera? They don't know her, nor are they emotionally attached to her. She's adopted, and I don't want her to face any discrimination or unfairness in life," Felicity was saying, but Alexander's tears made her pause. 

He was scared of losing her. He couldn't trust anyone with her safety. Neither could he deny her anything, nor could he leave her behind. He would refuse her or disrespect her opinion, especially when she was speaking fair. 

His Felicity could never be wrong anyway. 

Wiping his tears, she shook her head, commanding him not to lose hope. "Don't be afraid, Alexander. It's not like you're parting with me forever or that you won't see me again. I'm giving you my word that I won't die in your absence, at least not until you come back. If I'm going to die, that would be in your arms," she vowed, a warm smile playing across her lips.

Alexander still didn't speak. Felicity pulled him into his embrace and rubbed his back with her hand soothingly while he silently shed tears. 

"I've promised Anna that I'll love Hera like my own, but I can't keep my promise if you don't stand by me in this, Alexander. I still feel dizzy and weak and helpless. You would be ignoring everything to keep me safe. I don't want that, Alexander. If anything happens to Hera, I would never forgive myself," she said, pouring her heart out.

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