Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 230 - Sharing Their Happiness And Sorrow

Felicity kept asking if he was hurting anywhere but met with Sebastian's silence as usual. Not that he could answer, but she always hoped he would. At that exact moment, Felicity regretted ever letting Johnathan into her house on that cursed day fifteen years ago. Her home was her paradise, and her family was her galaxy. Johnathan had wrecked it so mercilessly.

'I really hate you for what you did to my family, Johnathan Castellanos.'

She wished she could undo her mistake of ever trusting that vile excuse of a human.

Alexander felt so helpless it killed him to witness Sebastian's silent tears. He watched with the slightest glimmer of hope sparkling in his eyes while Felicity held Sebastian's hand and spoke to him.

"You have nothing to be guilty of, Sebastian. So don't worry about anything, okay.. You've been the best father to Michael, and he loves you so much," Felicity stated, and Alexander wondered how the woman always knew to say the right thing. She spoke with such certainty as if she could read Sebastian's mind.

Alexander's shoulders slumped under the burden of guilt. Sebastian had sacrificed his life to save Alexander's family, and he didn't think twice before doing it for Hera. Michael had lost his family because of Alexander.

Walking to the other side of the bed, Alexander brushed his hand over Sebastian's head affectionately. They loved each other like brothers and would do anything for each other without any second thought. Alexander would've sacrificed his life for Sebastian had their roles reversed.

"I always wanted to tell you that I would be forever grateful to you for what you did, Romano. But do you know why I never thanked you? Because every time I tried telling you, it felt like a goodbye and the thought of losing you never sat right in my heart, buddy," Alexander confessed. Bending his torso forward, he left a kiss on Sebastian's head.

Hot tears rushed out as Alexander squeezed his eyelids shut. Felicity smiled sadly and wiped Alexander's tears with her fingers.

Both Felicity and Alexander took their seats on either side of Sebastian's bed. They held his hand in theirs and spoke to him.

Just as best friends share their happiness and sorrow, in the same way, both of them chatted with Sebastian. Felicity told him about their conversation with the doctor. "They said you're hurting inside, and we are keeping you alive against your will. I'm sorry, Sebastian, we couldn't take your pain away. I'm sorry you suffered so much," Felicity apologised, sounding devastated.

She disclosed everything the doctor said after Alexander stormed out of the doctor's consulting room. It seemed Sebastian's body was refusing to accept the treatment recently. The medicine stopped working, and slowly Sebastian's will to live was dying.

Alexander shook his head in denial and commanded Sebastian not to give up. "I need you, Romano. Don't you dare die yet," he forced the words out through his gritted teeth, anger evident in his tone. "I love Mike as much as I love Junior. He's family, Sebastian, so don't worry about him," Alexander promised.

The monitor in the room beeped, and Felicity noticed the change in Sebastian's heart rate. She couldn't understand the variations in medical terms, but she knew something inside Sebastian settled at peace after Alexander's assurance. Felicity sighed in relief at the realisation. She would be forever grateful for Sebastian's loyalty dedicated to Alexander and his family.

Both of them failed to notice how Sebastian's tears stopped after a while.

Alexander brushed his fingers over the thick scar on the inside of Sebastian's forearm. His jaw clenched in anger as he remembered the day he found Sebastian's unconscious, injured body. He was barely breathing while the doctors tried their best to stop the blood flow.

Both Alexander and Felicity were undergoing treatment at that time, fighting for their own lives when Alexander received the news of Sebastian's death. His sources confirmed the betrayal Sebastian had to face by everyone in California.

The doctors opposed when Alexander wanted to fly to California. It had not even been two days since they operated and removed the bullet from his chest. Caught in a great dilemma, Alexander didn't know what to do. Neither could he leave Felicity alone, nor did he want to leave Sebastian's body to decay in another country. He wanted a proper funeral for his friend, whom he loved like a brother.

As if God had heard his prayers, Francesco Carlo arrived at the right time. Alexander had requested his father not to tell anyone about Felicity's condition yet as he didn't want his little son to suffer. He was grateful nonetheless when his father visited the hospital. Francesco had assured Alexander that he would keep his daughter-in-law safe until he returned.

Alexander didn't waste any more time and flew to California immediately. He agreed to let the doctor and his nurse accompany him on Felicity's insistence, or else she would be worrying about him.

He went there to retrieve Sebastian's body, but he never thought he would find him alive. He was holding onto life hanging by a thread. The bastards had shot him in the chest, ribs and leg, and there was a deep wound at the left side of his head. Alexander could tell a bullet had brushed past his temple to his skull.

What caught Alexander's attention was Sebastian's right forearm. Just one look and the Mafia Lord knew someone had peeled the skin off with a pocketknife.

Covered in blood, Sebastian was struggling to breathe. Fortunately, someone had called for help before Sebastian could die. Thanking whoever shifted him to the hospital, Alexander arranged for the best doctors overnight to treat Sebastian.

Whoever helped Sebastian, Alexander would've fulfilled their every wish. He would've given them whatever they wanted in return for this favour, but unfortunately, no one knew who the saviour was.

It didn't take time to learn who the backstabber was. The only person missing in this entire episode of the encounter was Sebastian's cousin, Deacon. According to Alexander's source, the team provided for Sebastian's protection was killed and swapped by his enemies. Yet, Sebastian had managed to take down every single one of them.

Alexander wished he could see the dead body of Deacon. He would die in his hands sooner or later anyway.

He met with the police and local detectives, and upon his demand, they agreed to close the case as soon as possible. Alexander's name was enough for them to do his bidding. He didn't disappoint anyone, though. They received a cash lump sum enough to shape their future after retirement.

The report said it was a clash between local underground criminals. Neither Alexander's nor Sebastian's name appeared anywhere in the police records. They offered to help find his daughter, but Alexander refused. He didn't want any more danger to chase Hera. It would be better if no one knew her connection with Alexander for the time being.

Alexander was relieved to know the ex-cop, and his friend John Williams, was not in California when Alexander's enemies attacked his house. He was out of the state on vacation with his family.

A week later, Alexander secretly shifted Sebastian to New York by his private jet. Everyone assumed Sebastian died, and Alexander decided to let them believe so.

"Alexander," Felicity's voice called, and Alexander blinked, drawn out of his reverie. He saw the frown of worry on her beautiful face and smiled at her, assuring her he was fine. However, his smile vanished when he looked at Sebastian. The insides of Alexander's chest clenched painfully. His buddy had suffered a lot for his sake.

'I hope you have a long healthy life, Johnathan. Because you can't die until I get my hands on you.'

Alexander knew he wouldn't find peace until he drills every single bullet of his gun into Johnathan's chest.

Felicity spoke again, demanding her husband's attention.

"What do you think about the doctor's suggestion?" Felicity asked, even though she had already known his answer. Alexander shook his head and looked into Felicity's eyes as if drawing strength from her. He spoke, holding her gaze. "I've given my word to Mike that I'll keep Sebastian alive as long as I can," he admitted. Felicity nodded in understanding and reached out to hold Alexander's hand.

"I know, Felci, Sebastian has suffered a lot, but you know me, I'm a selfish bastard. I don't want to lose him, and Mike doesn't want to lose him either. I don't want to disappoint Mike," Alexander confessed. Felicity kissed her husband's hands and pulled him for a hug. "You won't, Alexander. I know," she stated.

Felicity wiped her tears and decided to change the subject.

"You always said Hera is alive, and I believe everything you say, Alexander. But how are you so sure? How can you still believe that Hera is safe after what they did to Sebastian?" Felicity asked. Alexander detected the hint of doubt and fear in her voice even though she said she believed him.

Alexander smiled at her, and Felicity noticed how it grew wide.

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