Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 226 - Kisses And Apologies

Noel's anger was at its peak, but still, he didn't lose his temper. It was humiliating how Hunter dismissed him as if he was a mere slave. It was so tempting to punch his ridiculously handsome face, yet Noel resisted the urge and tolerated Hunter's insult. He glanced over his shoulder one more time before taking a turn in the hallway. 

Hunter held Hera's wrist in a tight grip, leading her in the opposite direction while she followed obediently. Noel shook his head in pity. He thought the poor girl couldn't even dare to defy him. 

'Bastard treats her like an object. No regard for her consent, nor does he respect or value her presence.'

Noel wanted to return every insult he had gone through, and he couldn't wait to see Hunter standing alone like the sore loser he was when he whisked Hera away from him. 

'Soon, Ace Hunter, she'll spit on your face and will discard you from her life like garbage.. I'll make sure she does.'

Grinding his teeth, Noel vowed to ruin his life. 

As soon as he took the turn, someone blocked his way. Arms crossed in front of her, Samantha stood as if she had been waiting for him. Noel scowled, annoyed at the interruption. 

"Ever heard of the phrase, the enemy of my enemy is my friend?" Samantha asked, closing the distance between them and smiled knowingly. They stood chest to chest, and Noel could feel the heat radiating from her body. She looked hot in frayed denim shorts paired with a white button-down shirt. 

Noel couldn't resist and let his eyes wander downwards. Her cleavage was on display, and she had her ash blonde hair styled in long curls, which framed the fair skin of her face. Her full lips painted in blood-red lipstick were alluring. She snorted and stepped back, arrogance spilling from her baby blue eyes. 

Samantha flipped her hair and stared at him with her eyebrows raised. She was expecting him to answer her question. Noel rolled his eyes and brushed past her to lean against the railings. Samantha followed him. 

"Ace is not your enemy," Noel pointed out. Samantha giggled at his statement. "But I do hate Hera," she admitted. "What's your true intentions regarding Hera?" she asked, sounding curious. Noel nodded, appearing to be thoughtful for a few seconds. He smiled more to himself before answering her question. 

"I like her," he revealed, his tone leaving no trace of uncertainty. "For real," he added. Samantha's eyebrows moved in a single up-down eyebrow flash while she smiled, pleased with his admission. "And I want Ace," she declared. "Let's team up and help each other," she said, offering her hand for him to shake. Noel was only glad to accept the deal. 

Samantha shared her plans, and they discussed how to implement them. After exchanging numbers, with a victorious grin playing on their lips, they parted ways, shooting thumbs up to each other. 

Hunter pulled Hera into the library. 

Hera watched while a few students doing their assignments waved their hands, greeting their beloved president. Hunter returned everyone's greetings with his charming smile while leading Hera to the deep end of the library. It was empty, providing them with the needed privacy. The soft glow of the dimmed lights was enough to discover the titles of the books arranged alphabetically in the bookcases. 

He let go of her hand only to hold her by the shoulders. Hera looked at him with her large eyes wide open while he pulled her in front of him. He gently pushed her against the wall beside the bookcase. Hera tilted her head up to look at him properly. 

He no longer wore his headband, and his freshly washed soft charcoal black hair smelt of fresh cedar and peppermint. It was gel-free and had the luxury of caressing his forehead. Hera felt the urge to run her fingers through it, but before she could, Hunter pushed his hair backwards from his face with both his hands. Hera admired his angelic face while his lips twitched in a tiny smile. 

Hunter took her hands in his again and brought them to his lips, kissing her knuckles one after the other. He let them go to frame her face with his palms. Hera's heartbeats sped up when he looked into her eyes, and her eyelids closed on their own accord when he leaned forward to capture her lips with his. 

Hera felt the slight brush of his lips against hers in a tender touch. "I missed the assembly because I was busy helping a student," he whispered against her lips. "There was a girl in the locker hall, and she somehow slipped and hurt her ankle. I carried her to the infirmary as she was struggling to walk," Hunter said before kissing her and Hera got lost in the pleasant sensations. 

Hunter felt her smile against his lips and pulled away to look at her. Hera didn't say anything and silently watched instead, searching his eyes. 

"I don't remember her name, I don't know her, and I have no business with her, I swear," Hunter offered in his defence. Hera bit back her smile, gesturing to him to go ahead. 

"I'm sorry I upset you," Hunter apologised, kissing the corner of her lips. 

"I'm sorry I made you cry," he said and kissed the apple of her cheeks. 

"I'm sorry for fighting," he said and placed another kiss on her forehead. 

"I'm sorry I didn't answer your question and clear your doubt immediately. I'm sorry for calling your brain stupid. I'm sorry I got angry. I'm sorry for missing your calls," Hunter said, pecking the tip of her nose. With every confession, he gifted her with another kiss. 

Hera giggled through her tears while Hunter kissed every inch of her face. 

"You said you're no magician and mind reader and that you don't understand what I'm feeling," Hera said accusingly. Hunter let out an airy breath of laughter, and his shoulders shook in the process. "But I do, don't I?" he asked rhetorically, but Hera nodded frantically, answering anyway. "You do, Hunter. You always do," she stated, pulling him down for another kiss. 

'You're my magician, Hunter, because you can always read my mind and understand my feelings without needing any verbal explanation.'

Hera thought proudly and tightened her arms around him, breathing in his earthy scent after the first rain. 

Sliding down against the wall, Hera pulled Hunter along to sit on the floor comfortably. "My feet feel tired," she said. Hunter removed his cream coloured hoodie and wrapped it around her shoulders. "It's getting a bit chillier here," he explained. Hera laughed, looking fondly at him. 

"Hunter, you're going to run short of your hoodies and jackets soon because they're piling up in my cupboard," Hera revealed, not sounding guilty at all for stealing his clothes. Hunter explained why he couldn't receive her calls, and Hera felt ashamed for fighting with him even though he did no wrong. 

Hunter asked Hera to check the pocket of his hoodie, and Hera found the big rectangular bar of caramel milk chocolate, which instantly lit up her face. She quickly unwrapped to read the message she knew she would find inside. 

Beloved Goddess, 

I'm sorry I hurt you unknowingly.

Please forgive me, love. 

Hera didn't know what to say. Could she say it's okay when he was not at fault? Without confronting him, she doubted his innocence. Her heart ached when the burden of guilt shrunk the inside of her chest. She bit the chocolate, and with her mouth full, she smiled at him, pouring her apology into that guilty smile. 

"I do trust you, Hunter, but sometimes I act stupidly. You know me," she said, shrugging her shoulders. Hunter planted a kiss on the crown of her head in acknowledgement. They sat in comfortable silence, attached to the hip, shoulder to shoulder, head to head. Hera munched on the sweet bar while her thoughts drifted to Clara. 

"What else is bothering you? Mind telling me?" Hunter asked, breaking the silence. 

'Of course, he can read my mind.'

Hera thought and smiled at him, shaking her head in a no. 

It was the right timing, and she had the opportunity to share her thoughts and ask questions, but Hera backed off. She didn't have the heart to ruin their moment. She decided to wait for another day. Bianca was right when she said she needs to grow up. Hera would take care of the confrontation tomorrow. But for now, she wanted to bask in the warmth of her Hunter's arms. 

He needed to know that he had earned his trust back, and Hera trusted him with all her heart. Hunter gifted her with the most beautiful smile when she confessed the same and pulled her into his chest in a tight hug. 

Hera felt like she won against the world when Hunter smiled in relief. Nothing and no one mattered at that moment. 

'What Clara said can never be true.'

Hera decided.

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