Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 258 - Fate Has Brought Him To Her

"By marrying Alexander's son," Christopher declared. 

Gisela's hands dropped to her sides limply. She was beyond shocked after hearing the word marry. Mouth agape, she gawked at her grandfather in stunned silence. It was a blow that could shatter her dreams of meeting Ace, who stole her heart at first sight. Gisela's heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. 

'No, I can't let anyone ruin my dream. I won't.'

Gisela vowed. 

She schooled her fears with her lovely smile, like how she had learned to fake it perfectly. But there was a hint of nervousness when she did this time. After all, it wasn't easy to deceive Christopher Castellanos. 

"Grandpa, don't you think I'm too young for the concept of marriage?" Gisela dared to ask, her words coming out in a broken stutter. Her grandfather smiled fondly at her, understanding her panic about the marriage. 

"My son is dying from inside with guilt, for he couldn't keep his promise of staying by his best friend's side till the end. I want him to be happy as he once used to be," Christopher confessed. Gisela didn't miss the sadness coating his voice and how the light in his eyes dimmed as though he was grieving losing something precious. "I want it to be genuine when he smiles instead of forcing it," the King said. 

Using his cane for support, Christopher got up from his seat and moved to sit beside Gisela. He brushed his palm over her head affectionately before wrapping his arm around her shoulder. Gisela rested her head on his chest, basking in the comfort of love her grandfather's embrace always provided. 

"They were like each other's shadows," the King revealed. He spoke about how Alexander and Alastair would celebrate their success and happiness together. "They would mourn their failures and sadness together as well," Christopher said, sounding nostalgic. He presented the scenario, which indicated how they drifted apart because Alastair got busy with his princely duties. 

"As a commoner, Alexander couldn't understand Alastair's status and his responsibilities or obligations as a royalty. He blamed him for abandoning their friendship and accused him of betrayal when Alastair chose his crown and moved back to Greece after their education," Christopher kept weaving the web of lies to trap naive Gisela with his false sentiments. 

Gisela believed when her grandfather lied through his teeth that he wanted to bring Alexander back into Alastair's life so that his son could once again live a peaceful, purposeful life. He knew Gisela's hesitation even before she voiced it out. She was only fifteen years old, after all. It was natural for her to get scared of the concept of marriage. 

Christopher assured her that he wouldn't force her to marry until she reached the appropriate age. For now, all she had to do was befriend Alexander's son and win over his heart. "Meet him, go on dates with him and understand each other," he suggested. It was too easy to convince Gisela that she would bring immense joy to her father by bringing Alexander's son home. 

"It's the only way to mend their broken friendship," Christopher pronounced. "They both wouldn't turn it down if their kids decided to marry each other," he added. Gisela smiled, her head inclined in a single nod. She would never say no to her grandfather. It wasn't that she was entirely selfless and would sacrifice her happiness in a blink of an eye. 

Gisela was her grandfather's granddaughter in a true sense, for she had inherited the trait of how to influence people's minds around her. Whenever the King commanded or ordered them to do his bidding, Gisela would oblige without any protest, unlike Helena, who would fight back and argue defiantly. 

Gisela wasn't that innocent as she portrayed herself in front of everyone. She would agree to the King's every demand with a smile, but cunningly, she would wear the curtain of sadness in her pretty eyes and would seem heartbroken while doing something she wouldn't want to do willingly. The frown of disappointment she would constantly carry on her face or the way her shoulders seemed to collapse in defeat all the time would eventually earn the King's pity. 

The more one dared to disobey him, the more the King would become outraged. Gisela had learned and mastered the technique from a very early age. She would earn his pity rather than defy him. The King, pleased with her obedience and loyalty, would finally free her from the burden willingly as her reward for her devotion. 

It was her way of earning his trust and making him do her bidding without even knowing. It was how she became his favourite granddaughter. She knew Christopher held her dear to his heart, and she was never ashamed to use it to her advantage. 

She had learnt it from the best after all. 

It was a skill that ran in both grandfather and granddaughter's blood. They both excelled in the art of compelling others to meet their demands without revealing their true self. No one would know how cunning and manipulative they could get or how selfish and vicious they were by nature. 

Christopher took the envelope from the coffee table and gave it to Gisela. "It had the boy's photos inside. He's tall, handsome, rich, intelligent and brave. He meets all requirements for eligibility I prefer in my future grandson-in-law," he admitted, sounding too pleased with that. "And I'm sure you'll like him," he stated. 

Gisela bit her tongue to stop the protest of rejection that fought desperately to come out of her mouth. Smiling her consent, she accepted the envelope which held the power to make or ruin her future. 

"Keep it between us for now, will you?" Christopher asked, already knowing she would. "I don't want anyone to know, especially Helena. You know how reckless and immature she is. I don't want her to ruin my plans with her foolishness," he said, twisting the corners of his mouth in displeasure. 

Christopher had noticed Helena hiding behind the curtains in Gisela's balcony. He had caught a glimpse of her wrist when the air ruffled the curtains. The cheap wristwatch with a simple black belt was too obvious to miss, and he knew it belonged to Helena. She was the only one who would wear such inexpensive accessories in the royal family. 

It was clear that the guard had stopped her from entering, and the silly girl had to defy the King anyway, and Christopher had guessed it right. Helena had rushed to the terrace as soon as the guard denied her entry. Using the short ladder, which the servants had kept for watering the plants in the terrace garden, she had climbed down to Gisela's balcony. 

Disappointed, the King scoffed inwardly at the eavesdropping girl. He purposely told Gisela to keep it a secret from Helena. Curiosity always killed the cat, and Christopher knew the moment Gisela lied to her, Helena would spy and investigate. He hoped that at least, after seeing the photographs of Alexander's son, Helena would realise why Gisela always won the best things in life. 

'Jealousy is a cruel disease, after all.'

Christopher wanted Helena to change her attitude and act her royal self, even if it came at the cost of jealousy. It didn't matter to him if it created a dispute between the two cousins and tainted their bonding. All he wanted was for Helena to get rid of her filthy commoner friends and find someone worthy as Ace Hunter. 

Nudging Gisela's shoulder, the King smiled at her. "Now open the envelope. I want to know your first impression about the boy," he said. Gisela returned his smile, even though she was annoyed and dreaded doing it. 

'As if anyone can hold the candle to my daring and dashing Knight.'

She scoffed inwardly. 

Despite the cry of objection her heart screamed, Gisela would still do it for her father's happiness, and anyway, it wasn't like she had the privilege to offend the King. She couldn't afford it. So, for now, Gisela would gladly side with her grandfather and help his father reunite with his former best friend. She would eventually find a better way to dump the boy in question at the right time. 

"Whatever, Grandpa, I would do anything for you. I have promised, haven't I?" Gisela asked, planting a pleasing smile on her lips. Christopher kept his eyes on her face to study her expression while she pulled the photograph out of the envelope with her thumb, index and middle finger. 

Gisela gasped audibly. Her eyes widened to their fullest, and her breath hitched as she slowly drew the picture out. Delicate, slender fingers gripped the object firmly as her hand shook. Her heart skyrocketed as she felt the surge of adrenaline rush flooding through her glands. She was stunned but pleasantly surprised and bit her lip to tame the smile that fought to scatter across her mouth. 

Gisela couldn't believe her luck. The one whom she was looking for everywhere, fate has itself brought him in front of her. 

Smiling charmingly at her through the picture was her Knight, her dream boy, Ace, the one she was desperate to meet. 

"Grandpa," Gisela called. She wanted to say something but couldn't form a coherent sentence as her mind was still in a haze. Her heart kept thudding violently against her ribs, threatening to break out of her chest. 

Christopher leaned back and smirked in satisfaction at her reaction. She seemed smitten already. He couldn't blame the girl, though. The boy had that charisma demanding undivided attention from whoever laid eyes on him. 

'Half the work has been done.'

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