Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 227 - Nothing Should Taint Their Happiness

"I brought your food. Why didn't you come for dinner?" Danny asked, concern coating his soft tone. He placed the plate on Abby's table and pulled her to her feet, forcing her to leave the comfort of her bed. She sat on the chair while Danny perched himself on the table. Abby half-heartedly opened her mouth when he offered to feed her.

She ate half of the contents on the plate and refused to eat more, pretending her stomach was full. "It seems as if the lamb is being fed and fattened before it's sacrificed," she said jokingly, but Danny heard the accusation underlining her tone. Her words stung, and Danny felt guilty for putting her in such a situation. It was clearly visible she had been crying.

Abby looked at him, pleading with her eyes. "I can't do this, Danny. I'm scared," she revealed. Danny held her hands in his and squeezed, offering support.. "I won't let anything happen to you. I promise," he was quick to reassure, but his cousin didn't seem convinced at all. She shook her head frantically, refusing to believe him.

"How are you so sure? You're asking me to dance in a strip club, and I'm still underage, for God's sake, Danny. You don't know what they will do to me," she attacked and didn't hold back her frustration. "I need you, Abby. Please do it for Hera and help me in keeping her safe," Danny requested, sounding too helpless and desperate.

Jealousy and anger rushed through Abby's nerves. "I never hated Hera before, Danny. But you're making it seem easy," she spat the words in disdain. It hurt so much to know that her cousin, who never showed concern to Hera before, was now ready to choose her safety over Abby's.

"Why don't you ask her, Danny? Why should I put myself in danger while it's Hera they want?" she asked. Abby instantly regretted opening her mouth when she saw how the softness in Danny's gaze vanished, and anger replaced it. "Don't forget, Abby, you have an equal share in this crime. Hera is in this mess only because of you," he warned through his gritted teeth, eyes daring her to defy him.

Abby's shoulders slumped in shame, and she pulled her knees to her chest, crossing her hands around her legs. She made herself seem small while she ducked her head, avoiding Danny's accusing eyes. Danny sighed, annoyed at everything. He didn't want to humiliate or guilt-trip her, but he couldn't hold back his anger anymore.

"Abby, don't worry. I'll keep you safe. Jack said they make a lot of money in a single day. It's just for a few days. You've to dance there on weekends until he gets his money," Danny explained everything Jack told him and assured Abby that he would be there with her all the time. The only troublesome part of the plan was to convince Jack to replace Hera with Abby.

Abby knew she had no choice but to agree. She nodded dejectedly. Danny didn't miss the single tear that rolled down her cheek. He placed his hand on her head, brushing his palm in a soft caress over her hair. He hugged her to his chest and kissed the crown of her head. "I'll keep you safe, Abby. Please trust me," he assured her once again.

Hera had been carrying the burden of accusation all her life that she was the cause of everyone's miseries in his family. But he knew better. He knew Hera was innocent, and it was her who had suffered the most. Now he wanted to make everything right for her. He would do anything to keep her away from trouble.

Danny was scared too. He hoped everything would get sorted. He couldn't contact Jack as he was out of the country, and Danny wished the bastard would never return.

HERA tipped her head to the side to look at Hunter while they walked out of the library. Even his side profile was so perfect, Hera thought nothing could match his handsome looks. He was chewing a mouth freshener, and Hera watched the movement of his sharp jawline in awe. Everything he did seem to be sexy, and Hera could watch him forever without complaining.

'Is it ever possible to find any flaw in him?'

Hera wondered while admiring her boyfriend's flawless, gorgeous face. Hunter had his fingers wrapped around her wrist in a tight hold, and Hera smiled subconsciously, thinking about how much she missed this.

'Oh, we're matching again.'

Hera noticed, smiling to herself.

She brushed her hand over Hunter's cream coloured hoodie she wore. Hunter had dressed in brown sweatpants and a cream sweatshirt. His feet and toes looked adorable in flip flops. Hera observed how tiny her feet seemed next to his large ones.

"Your hair interrupts my view, you know," Hera stated disapprovingly. "It hides your face from me," she accused, pouting at him. Hunter laughed, bumping into her shoulder playfully. Blocking his way, Hera stopped him from walking, and standing on her tippy-toes, she kissed him on the lips. Startled, Hunter looked around to see if anyone saw them.

The corridor was empty. Hunter knew Hera hated PDA. So it surprised him that she initiated the kiss. Hera giggled at his shocked face, pecking his cheek. "It's okay if we get caught. I'm going to get detention tomorrow anyway," she said, shrugging. Hunter raised his brows in disbelief.

"And how do you know it already? What have you done?" Hunter asked, scowling in disapproval. Hera rolled her eyes at him. "I haven't done my homework," she announced, clicking her tongue. "It's okay. You still have time to do your homework. I can help if you want," Hunter offered. Hera shook her head, declining his help. 

"I saw you with that girl in the morning, and she is my roommate, by the way," Hera revealed. Hunter took her wrist in his hand again and resumed their walking, pulling her along. "I was disturbed, thanks to you, so I couldn't concentrate in the class. I don't know what the teachers taught in class or what homework they have given," Hera explained in her defence.

"You had time to have lunch, dinner and chit-chat with that rascal guy but not to discuss homework with your classmates?" Hunter asked, sounding annoyed. Hera rolled her eyes and bumped into his shoulder, pushing a little too hard on purpose. She laughed in amusement when Hunter's feet faltered, and he lost his balance.

Hera didn't let him fall, though. Holding on to his arm tightly, she pulled him back before he could fall.

Scowling at Hera, Hunter yanked his hand away from her hold before walking away from her. His long legs marched too quickly for Hera's liking, and she had to jog to match his pace.

"My lip has a small cut inside, and it hurt when you kissed me. But I endured it for you," Hera said and smirked when Hunter's feet halted. She had effectively caught his undivided attention and grinned when she saw him frowning in worry. "And look at you, ungrateful and rude, walking away from me," she said, clicking her tongue in disapproval.

Ignoring her playful banter, Hunter cupped her cheek in his palm and with his free hand, he touched her lips. He parted them with his thumb, examining the said injury. He looked so worried, Hera couldn't help but smile affectionately at him. Then suddenly, she pulled his thumb into her mouth and bit it hard.

Hunter yelped in pain, cursing while Hera burst out laughing. She was laughing so loud Hunter forgot about his pain. It was his favourite sound, after all. He smiled, watching her having fun at his expense. She seemed so carefree, happy and content Hunter didn't want anything else in life.

The only thing he wanted was to have his happily ever after with her.

'No evil should touch or taint her happiness.'

Hunter made a wish.

"It's nothing, Hunter. I bit the inside of my lip accidentally while having lunch," Hera lied, walking into his arms. She kissed his lips and smiled wide. Hunter shook his head, and Hera knew he caught her lie. "You mean when you saw me with that girl?" he asked rhetorically. Hera scrunched her nose guiltily and nodded.

Hunter touched the corner of her mouth with his lips, placing the softest kiss there.


In New York City, Alexander left his office early to pick up Felicity from her workshop. She had been busy these days working on her new jewellery designs. She wanted to make herself free of burdens and keep her schedule clear before her son comes home. Her time would solely belong to her beloved son as long as he stays with them.

Alexander nodded in acknowledgement as the staff kept greeting him as soon as he entered the building. He politely dismissed Felicity's personal assistant, a young man in his mid-twenties, telling him that he would find his way to her. Felicity's bodyguards bowed and moved away from the door, letting him enter.

He found his beautiful wife holding the monocular, handheld loupe, examining the cut of the diamonds. Perched on the arch-shaped wooden table, Felicity had her feet resting on the armchair in front of her. The dark navy blue velvet cloth spread on her lap had newly cut diamonds shimmering on it.

The glasses resting low on her nose shone with the reflection cast by the precious pure crystals. Alexander smiled, admiring the gorgeous lady shining as brightly as the diamonds.

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