Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 183 - Soulmates Don't Leave Their Other Half Alone

"I can't, Felci. If you die, how will I survive? How would I take care of our babies when I wouldn't be able to function myself? I would be dead both emotionally and physically," Alexander confessed, pleading with her like a child. "I said, I won't die, Alexander," Felicity said, sounding annoyed. She let out an exasperated sigh. "You're crying as if I'm already dead," she said, eyeing him with a scowl. 

"Let's do this, Alexander. I'll keep John occupied and make sure he wouldn't interfere or interrupt your mission. You go and bring our baby back. Let's do this for Hera, for Anna. Please forgive John for Alastair's sake," Felicity concluded, and she knew her husband wouldn't be able to refuse her this time. 

She let him take his time. When Alexander kissed her aggressively, Felicity's heart sighed in content. She had managed to convince him at last.. 

'Mission accomplished.'

She smiled and listened to Alexander's plan as attentive as she could even though, losing her strength and feeling sleepy. 

"We're leaving this place," that's all Alexander said before packing her things. 

Alexander never thought his fears would become true, and he would lose her for real. 

The car came to a sudden halt jolting him out of his thoughts. Dave, his driver, informed he made it to the hospital while others jumped out of the car, offering him help immediately. Shaking his head, he cleared his mind and brushed his forearm over his eyes, wiping the tears from his shirt sleeve. 

He looked down on his lap and checked her pulse once again. 

It was getting harder to find her pulse now, and his heart sank at the knowledge. But he vowed not to lose hope. 

Alexander hated the hospitals. Yet he couldn't avoid entering one as fate seemed to enjoy torturing him in the worst way possible. It was a deja vu moment, and he cursed his luck for bringing him back to the same place, forcing him to go through the same situation again and again. 

'Like how many times I have to endure this fucking deja vu moment?'

He sat on the chair a few feet away from Felicity's hospital bed as a nurse tended to his wound. He had only permitted her to clean his wound and stop the bleeding for the time being. The doctors demanded that he let them operate and take out the bullet for him to stay alive. But he refused and asked them to treat his wife first. 

He was not planning on going anywhere until Felicity came out of danger. 

He watched while Felicity laid unconscious on the bed. The doctors prepared to proceed with their surgery. Alexander's heart and his brain both kept begging for her life, praying to whatever divine power ruled the universe. 

He recalled how he had joked that they got hurt at the same time because they were soulmates. To his amazement, they both got shot at the exact spot in their chest. The doctors said they were lucky the bullet missed their heart by mere inches, and Alexander desperately prayed it didn't damage any other organ inside her body. 

Alexander couldn't fight against his injured body anymore and closed his eyes, permitting the darkness to engulf his consciousness. 

The softest pair of lips touched his forehead, and fingers delicately brushed through his hair. "Good morning, Alexander," a sweet angelic voice greeted him. Alexander forced his eyes open, and his angel presented him with her kindest smile. He blinked rapidly to get rid of the sleep and to make sure he wasn't dreaming. 

He stared into her hazel eyes, basking in the warmth in them. They shone brighter than the diamond pendant adorning her slender neck. The smile playing on her full lips warmed his heart, soothing the pain he endured a while ago in his nightmare. Alexander's hand reached out on autopilot, fingers running through the silky soft strawberry blonde hair. 

He closed his eyes and opened them again, praying and hoping the image wouldn't disappear. 

He was grateful that she didn't disappear. It wasn't a dream. He cupped her face in his hands and let her hot breath fan his face, a reminder that she was breathing. 

"Seems like you're dreaming about it again," his wife said, wiping the sweat off his forehead with the long sleeves of her nightgown. "You looked so scared. It's okay. It was all in the past," she said, enveloping him in a protective embrace. 

Alexander tightened his arms around her in reflex. 

"Thank you for not dying on me that day, Felci. Thank you for staying by my side, and thank you for keeping your promise," Alexander expressed his gratitude from the bottom of his heart. Felicity smiled wide and brushed her lips against his in a soft kiss. "How could I? I would never go back on my words. You should know it better," she said in a disapproving tone. 

Alexander smiled, nodding his head. The one quality they both admire and respect about each other was that they never break their promise. They would never retreat their steps once they decide to stay by your side. No matter what, they would stand by their words. 

"And besides, soulmates don't die and leave their other half to suffer alone. Don't I know how my Alexander becomes a lunatic without me by his side? Be grateful that I never leave you," she stated, tapping her finger on his chin, her tone playful. She might have said it like a joke, but Alexander grasped the hidden depth behind her words. 

They would never leave each other to suffer alone. 

"Don't you get tired of uttering my name every ten seconds?" Alexander asked, a disapproving scowl appearing on his face. Felicity frowned at the sudden change in the topic as his question seemed out of context. She raised her brows at him, a silent command for him to elaborate. 

"For someone who claims to be my soulmate, you never used any nickname for me. You know, to make me feel special? How would I know how much you love me? You hardly use terms of endearment for me," Alexander said in an accusing tone while his face turned down in disappointment. Felicity scowled and shook her head as if reprimanding a child. 

"You're no different from my little trouble maker, always throwing a fit to get my attention," she said, playfully slapping his arm and let out a long audible sigh as though she was exhausted from dealing with their childish tantrums. "And you know very well why I always address you by your name instead of nicknames. We have discussed this countless times, Alexander," she said, a displeased scowl directed towards him. 

"Yeah, right, I know, it's your favourite name. I know how much you love Greek history and how much you adore their King Alexander," Alexander snapped, jealousy dripping from his tone. Felicity chuckled at his ridiculous antics. "Uh-oh, you said it wrong. He's King Alexander The great," she corrected him, her voice and her eyes filled with amusement. 

Alexander scoffed in reply and looked away from her, but Felicity held his lower jaw in a firm grip, forcing him to look at her and cooed at him. "I can't believe you're jealous over a dead man who died in 323 BC," she said, laughing at him. "You even remember exactly when he died," Alexander pointed out with great displeasure. 

"Alexander, I love that name not only because it's my favourite King's name but also because it's your name. I admire your courage and your commitment. I adore your pure heart, and I appreciate your loyalty and dedication to your loved ones. I worship your soul for its selflessness. I love you so much. You are my Alexander the Great," she concluded, kissing him on the lips. 

Alexander grinned, satisfied at her declaration, but she noticed how his eyes watered. "Huh, who knew, Alexander Hunter, the devil himself is a marshmallow from inside," she cooed and teased him for being so soft for her. He scowled at her in mock anger and pinned her to the bed. She let him kiss her to his heart's content, but to his disappointment, she stopped him from further exploration of her body. 

"Now go back to sleep. It's only five in the morning," Felicity commanded. 

"Why are you up so early then? Did I disturb your sleep?" Alexander asked, sounding guilty, an apology ready on his lips. She covered his mouth with her hand and shook her head. "No, you didn't, Alexander. I couldn't sleep, so just reminiscing about our happy days from the past," she answered. 

Alexander knew why she couldn't sleep. How could she? It was Hera's birthday, after all. 

He then noticed the photo albums on the bed, proof of their said happy days she was remembering. 

He sat upright and grabbed the photo album as the opened page showed their last family picture with Hera in it. Felicity leaned her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his middle. 

Alexander brought the photo to his lips and kissed little Hera. 

"Happy birthday, Sweetheart," they both wished her in unison. "Wherever you are, stay safe for Daddy," Alexander said, voice turning hoarse as emotions tore at his heart. 

"Be blessed with all the happiness in the world, my baby. We love you," Felicity whispered, tightening her hold on Alexander. 

She watched with her misty eyes while Alexander grabbed his phone from the nightstand and typed a text message. 

Happy birthday, Your Highness. I wish you to live a long, healthy life with your loved ones. I hope you're happy without us. 

He passed the phone to Felicity and went back to the photo album while Felicity typed her message for Alastair. 

Happy birthday, Alastair. Stay blessed. We miss you.

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