Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 231 - One Of The Many Possibilities

Alexander smiled at her, and Felicity noticed how it grew wide.

The genuine smile and the certainty shining in Alexander's green eyes itself was enough to ease her worry, and it sure chased her fears away.

Alexander looked at Sebastian and pressed his hand once in a gentle squeeze, a gesture to show his appreciation.

"Sebastian and I have a specific way of communicating with each other in times of crisis or emergency, and we do it without letting anything out for anyone else to learn about it," Alexander revealed, without taking his eyes off Sebastian. Felicity smiled at the pride and adoration lacing his tone. She knew Alexander trusted Sebastian wholeheartedly.

She listened while Alexander talked. His voice turned a bit hoarse, and Felicity noticed the tears welling up in his eyes once again.

According to their understanding, Sebastian was not supposed to contact Alexander unless his life was in danger or he needed help. When he had made that call, Alexander's lungs jumped into his throat in fright.. But before he could receive it, it got cut off after two rings. That eased his worries to a certain extent.

Sebastian deliberately gave him that missed call. It meant he had made sure Hera was safe and that he wasn't dying.

However, Alexander should've known it had been a warning call. It conveyed the message that maybe he was going to die. But Alexander was too preoccupied with his fear of losing Felicity. Doctors had agreed to place his bed next to Felicity's as he refused to leave her side. The medication made him feel drowsy, and he wasn't allowed to get down from the bed.

Exhausted, Alexander had instructed his men in his half-conscious state to check on Sebastian before giving in to sleep.

Sebastian was aware that Alexander and Felicity had both been shot and would be in the hospital now, so he had made that instant decision not to call Alexander. He didn't want to add more to Alexander's worries. Sebastian knew he was going to die anyway, it was inevitable, and Alexander wouldn't be able to save him as it was too late. 

"If only I could reach out in time, Felci, I could've saved him. It's my fault," Alexander admitted, ashamed of himself for not helping Sebastian. Felicity let him cry his heart out. He had been carrying that burden of guilt on his shoulders for too long. She shifted her chair to sit beside Alexander and let him lean on her shoulder.

Alexander lifted Sebastian's hand, revealing the scar to Felicity. "He might have written a phone number here or someone's name or address for me to contact," he guessed. "Or it could be a number plate of a vehicle," Alexander added. "They have peeled his skin off so that I won't find it," he stated. Felicity gasped in horror at that information. Her eyes widened in fear.

Alexander shook his head and placed a finger on his lips, signalling Felicity not to open her mouth. He didn't want to speak any further in front of Sebastian. How could he let Sebastian believe that he sacrificed his life for nothing? Felicity nodded, understanding what her husband didn't voice out in words.

A nurse knocked on the door, interrupting them. She had come to record Sebastian's vital signs.

"It's getting late, Felci. We should leave now," Alexander declared.

"I'll bring Mike with me next time, Sebastian. Get well soon," Felicity said, kissing goodbye to Sebastian.

Felicity never let go of Alexander's hand. She knew he needed the support as much as she did. Holding hands, they walked out of the hospital, drawing strength from each other's presence.

On their way back, Felicity kept quiet until they reached home. No one could tell by looking at her face how upset she was from inside or how scared she was. The brave woman would never let her guard down in front of outsiders, but Alexander knew the whirlwind of thoughts torturing her mind and heart.

Felicity grabbed Alexander's hand, stopping him in his tracks as soon as they entered the house and shut the door closed. She looked him in the eye, and Alexander could see millions of questions swirling in her hazel eyes. She charged with the most evident one first.

"Does it mean they know, Alexander?" Felicity asked, stating the obvious and Alexander nodded in confirmation. "Yes, Felci, you're right. Someone else knows where Sebastian hid Hera," he said. "Trust me, angel, she's alive," he immediately added when he noticed how terrified Felicity looked. He lifted her into his arms and carried her to the sofa.

Alexander took his seat with her on his lap. He pushed her hair over her shoulders and bracketed her face with his palms. Directing a warm smile filled with assurance at her, he kissed her on the forehead while she looked at him expectantly.

"Whoever Sebastian has entrusted with the responsibility of protecting our daughter, Deacon admitted he saw them jumping into the lake with her," Alexander revealed. Felicity didn't know if that should make her relieved or should she worry, but the calmness on Alexander's face gave her the comfort she was seeking.

"The police didn't find any dead bodies in the lake, and that means they made it safely to their destination," Alexander assured. His men had searched all the hospitals and orphanages in California, and there was no trace of baby Hera. Alexander had contacted John Williams and asked him to move out for his safety. As per his sources, no one visited Williams' house after that shoot out.

Williams had hunted every nook and cranny in the city of Lake Elsinore but couldn't find Alexander's baby anywhere. He had made sure to plant someone trustworthy at his old house in case someone with the information of Alexander's baby tried to reach him. Whoever had Alexander's daughter should know about the letter Alexander wrote for John Williams.

Alexander ordered his men to look for every vehicle that might have passed the road near the lake. Unfortunately, it led them nowhere. Alexander left no stone unturned. To be on the safer side, he had lastly instructed them to visit the regional transport office. The digging finally gave out something that satisfied Alexander's quest.

Two of the officials in the transport office had recently quit their jobs by resigning out of the blue. They had fled the country, and when Alexander's team couldn't reach them, Alexander knew they had changed their identity. It was pretty obvious they wouldn't be staying in one place for too long after changing their identity.

It would require the money and influence as powerful as Alexander's for someone to erase the details of a vehicle from the records and help people flee the country and change their identity. Alexander knew for sure only one person could do that within that short amount of time. It had to be Johnathan.

Felicity gasped at that revelation and covered her mouth with her hands in shock. "Alexander, does it mean Johnathan has Hera?" asked Felicity, disbelief coating her tone.

Alexander shook his head, his lips curving downward. "I don't think so, Felci. If Johnathan had Hera with him, Christopher would've beheaded him by now. I could imagine the vicious King getting his son killed, especially as a form of execution for betraying him," Alexander said and snorted a laugh. Felicity didn't find the humour in that and waited for her husband to explain in detail.

"But I'm sure he knows Hera's whereabouts," Alexander stated, much to Felicity's distress. "I still don't understand, Alexander. If Johnathan knows, then how can you believe he didn't harm Hera?" Felicity asked, sounding heartbroken already.

"Johnathan wouldn't dare lay a finger on Hera. Trust me, sweetheart, he knows he had pissed me to the limit after what he did to you and Sebastian," Alexander said. "There are many possibilities," he started after a few seconds, seeming thoughtful before continuing.

Alexander listed his enemies and the possible location the situation could lead Hera to. The Baresi family topped the list, but Luca had no clue of Alexander's daughter. Unfortunately, Alexander learned about Matteo Baresi's assistance in Johnathan's plan. He wanted to kill him, but Francesco interfered, and Alexander would never go against his father.

Francesco had found a better way to punish Matteo for his betrayal. He had ripped him off his every privilege, the power, money and status, everything. Now the Baresis were no more than the stray dogs salivating over the leftover meat bones. Another reason for letting Matteo live was that Alexander wasn't sure if he was honest about not knowing Hera's whereabouts.

Now Alexander knew Matteo wanted revenge, and he would rather die than help Alexander, so he wouldn't be surprised if he lied about Hera, but Alexander didn't want to risk the chance. He wanted to see if Johnathan kept in contact with the Baresis.

Just like that, everyone got away with their lives, but they all would die the day Hera finds her way back home. Alexander had vowed to kill everyone who betrayed him.

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