Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 259 - She Wanted To Sleep Forever

A muffled weird sound came out of her throat as Hera growled in anger. 

Someone forced pulled the duvet off her face, intensifying the level of her frustration. She had her eyes squeezed shut while her teeth assaulted her bottom lip trapped between them. 

'For fuck's sake, leave me alone.'

Hera let out a series of curses mentally. 

The headache was being a bitch, and Hera wanted nothing more than to bury herself under the earth. As usual, she tried using the duvet to conceal her existence from the ex-best friends crowded in the room. It seemed to be a futile attempt since someone had decided to torment her already. 

Hera reluctantly opened her eyes to come face to face with Clara. "What do you want, Clara?" Hera snapped, not bothering to hide the annoyance. 

Clara pushed the duvet to the corner at her feet and placed a paper bag in front of her. Hera could guess from the sweet aroma what was inside. She was half expecting Hunter to come with the food since she didn't have her dinner. But she knew better not keep her hopes high. 

She grabbed her phone and checked the time. It was half-past ten already, and Hunter didn't come to see her yet. Nor did she receive any message or a call from him. 

As though she could read her mind, Clara spoke, confirming her doubt. "Your boyfriend won't come with your food because he doesn't know you're expecting him," Clara said. She smiled at the deepening frown on Hera's face. Hera hated the pity Clara's eyes held. "He didn't come for dinner either, nor did any of his friends," Clara informed. 

Hera's heart dropped to her stomach in disappointment. If Hunter didn't know she skipped her dinner and was now starving, then he wasn't coming to her anytime soon. He would've never let her sleep with an empty stomach if he had known she didn't eat. 

Hera decided to skip her dinner because she wasn't ready to face Hunter's anger yet. Though he listened and agreed to let go of Noel as per her demand, she knew it would take time for his anger to cool down. After all, it wasn't easy for Hunter to follow Hera's request after what Bianca had accused. Noel was lucky that Hunter let him go. 

'If none of them came to dinner, then it means Hunter has gone out with his friends.' 

Hera guessed, anger and jealousy clouding her mind. 

'Of course, he would take his best friend out. His sunshine must be pretending to be upset.'

She thought indignantly. 

"Don't starve and punish yourself for something which is not your fault. I know you can't endure hunger for too long," Clara said, pulling Hera out of her thoughts. Hera watched while Clara opened the container and placed the food in front of Hera, demanding she eats it. "Don't go to bed with an empty stomach. You won't be able to sleep," Clara said in disapproval. 

Nervously, Hera glanced around as she felt eyes on her. Hillary was watching their exchange with keen interest, prying for more gossip, no doubt. Adelaide was glaring at Hera, clearly not impressed by the friendly approach Clara had towards her. 

Brittany and Celine hesitantly assembled at Hera's bed. "Since Clara and you are on talking terms again, does it mean we can all be best friends again like we used to be?" Celine asked, sounding hopeful. "I hope so," Brittany was quick to add. Hera smiled half-heartedly, which seemed more like a grimace. 

Hera was angry that Hunter was with his friends, having a good time, no doubt, whereas she struggled with all the burden of guilt. 

She used to smile and laugh and have fun with her friends once upon a time. With hot tears stinging the inside of her eyes, Hera reluctantly took a first bite of the food Clara brought for her. She didn't refuse to eat because she wasn't a heartless bitch to not acknowledge the gesture Clara showed. 

Hera couldn't dare look Clara in the eyes and speak. 

Meanwhile, her friends sat on her bed, watching her. One of them offered water for her, and another held a tissue when Hera sniffled. Not knowing how to respond, Hera took the tissue, and she ate her food, shedding tears and blowing her nose in between. 

It brought back the sweet memories Hera had once relished with her best friends. 

Hera finished her food and took medicine for her headache. She was thankful that her friends didn't force her to speak and left her alone to rest afterwards. Lying on her bed, Hera closed her eyes and pretended to sleep. She was waiting for the lights to turn off, counting seconds. 

She heard a series of goodnights as her friends wished one another before going to bed, except sleep wouldn't come to Hera as everything that happened at school kept flashing behind her closed eyelids. 

Clara's pity or caring approach or whatever it was made Hera feel even guiltier. Adding more to her miseries, Hunter didn't reach out. Hot salty water warmed her temples as they flew out from the corners of her closed eyelids. She was angry that he didn't care enough to check on her. 

'You're proving Noel right, Hunter.'

Noel had said that Hera would never be Hunter's priority when it comes to his friends. It dawned on Hera that Hunter did choose his friends over her. She recalled how he had yelled at her to shut her mouth when she was speaking to Michael. Hunter couldn't stand it when Hera blamed Bianca. 

'Even though I was only stating the truth.'

Her eyes shed tears continuously, the tissue in her hand soaked wet and useless now. She turned to her side and pulled the duvet over her head. Hunter had accused Noel of misbehaving with Bianca, yet he didn't think twice before leaving Hera alone with the said culprit. 

'If Noel is the bad guy, then how did you leave me alone with him, Hunter?'

'Don't you care for your goddess anymore?'

'You chose your sunshine over me. You're so unfair, Hunter.'

Hera wished to see Hunter. She wanted his arms around her and needed him to console her. She wanted to hear him say she held a special place in his heart and that she was important to him. 

When Noel, Clara, and Adelaide were attacking her emotionally, Hera couldn't take it anymore, nor could she object to any of the things they said since they only spoke the truth. Overcome with emotions, Hera was shell-shocked and couldn't utter a word against them. 

She couldn't thank her lucky stars enough when she heard the bell ringing. She watched while Noel warned Adelaide and Clara that they would receive detention if they were late for their class and demanded they leave. "I'm never leaving you alone, no matter what," Clara had said, much to Hera's surprise. "And I don't care about detention. You're more important to me," Hera had heard Adelaide say. 

They were all busy arguing when the second bell went off. Without wasting another second, Hera grasped the opportunity and made a beeline to the new building where her classroom was. She managed to escape Noel and Clara's accusing eyes, but everything they said kept echoing in Hera's thoughts throughout the day. 

By the time her first class after the lunch break ended, Hera's headache had intensified. She would've pretended to be sick and skip the rest of her classes anyway. With her teacher's permission, she visited the infirmary at school. The pain reliever tablet had helped her sleep off her grief till the evening. 

Hera wished if only she could sleep forever. She was tired of causing distress to people around her. Because of Hunter's possessiveness, all her friends had suffered in some or another way. She couldn't get rid of the images of Noel writhing in pain on the ground when Hunter hit him mercilessly. 

It brought back the memories she so wanted to erase forever. It reminded her of the day when Nathan disappeared from school as well as her life. 

What Noel suffered today was nothing in comparison to what Nathan went through. Hera felt ashamed that she forgot so soon about what Hunter did to Nathan, and she forgave him just like that. 

'Why are you so cruel, Hunter?'

'Why is it so easy for you to hurt people both physically and emotionally?'

Hera couldn't find answers to her questions, but she was desperate to find them. 

She thought of Andrew and hoped he was safe and alive. Hera squeezed her eyelids and pursed her lips to not to make any sound. She hardly managed to control the sob that constricted her throat. At last, Clara and Noel succeeded in planting doubt in her mind. She wondered if Hunter killed Nathan and Andrew for real. 

Noel had suggested using him to make Hunter feel the hurt of betrayal. Hera hated that she was actually considering his advice. Shouldn't Hunter know or feel what Hera was going through? Why should she suffer alone? Hera couldn't help but wish Hunter to suffer with her. She was only a human, after all. 

'You know the feeling, Hera, and I know it too. But don't you think it's so unfair on us that he doesn't know that feeling?'

Noel's question kept ringing in Hera's ears. 

Hera recalled her vow to make Hunter understand her pain. She did want him to know how it felt when your lover cheated on you. Hera decided she wouldn't miss an opportunity when the time would come. 

With that thought lingering on her mind, Hera drifted off to sleep as the effect of medicine kicked in.

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